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Roger Williams

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Everything posted by Roger Williams

  1. Here's a question: When did 'modern' soul only become relevant if it sounded like a 60s record?
  2. Well I am 50, Dave!!!! Names have never bothered me but strangely, people spelling my name with a 'd' in the middle does!!
  3. Dave, I might not agree with it but I actually can relate to the whole OVO issue and understand that original releases are part of the scene's roots, especially in collecting terms, but sometimes on here I think people take it just a tad too far when they bandy around words like 'integrity' and 'honesty' and 'respect' etc. in terms of playing music at a venue, it all just seems so overblown and out of context to me. Soul music and the scene is a hobby, a leisure time pursuit, granted a passionate one for most of us, but does it really warrant people believing they have a better venue than others or they're a better DJ than others because they buy and play original releases of records? Fair enough, if original vinyl is your thing, fine, it actually is for me in terms of the LPs I've always collected, but why on earth make a list of OVO and "CR&P" venues in the first place, if not to do down and belittle the soul 'lower classes' or 'substandard venues' playing their music with no concern of format? At least that's the feeling I get from a lot of the posts in this thread. And how come people who run these 'ordinary' nights never start threads like this? Surely people would get more 'respect' if they just went about their scene business in the best way they can and consistently upheld their own views and beliefs, rather than coming on here worrying and moaning about what other people should and should be doing or playing? Roger
  4. What has actually been the point of this thread in the first place? Why do the venues need listing? Don't people just go where they're going to go anyway, regardless? It's probably the most forum-led overblown issue there is. Or isn't as the case may be.
  5. I don't disagree with you, but when these people are dancing to these real gems for under 50 quid of yours, what do you think will be the uppermost thought in their mind . . . "Wow, I love this, this is a great record" or "I hope this is original vinyl he's playing or I'm going to walk off the dancefloor"? I'd hazard a guess at the former. Roger
  6. As does spending a fortune on OVO to get and play the current big tunes. Taste, common sense and the ability to not worry about what others are doing can't be bought though, sadly.
  7. Of course we get along Russ, that's not the issue mate, I know you're passionate and one of the good guys, it was just how your post read at face value. Roger
  8. Quite possibly THE most ridiculously patronising and condescending and elitist post I've ever read on this forum. Not wanted to sound elist? "These people are unassuming and harmless"? "Speaking a different language"? "Dancing to ORDINARY club classics?" Bloody hell Russ, you couldn't have been anymore so if you tried mate!!!. I'm better at soul music than you lot!!!! Roger
  9. Ahhh, but what if a new track is only released in download format Steve, as is happening a lot now? Do we simply not play it because it's not in original CD format?
  10. I'd walk out in disgust and complain to the promoter if they weren't!!
  11. It doesn't, that's why Seb - the concept of recording to carver or CDR is identical, a copy is a copy and in effect a carver is a vinyl CDR regardless how some might try and justify breaking their own self imposed laws to suit. A debate without end, that's for certain!!
  12. How will you know if they have the original? Will they have to bring it along with them to prove it to the people who might ask about it?
  13. Good to know this kind of meaningful debate still rages on in 2008 Steve.
  14. You mean by starting a thread of this nature? :lol: :lol:
  15. LOOK WHAT SIMON WHITE HAS JUST EMAILED ME BECAUSE I'VE BEEN READING THIS THREAD: Enjoying the Ian Levine thread are you? I bet you are, it matches your snideness. These c*nts make you look like a fucking innocent saint. Which makes them BIG c*nts. A nice bloke with a heart of gold, Ian? Roger
  16. So do I. The fact is, people only view anywhere as a 'closed shop' when they want to get in but can't, but when you think about it and as you say Andy, if you have enough music between you, what's the point of employing a guest to play the tunes you already have, again as you say, it lessens the time everyone else has to play and is a pointless expense, especially these days as there aren't really any DJs on the modern scene who will attract enough extra punters to any gig to make a difference, people are going to turn up to their chosen venues regardless. As with the one hour set mentality, I think the guest scenario is just another hangover from the traditional northern scene way of thinking, neither of which need to be part of the modern scene these days.
  17. And has been for the last 9 years. Same with Soul Underground in the Midlands, the venue's been playing primarily new releases since it started in 2001, probably the only standalone venue to do so? (apologies if I'm wrong). Roger
  18. I'm surprised you even thought a statement like that worthy of a reply.

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