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Everything posted by Sharlow45

  1. Here's a scan too: I'll put up a soundclip too if anybody's interested.
  2. Anybody got a spare of this one? If so, please PM or email me. Scott
  3. Picked this record up yesterday: Barbara & Gwen - Just the Two Of Us/I Love My Man - New Chicago Sound NCS-6921 Anybody familiar with it? Google search doesn't turn up much. A-side is midtempo danceable. B-side is an excellent deep soul ballad. Scott
  4. Glad it got there safely! Glad you're happy with it! Scott
  5. Hi everybody, I've got a lot of good Northern classics up on ebay right now including some major rarities like Yvonne Vernee - Just Like You Did Me and Delon Wahsington - Getting Mighty Close. Please check out my auctions here: sharlow 45 ebay auctions Thanks! Scott
  6. boba, I thought that Rob talked to Twig? I know he said he talked to somebody who was involved with the group, maybe it wasn't Twig. Whoever he talked to didn't know of any other records on the label either. reforee, maybe this memphis label is connected somehow? Do you know the label number, artist, and song title of this "Man in Black" record, or are you saying that Johnny Cash has a record on the label? chalky, Here's a soundfile - Pretty much doo-wop. https://www.midwest45s.org/IndianaSoul/TheS...eeJay_BJ004.mp3 I thought the whole Bee-Jay name was pretty clever for a Gary, IN label....riffing off of that other famous Gary, IN label....Vee-Jay. Scott
  7. I am happy to see that Brad's reputation as a class dude precedes him. All the positive comments said about him above are completely true and warranted. Yes, he is forgetful sometimes and slow to respond to email sometimes. The best way to contact him is to call him. But, for real, Brad would give you the clothes off his back, a bed to sleep in, food, and the rarest record in his collection if you needed it and not think twice. In fact, I feel like he has done that for me multiple times. Crack heads walk into his store in Detroit with $5000 dollar records and he pays them the same overly fair price he would pay a reluctant collector selling his collection. I saw a homeless man completely lose his mind and jump for joy when he saw Brad walking across the street in Detroit, yelling "It's Brad, yaaaaay, It's Braaaadddd!" When it comes to records in Detroit, Brad is like Jesus. He is one my personal heroes.
  8. Hey everybody, I just picked up a Gary, IN sweet soul record by the Swinging Allusions. The records shows a label number of B.J.-003 for the A-side and B.J.-004 for the B-side, making me think there must be another record on the label B.J-001 with flip B.J.-002. I haven't talked to anybody who has ever heard of another record on the label, but I thought I would try my luck here to see if anybody has ever seen one. Here is a scan of the 45 that I just picked up to help jog memories. Pretty hard to forget a label design like this: So, has anybody ever seen another record on the label? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! Scott
  9. Yeah, it's from Ohio. You can hear a clip on my website at: https://www.midwest45s.org/OhioFunk/Mifflin...rience_clip.mp3 I had a copy, but gave it to a friend whose dad went to Mifflin. I must admit that I am very surprised someone is looking for this record. Did you go to Mifflin?
  10. The label numbers are the same for both versions - KT0010. The purplish label one was pressed at Rite, whereas the brownish label one was pressed elsewhere. The flip side is the same version on both records, although the Rite pressing is mixed better and pressed better on the flip side. The A-side is a completely different song between the versions, very different tempos. I like the uptempo brownish version myself. I'm guessing this is the first version.
  11. Hi everybody, I wanted to formally introduce a website that I have created @ www.midwest45s.org. I have worked over the past few years to create this site devoted to Midwestern soul, gospel, and funk from the states of Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinios. I created it in order to expose and underexposed music to people who wish to learn. There are pages of label scans for each state/genre with sound clips for every record. Hopefully, there will be some new ones for some of you guys. Underknown soul highlights include Ben Brown on Steeltown on the Indiana Soul page and Delon Washington on the Illinois Soul page. Enjoy! https://www.midwest45s.org Scott
  12. OK, $125 is the current high bid. Unless, I hear $150 before the end of the day, I'll be closing this one out. Thanks! Scott
  13. Hi Gary, I hear you on both points. It's such a simple and beautiful song that really strikes me. And the condition is a shame. The other copy plays around VG. But, of course, I am hoping to be able to get that one for myself.
  14. No offers on this yet. Any bid will be considered!
  15. Oops, sorry the link had https:// written twice. Here is a link that works: LIFE
  16. Hi everybody, I was fortunate enough to spend some time with someone this past weekend who recently came across two copies of a completely unknown Gary, IN 45 from the early 70s by a band called the Everyday People. I am more excited about this record than anything I have heard in quite a while. To me, it represents the kind of sound I always expected to hear out of Gary, but never found on Gary records. This record was recorded at Bud Pressner's studios and shows a label address not too far down the street from Gordon Keith's Gary address listed on the Enchanting Enchanters 45. It's the only record from Pressner's studios that I have heard that sounds like this. The A-side of this record is a basement soul ballad called "Life" that laments the struggles of everyday life over this beautiful harmony and including this flute passage that totally fucks me up in the end. To me, the only Gary record besides maybe Trouble that puts the Gary struggle onto wax properly. The B-side is a raw funk rendition of "Slipping Into Darkness." By far the most raw funk cut to come out of Gary, and the type of sound that I would have expected from Gary. Full on with vocal harmony and Cohran-ish horns, interesting arrangement, and that raw edge. So, here's the deal. My friend has two copies of this record, and I begged him to sell me one. He cut a deal with me saying that if I shopped the record around on the various websites and could get a decent price for the record, he would sell me the other copy. Attached below is a scan and links to full sound clips of both sides of the actual record for sale. This record is unfortunately in rough condition. The "Slipping" side plays G-. Starts out really rough but improves as it goes. The "Life" side plays G+. If you are interested, please make an offer by PMing me or emailing scottdharlow@yahoo.com. I'll bring the best offer to my friend and see if a deal can be worked out. LIFE SLIPPING INTO DARKNESS Thanks! Scott
  17. Still looking everybody. Anybody?? Anyone??
  18. Three hours left!! A few deals to be had! Scott
  19. Yeah, I picked up a pretty beat up copy from Brad in Detroit recently. He hadn't seen it before, nor had many other people I talked to. The instrumental side has a kind of melancholy hip hop instrumental sound that a lot of us American kids get into. The harmony is ace on the vocal side. Will keep looking.....
  20. Hey all, Looking for a VG+ or better copy of: The Expos "Your Best Friend And Me"/inst. on Stall. Thanks, Scott PM or email at scottharlow@yahoo.com
  21. Hi everybody, I just put up a number of excellent rare Chicago and Detroit pieces. All have complete sound clips. Please check them out here: https://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZsharlow45 Thanks, and if you have any questions just let me know! Scott
  22. This song is great! If any of you who have copies feel tepid about it and would like to sell or trade your copy, I would love to oblige! PM or email to scottdharlow@yahoo.com. BTW, this record was recorded at Bud Pressner's studio, but not pressed there. Maybe BP pressings sound so bad because the Gary air pollution works its way into the pressing process! ; ) Thanks, Scott
  23. Hey guys, I was just reintroduced to this record, and I am feeling it a lot. I have embarked on a journey into the world of Gary music, and I see this record as a necessity. If anyone has a spare for sale, please let me know. I would pay well for it. PM or email at scottdharlow@yahoo.com. Thanks, Scott
  24. Yeah, I was questioning the club appeal. Although, there are some northern favorites that I feel the same way about. I have a hard time judging.
  25. So did anybody listen to the clips?? Any comments? What do you guys think of the Delon Washington record??

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