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Roger Williams

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Everything posted by Roger Williams

  1. B-side of 'Caution' https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/d/214223/SEPTEMBER
  2. Very true, but as Mike kind of said, that was in the days when artists didn't have all the recorded work stolen and obtained for free as the majority do nowadays. Touring and merchandise really the only way they can make money because very few actually make anything from recorded work, it's a sad fact. But yes, it's a lot of dosh for a concert, but it's just like paying silly money for records, it that's what it's worth to you, then you pay it, and seeing them again for me is a big thing, a very big thing!
  3. 1978, ah were there me'sen, 'kin'ell it were hot an' swettie Yes it's steep, but it's Earth Wind & Fire, not exactly a gang of 80 year olds in a scabby freezing holiday camp setting, they're a top of the tree worldwide major league act and have been for 40 years, that's what it's going to cost. £112 very well spent this morning I reckon. Cheers Roger
  4. Hardly anyone anywhere knows everything about other scenes, Barry, people can only ever express their opinion from their own usually limited knowledge and experience, it doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing. I agree though, and I think I've said earlier, if it breathes new life and further exposure into these tracks then yes, absolutely it's a good thing.
  5. It's not well known in our house, in an 'only known copy' kind of way.
  6. As I've said Ian, I'm genuinely chuffed that they're a big success for you, I'm only expressing a personal opinion from my own point of view on the tracks. Cheers Roger
  7. That's actually really quite excellent, at least somebody's picked out something that's not that well known and done something with it, rather than taking a now-tedious Philly record we've all heard a million times and adding another 27 minutes to either end. Roger
  8. Anyone remember the 'male' version of Drizabore 'Pressure', where somebody had simply changed the pitch on the female vocal, that was classic. There truly are some thick muppets around who fall for this stuff!!
  9. Slow music to walk around the dance floor slowly to with your arms outstretched and eyes closed.
  10. Even the new soul aspect has been squeezed out of the LSW for the most part, I find that really sad to be honest, another nail in the coffin for truly 'modern' soul.
  11. I packed in DJ'ing at venues, Steve, I was worn down by the "something we all know" brigade, it became too much like hard work and impossible to play anything new to any kind of response, even at the purportedly 'upfront' gigs I was doing, and it sucked the enjoyment out of doing it for me, so I walked away from it and honestly haven't looked back since - the straw that broke this particularly camel's back was when I did a gig where I was told it was an open-minded crowd and within 15 minutes of my set got harrassed for Drizabore "Real Love' about half a dozen times, to the extent that one of the other DJ's who had his lappy with him, downloaded the track from the internet and burned it to CD so I could get people off my back about it - after that I just wondered what 'the scene' had come to when the tail wags the dog so much, it wasn't why I started doing it many years ago so it was simply time to turn it in and let others be human jukeboxes if that's what they're happy being. Roger
  12. To be honest I actually love a re-edit when it's done well, it's just that so many I hear don't do much to add to what is generally already a classic except lengthen it, the majority seem pretty pointless, but the odd one or two do breathe new life into some tunes, but I do take Ian's point about the artists and originals being given exposure to a far wider and younger audience than inhabits the soul scene, that can only be a good thing with the added bonus that it gives a lot of sales to record companies who find it hard going in this day and age. Roger
  13. As it would be if you wanted to hear something you've never heard before or didn't want to hear something you've heard thousand of times previously.
  14. 100% right Steve, in a musical sense it's the blind leading the blind now, it has been for quite some time. Roger
  15. It's the clueless DJ's that play the rubbish who kill it, not the music itself. Roger
  16. Being so pissed behind the decks one time at Prestwich, thinking I was pressing the CD eject button but it was the off button for the whole set-up. Oops.
  17. He's still around is Mike, funnily enough he sent me a couple of CDs this week, one of them being a Jamie/Guyden CD containing 45 releases from the 60s!! Also accompanied by a quality new two track CD by a USA indie artist called Angelo Remon, very nice indeed. He still has the ear, no question.
  18. "Observation" or not, this is probably the most bad-minded thread I've seen on here in a while, and that's saying something. Roger
  19. No, I said it out of badness because you HAVE said it about modern soul, plenty of times!!
  20. Any chance you could expand on that, Boba, I'm interested to understand what you mean. Cheers Roger

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