still recovering from a broken left leg so trying to get back into my good old shuffle routine , I know quite a few world champion dancers including the most recent one and I can say some are reasonably good dancers.. I have seen much better , great dancers (IMHO) who wouldn't be seen dead on the competition dancefloor .the guy in the Whitby vid is a classic example ,think he is from Peterborough or Northampton seen him loads of times and is a joy to watch , used to watch a guy called Clive from Sheffield who passed away not long since and he had a unique and endearing dance style in which he was totally in his groove ,and could give many more examples of great dancers who would not be seen dead in a competition , think they demean the scene and are not what the scene is about , once again the promoters are grasping the lowest common denominator to get people in and involved , and as for dance lessons lordy lordy what ever next , talc spreading studies , bar towel hand stitchin sessions . FFS