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Everything posted by Sharlow45

  1. Hey Kip, Yeah I feel like I was able to sort most of the different pressings out. There's still some remaining questions as to whether the "354" deadwax version really exists or if it is just a different interpretation of "356" due to legibility. If anybody has the "354" version and could post a picture of the deadwax here that would be great. Also looking for the runout matrix for the Numero reissue if anybody has that handy. All I know is that it contains NUM045, but I don't have the whole sequence. Kip, I added the version I bought from you to discogs here: https://www.discogs.com/release/21426853-Skys-The-Limit-Dont-Be-Afraid And also made updates where appropriate to the other versions. Here is a link to the master release that links to all 5 versions https://www.discogs.com/master/1312317-Skys-The-Limit-Dont-Be-Afraid If anybody sees anything wrong with these entries, let me know. Kip, If you ever want to sell that Galabooches, let me know! I don't have a ton of garage, but maybe I could find something to trade.
  2. So would be interesting to hear other people's opinions, but to me it sounds like the exact same take just mastered a little bit different between the two. And it could be our record needles just having a different frequency response causing some of that difference, hard to say, but sounds like a bigger difference than I would expect purely from a different cartridge. On the 2nd version, the drums just sound a lot cleaner and I hear reverb on them. I don't hear much reverb at all on the drums in the first version, and they generally sound more muffled. What do you guys hear? Thanks for putting these up. And still looking for anybody who has the version with "354" in the deadwax to put up a clip so we can compare that one as well.
  3. Here's the flip side. If you upload yours we can compare that too. People always said the Side B's of the different versions were the same, but we can check. And yeah, same Junei on Pharaohs. He's got a facebook page, Willie Junei Lee Jr., you can check out. skyisthelimit 45 - sideB.mp3
  4. Hi Docfish, My version isn't the original version, but I can confidently say at this point that it was a 2nd version made around the same time. The runout matrix includes "RFS/MC", which means it was mastered by Robert F. Sowell at Master Control mastering studio in Nashville. Looking at discogs, you only find original pressing Sowell mastered records from 1970-1979, and so I think the mastering of my version could only be in that time frame. It makes sense that IRDA would have used Master Control since they were both in Nashville. It's good that clue was there, or I really wouldn't be sure. My copy came from a family in Gary, Indiana where the group was from with a bunch of 60s-80s 45s, and it looks and feels like a 70s pressing so that would be all I have to go on if it weren't for the "RFS/MC" lead. All the copies have Robert Lee's name on them somewhere. The yellow label original has his name on the writing credits. The Numero bio of the band that was posted above in the thread talks about the history of the yellow label original and how the record was picked up for national distribution by Nashville's IRDA and pressed on the white label. So, we can be confident that the yellow was the true original. And yeah, I'm a big fan of Robert Lee. I own his entire discography except for the other version of this record. I've talked to his brother Junei and his old roomate and bassist Frank Russell, but he personally, though still alive, does not want to be found.
  5. OK thanks Docfish, that matches what is considered the "original" or first version, the same version the yellow label og press plays and that the Numero reissue plays. So we can confidently say that the your version, which reads A-side (inscribed): NR 7730-1 IRDA-356-A 2E B-side (inscribed): NR 7730-2 IRDA-356-B 2E Plays the original version. The question I was trying to ask that may have confused you was just whether you were completely sure that the runout for the A-side has "356" in it and not "354" since Muscle Shoals was saying that on his copy it was hard to tell if it was a "6" or a "4". If you're sure your runout has "356", then I just need to find someone with the version that reads: A-side (inscribed): NR 7730-1 IRDA-354-A 2E B-side (inscribed): NR 7730-2 IRDA-356-B 2E To see what version this plays. Does anybody have this version that they could compare to these two sound files above?
  6. Hi Docfish, OK great thanks, and you're sure it's a "6" and not a "4" per Muscle Shoals" description? Do you know what version it plays? I have attached an .mp3 of my version with this deadwa: A-side (inscribed): IRDA-356-A-RE-2 B-side (inscribed): IRDA-356-B RFS/MC Is yours the same or different? skyisthelimit 45 - sideA.mp3
  7. That does offer up a nice simple explanation! Does anybody reading this with a copy of the 2nd version of this record (the one with more keyboard on the A-side) have deadwax markings reading: A-side (inscribed): NR 7730-1 IRDA-356-A 2E B-side (incribed): NR 7730-2 IRDA-356-B 2E Or do they read: A-side (inscribed): IRDA-356-A-RE-2 B-side (inscribed): IRDA-356-B RFS/MC This latter is what Olliewtf's and my copy read. If enough people have the latter and none the former, I think we could close the case.
  8. Hi Olliewtf, did you ever get any closure on this? I picked up this 45 today at a record show in Chicago with the same deadwax markings: A-side (inscribed): IRDA-356-A-RE-2 B-side (inscribed): IRDA-356-B RFS/MC I was initially worried because the deadwax markings don't match any of the official versions notated on discogs. I was thinking it might be the Numero reissue, but I think those have another set of deadwax markings that include "NUM". The seller also said that the record came from a family in Gary with nothing but 60s-80s 45s in the box and other 70s Gary 45s like Staff label stuff. So, seemed like a legit origin story for the record. It also just looks like a 70s press and shows some age/browing a bit. Discogs has 2 different 70s IRDA white label versions, but neither of them have the deadwax markings I listed above. Discogs has these: Version 1: Matrix / Runout (Engraved [Side A]): NR 7730-1-IRDA-354-A 2E Matrix / Runout (Engraved [Side B]): NR 7730-2 IRDA-356-B 2E Version 2: Matrix / Runout (Runout Side A ): NR 7730-1 IRDA-356-A 2E Matrix / Runout (Runout Side B): NR 7730-2 IRDA-356-B 2E For the version 2 entry, I wasn't sure if anybody had a record with those actual deadwax markings or if it was just a misinterpretation of somebodys comments in the notes that stated: "It has the same labels as Sky's The Limit (3) - Don't Be Afraid but has "IRDA-356-A" engraved in the runouts." I could see that someone might take that comment, look at the Version 1 deadwax entries and think that the Version 2 was the same deadwax just changing IDRA-354-A to IRDA-356-A and keeping the rest. Hopefully I can sort all this out. It looks like there's either three versions of the IRDA promo press or the deadwax marking are notated incorrectly for Version 2 on discogs.
  9. Thanks for sharing. I met with Ed around 2004. I was at the University of Michigan and was writing a paper on the Detroit studio scene of the 1960s and interviewed him several times for that. I got the same treatment it sounds like as several mentioned here. Sat in the living room and listened to Golden World acetates played at maximum volume through Ed's Klipsch horn speakers and the music never sounded so good, went upstairs to the studio to listen to Funkadelic master tapes, looked through all the old studio and artist photos he took, got dinner with Sue and Artie Fields. Ed had a wealth of knowledge and really was in the center of it all, I'm glad a lot of this history got transmitted out before his passing. I got an A+ on my paper thank to him! RIP Ed Wolfrum.
  10. The 3D printer concept opens up a whole new world, e.g. 92% original press 8% 3D printed.
  11. Hi Everybody, Big lot of solid 45s up on ebay: https://www.ebay.com/sch/sharlow45/m.html Some highlights include: * Alice Clark - You Hit Me * Ricky Allen - Cut You Lose * Young Jessie - I Smell A Rat * Ebonees - Dancin' Freak * Clausel - Let Me Love You * Tarantula Ghoul - King Kong * Soul Superiors - Faith * Dynamics - I Need Your Love * Nedra - Get Up And Dance * Sugarpie Desanto - I Cry Alone * Formula Group - Gotta Get Away * O.J. Smith on Soul West * Eddie Holman - I Surrender * Ringleaders - Baby What Has Happened * Don Gardener - Is This Really Love * Bloodstone - Just Wanna Get The Feel Of It * Neptunes - Girl That's An Awful Thing To Say * Artistics - This Heart Of Mine .....many more. Thanks for checking them out! Scott
  12. Hi Everybody, I have the following 45 for sale. Excellent modern soul cut for the dancefloor with gorgeous harmony. Clausel - Let Me Love You/(same) - Up Right U-100001 Condition is VG++ to M-. Price is 70 GBP If interested, please PM. Check feedback for my ebay ID sharlow45 for confidence. Thanks, Scott
  13. The YouTube clip takes the minute and a half clip I had on ebay and copies the first minute of the clip and appends it onto the end, making it a 2 and a half minute clip. There has been so much misinformation put out there about this record, it's mind boggling. Eventually, I or boba through his radio show will be providing full mp3s to the world. I want to give the auction winner some time to have exclusive access to the record in its fullness. What a treat in this day and age to have an amazing soul record that is not available on YouTube. And Boba was correct in an earlier thread saying that there are actually two versions of this record. They have identical labels but different deadwax markings. The versions are similar but clearly different mixes with slightly different instrumentations as well. This should only serve to make the mystique of this record that much greater. There are only three copies of this 45 out there in the world in the hands of credible sources, and two different versions accounted for in those three. Amazing. I have passed the deadwax information on to Manship for inclusion into his next guide.
  14. It's a novelty record that has a sound that appeals to the R&B side of me, sort of odd but charming. On a recent Keb Darge comp. Pretty sure this thing is a boot because it feels flimsy, but it looks identical to the Craig Moerer auction on popsike and not identical to the represses on ebay. I
  15. Picked up a copy of Tarantual Ghoul - Graveyard Rock and trying to see if it is the repress or not. I was wondering if anybody has an original and could tell me the deadwax numbers?
  16. Hi Everybody, I've got a nice size auction of Northern Soul, Modern Soul, and R&B up on ebay. https://shop.ebay.com/sharlow45/m.html?_trksid=p4340.l2562 Some rare highlights include: Maurice Jackson on Soulville Ernest Mosley on La-Cindy Johnny McCall on Al-Teen Ringleaders on M-Pac Jo Jo Petite on Boss Lo End on New World Sheppards on Mirwood David Martin on Rekord Attractions on June Bug Fabulous Verbs on Camaro Thanks, Scott
  17. Few hours left on these. Lots of good stuff!
  18. Hi Everybody, I have a nice solid auction of 250+ soul, R&B, modern soul, and boogie 45s on ebay. A lot of clean stuff in this lot too that came out of a massive local Chicago 60s collection that was all in sleeves. https://shop.ebay.com/sharlow45/m.html Clean copies of: * Conquistadores on Signett * Accents on One-Derful * Paul Smith on Jacklyn * Jack Montgomery on Scepter * Geraldine Hunt on Bombay * The Tears on Smash * The Entertainers on Symbol * The Fiestas on Old Town * Jimmy Hudson on Cle An Thair * Harvey And Seven Sounds on Cuca * Holly Maxwell on Constellation * Dan Penn on Fame * Jo Ann Garret on Chess * Ideals - Go Get A Wig * Vontastics - I'll Never Say Goodbye * Theresa Lindsey - It's Love * Velvelettes - Lonely Lonely Girl and much much more... Thanks for looking! Scott
  19. A few hours left on these. Please take a look. Thanks! Scott
  20. Hi guys, I have a nice large lot of rare northern and modern soul 45s up on ebay right now. Please check them out: https://shop.ebay.com/sharlow45/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340 Jimmy Burns on Erica The Summits on United International Wade Flemons - Jeanette Gloria & The T-aira's Ralph Johnson on Master Key and many many more Scott
  21. DC thought it was a Wichita, KS group, saying its the Smart Bros with a group in front. It's certainly a Chicago pressing. I found this copy on the South Side, so maybe that helps the south side group argument?
  22. Too far gone to sell. And a record I would keep anyway. Ultimate Chicago anthem.
  23. I need this record in my life. Please, anybody.
  24. I've got a cracked copy. : (
  25. Bump. There's one on eBay right now but it's condition is shot. Anyone got a spare!?

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