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Everything posted by Sharlow45

  1. Thanks Gary, I have spent a lot of time creating it.
  2. Hi guys, Here are clips of both sides for you to listen to: Getting Mighty Close Princess Of My Dreams Also, I have a website at www.midwest45s.org Feel free to peruse and enjoy! Scott
  3. I'll try to get some .mp3 clips of it made and up in the next couple of days so you guys can hear. Scott
  4. I was just listening to the Combinations on Ark-Lark. Not really a northern sound but still very excellent.....and CHEAP!
  5. Has anybody ever heard of this Chicago soul record?: Delon Washington - Getting Mighty Close/Princess of My Dreams - Lovelite 101 Getting Mighty Close is kind of Northern/Modern kind of tune while Princess of My Dreams is sweet soul. Picked one up here in Chicago and can't find any information about it anywhere. I'm not sure it would appeal to a straight northern taste, but it might.
  6. Demo. Expensive styrene records make me nervous. I actually work for a company that makes record needles and feel well informed about what is improper and proper needle usage, but I've seen styrene records just go completely burnt in one or two plays on tables/needles that seemed up to spec. Then I've seen styrene records like Don Gardner's "My Baby Likes To Boogaloo" that you could play on an old school record router like a Califone 20 times and hear no degradation??? I guess it boils down to the quality of materials.
  7. Good question. To be completely honest, I have not listened to it yet as I was out of cleaning solution last night and I did not want to play it before I got a chance to clean it. It looked glossy but had stored out of the sleeve scuffiness. Upon a listen, I may find it in worse or better condition than it appears.
  8. I may sell it. I just picked it up yesterday, though, and will probably want to spend a couple months with it in my box before letting it go.
  9. Which side is it more in demand for? The sweet soul side or the more northern side? Scott
  10. Hi guys, Anybody have any idea what Devotions - Do Do De Dop on Nation is worth in VG- condition?
  11. Hey there, Anybody on here have an extra copy of this record?? I need it. NEED IT! $$$ or trades. Scott
  12. Cool Bob, I'll definitely be sending an email you way!
  13. Ha, now that you mention it, I think you were standing right beside me when I bought that Willie Cager from Meaty. For some reason, I hadn't made the connection of that being a Contact record. I took a listen to the Paulette. It seems decent, but nothing totally blowing me away about it. Speaking of Chicago deep soul tracks, I heard the Twinight comp for the first time last night. There was this one deepish track that really hit me quite hard by George McGregor And The Bronzettes - Temptation Is Hard To Fight. How hard is this to turn up? Definitely in the market! Will be checking out some of your interviews today man, great job getting this history recorded!
  14. Hey, whats up Bob, So, is that it? Just three records on the label? I'm a big fan of this Anita record and the Traits as well. Do you know where to fetch a clip of the Paulette record? Scott
  15. That is a scary avatar that you have there gasher, but I guess it fits your name. My side is definitely the Secretly side. As far as trading or selling, probably eventually but not right now. I'm too attached. : )
  16. I just picked this record up in my neighborhood this past weekend. Fantastic tune! How many records were on this Contact label? The only other one I know of is The Traits. Who was Anita Anderson? Fill me in! I made an .mp3 of the record for the unfamiliar: Anita Anderson - Secretly - Contact
  17. Hi Everybody, Have some good Chicago and Detroit 45s up on ebay right now: Terry Callier - Ordinary Joe Butch Baker - Batman At The GoGo Al Hudson - I'm About Lovin' You Artistics - This Heart Of Mine Denise LaSalle - A Love Reputation and more.... Check them out here! https://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZsharlow45QQhtZ-1 Scott
  18. Thanks for your help guys! Scott
  19. Yep, saw that one on ebay. Ended without a bid. I tried to PM seller to see if he would sell for a bit lower than his minimum. Would kind of like a bit fresher copy. And yeah, great record, I've been really taken aback lately with the drum sounds and overall energy some of the earlier R&B records achieve like this one, Dusty Wilson on Bronse, or this Jeb Stuart record "Big Blue World" on Pure Gold that I just picked up. The latter floors me with just incredible musicianship. Scott
  20. Hey yall, Been a lookin for that Nelson Sanders on Petcol. Love the old rough R&B sounds. Anyone have a copy for sale or trade? Or can recommend an equally lovely rawish sound? Scott
  21. Hey everybody, I've got some good Chicago and Detroit northern records up on ebay right now: Wade Flemons - Jeanette Gino Washington - Girl Here I Am Quantrells on Yambo Don Gardner - Is This Really Love And many more! Check them out here: https://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZsharlow45QQhtZ-1 Thanks, Scott
  22. Cool, thanks for the info guys. So there was an LP and a CD released? I really like the background harmony, such an interesting quality to it. I imagine the rest of the album is good too? Scott
  23. Just heard Bobby Womack's "See Me Through" for the first time on soulclub.org. Was this ever released on a single or an LP or on any record? I can't find any trace of this on internet searches except on a recent compilation of Bobby Womack and The Valentinos. Any help? I really like this track. Scott scottdharlow@yahoo.com
  24. Cash or trade for this one. Never even seen this one. Pretty rare? Excellent tune.

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