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Everything posted by dolphin

  1. Hello, I think you are right with the 16 hour All Dayer at the Top Rank, Hanley. It was Sunday 23rd December 1973. Me and my mate Paul ran a bus to it from the Goole/Selby area. I can't remember if Major Lance should have been on Live though. I remember going into work on Christmas Eve straight from the Dayer and having the p*ss taken out of me because of my attire. F*cking Divs !!
  2. Myself and a few mates queued for an hour to see ML at the Outlook in Donny in 73 only to be told he'd cancelled the gig. Ended up going to a div disco in town and bought Ain't No Soul on original Okeh from the DJ...so not a complete waste of a night. Stupot of Snaith
  3. dolphin

    goole crew

    Bloody hell Pete I didn't know these photos existed. Your "unknown mystery man" is Heppy, aka Andrew Hepworth. I think Sam Andrews is also stood in the rear. I certainly needed a visit to the barbers. You've also got my old Moggie 1000 on some of the photos, unbelievable !!!
  4. Get well soon Ian, hope you pull through and make a full recovery. I echo what both Spot and Arthur (Fenn) said. The best parts of my life were spent in the Highland room. Venue number 1 for me thanks to you and Colin and the sounds you discovered and played. Stupot, Snaith, E Yorks

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