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Everything posted by Sjclement

  1. That man Ivy Jo Hunter, responsible for most of the classier Motown tunes
  2. Lamont Dozier, was influenced by show tunes during his early years perhaps Berry might go the same way, I'm sure there'll be a Sinatra tune in there or may Sammy Davis jnr.
  3. will it appear on popsike even if the sale is not concluded ?
  4. Same sellers just sold an Earl Grant reissue for £108!!!! wtf
  5. If he's unsure of its originality ..... he just needs to play it. the quality of those boots is CRAP!
  6. Such a distinctive vocal, more of a jazz than soul singer,
  7. 7 The Loser Eric Lomax definitely crossover imho (played before the term was coined though)
  8. Come What May (the other side of Major Lance) is the side for me.
  9. Now that's a cracking idea
  10. The bonus 45 plays I'm Gonna Get You & Same Routine , not the listed unreleased tracks, don't know if this is a good thing or not.
  11. Was reissued on styrene with a slight remix and an instrumental flip.
  12. Alphabet blocks lable design
  13. Think it was mentioned in Sounds of the Sixties the other week that Jnrs vocal was in a higher register than his sax playing so the sax bits were speeded up an edited.
  14. Don't want to appear picky but its actually saxophone
  15. Saxie Russell?
  16. No not that one, Its an alternative vocal by a male group. Thanks anyway
  17. Thats dedication
  18. Many of Tyrone Davis' Dakar sides fit the bill, DAKAR/BRUNSWICK/BRC sides would make a large contribution to the 'Crossover 100' Heres one for starters
  19. Where have I heard that backing track before? Its really bugging me, Detroit Emeralds perhaps? Help
  20. Don't know what you think but Chicago has more than its fair share of crossover tracks
  21. Methinks he does semi reggae? that's put the proverbial cat among the pigeons
  22. I never find anything 'pointless' on this site, the mention of tracks that I don't know,(or have forgotten) sends me scurrying off for the soundfile and heyho there's another addition to the wants list. anyway you can pick any one out of these three T.S.U. TORNADOS releases - I still love you,Got to get through to you or What good am I.
  23. Picking some comments out "jerky funky beat", "67-73" then perhaps the 1st crossover record was the Carstairs It really hurts me girl?
  24. Here's two not been mentioned yet Bobby Sheen Somehting new to do Bettye Swann Kiss my love goodbye, There's 100s more I could list but a lot might not fit other's ideal, suffice to say that I collected northern soul in the 70's and was sometimes swayed by hearing or reading about a tune and buying it, knowing it would never be played at Wigan but it was good soul all the same (Bettye Swann for instance),these are what I refer to in my opinion as crossover.
  25. Re. Above Is that the Val Simpson 'Sinner Man' on the Keep the Faith album?

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