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Roger Williams

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Everything posted by Roger Williams

  1. And taking us full circle to what kicked this off in the first place, what the f*ck is it to do with anyone else if people want to play CDs at their northern soul event?
  2. I actually agree with you Conrad, it would be wrong for them (and the rest of the stalwarts from the previous events like Mark Randle, Fish etc.) to be ditched, Richard's not daft, I'm sure he'll take it all into consideration. And then draft in Andyterrygarybobbiggermikedeanjimjohn anyway!! I'm not involved, and wouldn't want to be, I never liked the event and the place is a smelly dump, but I'm actually very very intrigued to see what the final line up will be myself.
  3. Plus they're your best mates, but that would have nothing to do with it, would it.
  4. I quoted you, Rod, but I wasn't referring to your gig in particular, it was a general statement mate, sorry for any misunderstanding. You actually sound like me on the modern soul forums about eight or nine years ago - sadly Rod, like it or not, anyone with a genuine passion for fresh music is in a very small minority these days, it's exactly the same on the modern scene and at weekenders - anthems and handbags and DJs playing the same records in the same order every single set and side-to-side formation dancing to the same tracks rules the roost unfortunately, genuine music-driven gigs are few and far between now. It's actually all pretty rubbish in terms of music for the most part now, it's just a social thing. And yes, I hate soul music, I must do because my collection only dates back as far as 1971. Roger
  5. Plus a lot of the music's actually not very good, that's probably why people don't turn up in droves. You can dress it up as much as you like, 'underplayed', blah blah, but crap is crap no matter what era or format.
  6. I'm not disputing that mate, I was replying to Wiggyflat's post where he said the music was bad, which I personally agree with in a lot of instances. Fluorescent Smogg is a big favourite of many people, I think it's utter garbage, just to give an example. Just one opinion, that's all.
  7. Also, no 'modern soul' night/event I've ever been involved in or DJ'd at would never advertise itself as such. The term "Modern" is just soooooo "Northern"!
  8. Oh my Scotch friend, I understand it far more than you realise, I just have no time for people think they have a right to preach that their way is the only way, but you did raise a good point, those type of people aren't the real deal and yes, they actually do make a mockery of it, you were so right in what you said there. And regards new music, keep up lad, I binned that off months ago, lost interest almost totally for a myriad of reasons, to the extent where I've knocked venue DJ'ing on the head as well - I'm happy as Larry these days with my collection and steady steam of new discogs and ebay original vinyl only LP purchases, it's all I need now, the rest of you can carry on fighting amongst yourselves.
  9. Gobshite, it's just a hobby, there's a couple of hours of your life you won't get back.
  10. No need to swear, potty mouth, you posted it so who else was I supposed to ask!!
  11. Don't go there Mike, this is on a par with the OVO debate!!
  12. "I have no problem with "handbag soul" nights, but do they have a place on this site" Who is he (or anyone) to question what should and shouldn't be placed on this site if it falls under a general banner of 'soul'. Sorry mate, but to me that's a very condescending attitude.
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this site called 'Soul Source' rather than 'Blinkered One Dimensional Condescending View Of What I Think The Soul Scene Should Be Source'?
  14. As a footnote to that, I would have expected better from Brett Franklin.
  15. The phrase 'you can't educate pork' sprang to mind, Mark.
  16. I had it at the Morecambe weekender recently, playing Prince Phillip Mitchell 'I'm So Happy', some bloke snarled at me 'stop playing this shit and play some seventies we all know!!' What a top hat.
  17. The OVO brigade can be just as intransigent I'm afraid. As in life, intolerance is extremely damaging. I did a slot at Mansfield Civic Hall a while back and some thick brash ignorant cow got in my face as I was cueing up one of my Asda CDRs and spat at me 'are you only playing modden if you are I'm going home'. I just smiled, gave her £3 for the bus and said 'safe journey home'. Roger
  18. Format 1st. Music 2nd. That's actually no better than your version.
  19. Just out of curiosity, were you one of the DJ's who had the records in their boxes at this gig?

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