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Everything posted by Sharlow45

  1. Thanks Marc! I sent an email to your friend just now. Scott
  2. Yeah, pretty hard to find in good shape. I have a pretty beat promo copy I picked up at a yard sale in Detroit a year ago and have been looking for a clean one ever since. Thanks for the tip on Manship. I'm hoping to find a cleaner one somewhere. The level on the pressing is so low that it condition becomes really important. Scott
  3. Hello, I am trying to hunt down a clean white label promo copy of The Embraceables "Let My Baby Go/Here I Go" on Sidra 9010. There is a white label promo release and a blue-green standard issue release. I am only looking for the promo. Cash or trades for a clean one! Email me @ scottdharlow@yahoo.com. Thanks! Scott Harlow
  4. Hello, I'm looking for any information about a record dealer named Jeremy Thomas. Jeremy was selling records on ebay under the name jaddyhilton. I am going through a really negative experience with Jeremy right now, and am trying to query the record collecting populus to see if others have had similar experiences. Never buy a record from Jeremy Thomas. For more details, visit the soulstrut and fryer mantis forums. Thanks! Scott
  5. I've got a few rarities up for sale on ebay! Van Dellos Marvin Smith Tom Storm Little Foxes Dynamic Tints As well as some rare LPs going up in about an hour. Low reserves - Check them out! ebay listings
  6. I have listed The Pearls Shooting High/Can I Call You Baby 45 on Lamp Records out of Indianapolis on ebay right now. Check it out by searching for "Pearls 45" on ebay. Email me at scottdharlow@yahoo.com with any questions. Scott

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