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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Found this mixed in with some old funk records, probably not been played in over 20 years. I'm not a dealer but condition looks to be near mint, certainly VG++ no marks at all. Has some faint letters written on A side. Unlikely to find one in this condition so serious offer please. Money back if not fully satisfied.
  2. As far as I can recollect it was Dave Godin
  3. Dug this out yesterday, reminds me of a tune but can’t place it
  4. Not sure if it has been mentioned on here but Major Lance’s daughter is the Mayor of Atlanta! Looks like him too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keisha_Lance_Bottoms
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  5. Hi Mike, apologies but only just seen this. No price, I was giving it away, I've given nearly all my records away to friends. Of the few hundred I've got left I'm auctioning on ebay and giving money to charity. I'm no expert so no idea what they are worth. Don't agree with the hypocrites that are so called soul fans that just want to rip people off. They bleat on about boots but doubt if they send a share of their profits to artists or labels. Makes me laugh.
  6. Got a decent copy for sale, selling most of my box on ebay as moving abroad but would prefer a good home for it and not a dealer. It's always been my favourite and not played this vinyl for at least 20 years. I'd say was excellent condition, although I'm not an expert on grading.
  7. Bldy hell, bad typo! Thanks, I'll change it.
  8. I'm selling off some of my vinyl and found a Garnet Mimms 'Looking for you' (mint) on a blank label with X5460/1002-1 in the runout. Is it genuine or a boot? .
  9. Anybody know anything about the origins of northern dancing? It was already prevalent at the Torch when I went so was wondering if maybe at the Wheel? This is the earliest video I've ever seen with 'proper' dancing on it (see the bloke on the left at 1:10) so maybe started as early as Mods?
  10. Rocky


    Great post Joey, I didn't give a toss in the 70s where I got the record, they were so hard to get, even the popular ones. No internet or downloads then and from my perspective as a spotty teenager, boots were all I could get and were doing me a favour. If an original was for sale somewhere, how the fk would I know other than spending hours trawling through boxes at the Casino etc (which I did)?!? Yes DJs only played vinyl then, that's all there was! Because other formats are available now it doesn't mean you have to play vinyl. Or should I still be playing cassettes in my car because they were the original format?!? Happy for the purists & collectors to admire each other but don't hold the moral high ground please.
  11. It's the ovo rule that kills it for me as if vinyl has some magic quality over the content. Maybe it does for it's owner (and that's fine for him and i respect that) but for the vast majority of us we don't give a toss when we're on the dance floor with 3 lagers in us and just floating on the sound. I gave most of mine away to friends who really cherish it but the music means more to me than making money from it. However I do applaud all those dealers (oops I almost said hypocrites) that give a percentage of their profits to the record label & artist
  12. Hmmmm, illegal or not it's a bit hypocritical if you sell a legal 7" for hundreds profit and don't give a penny to the artist or label don't you think?!?
  13. I’m with you on this. I gave most of my 45s away to friends when I stopped playing them and listened to digital recordings. I don’t like the blatant profiteering from some so called ‘bastions of Northern Soul’. If they love the scene so much, why do they want to rip their fellow enthusiasts off?
  14. We used to go to a nighter called the Blue Moon in Farnborough, Hants. I went in ‘69 and it had been going for a couple of years at least. They played all soul tracks, mainly imports and most would be classed as Northern. My fave they used to play at the time was O’Kaysions, Girl Watcher. The DJ had less than 100 records as they were so hard to get. It was a den of iniquity and got raided many times. The manager even brandished a shotgun when idiots tried to force their way in. There was a similar place in Southampton called the Marina, I only went once and can’t remember a thing! Good old days.
  15. Hi John, I've got a Tomangoes on Ebay, finishes Sunday night. 2nd press with Matrix stamp. Gave my Otis Smith boot to a mate.
  16. Rocky


    Thanks guys, don't like it myself. Last time I couldn't find a reference to a record it sold for nearly £500 (Differences - 5 Minutes), so worth a check. Chris
  17. BOBBY J McCARTHY - SPOON ME UP YOUR HONEY - 123 DEMO Does anyone know if this record is rare (see pic attached)? I remember it from the Casino but can't find a reference anywhere?!? Thanks Chris
  18. A friend of mine has the Brother Tyrone Davis album and we've tried to find out for years who it was (knowing it wasn't the man himself). I've also got the Rudy Love single 'This Song Is For You', a beautiful recording but would never have put the two together. Thanks so much for resolving this mystery which has driven me mad. As a matter of interest, what would the album be worth? Chris
  19. Does anyone know what this modern dancer is, you won't believe it?!? Guess it.mp3
  20. I've got a Chuck Jackson acetate of Beg Me. It's in pretty poor condition but if anyone collects them let me know, needs a good home.
  21. I really don't want to sell them, I'd like to give them to a teenager or someone just getting into the scene. I have sold a few decent originals but in all honesty the scene was (and is) about the love of the music and I don't want to make a killing from it. I've probably given away a couple of grand's worth, over 300 so far and I've got at least 1000 buried away I've not gone through yet. I know the ones I've given away will not be sold but cherished and that makes it worthwhile. Pressings I've got are things like Otis Smith, Butch Baker, Don Thomas, The Larks, etc, mostly Soul Bowl stuff from the eighties.
  22. Just listed UK HMV demo on Ebay, no idea how much it's worth. I think the picture attached of Ike just about sums him up, used to beat Tina black & blue. Mind you I probably would after the crap she put out in the 90s! Have loads in the loft stuck there for over 20 years and just want them to go to good homes and be appreciated. Got plenty of pressings I might give away to any genuine new young people on the scene who want some vinyl 7s.
  23. Thanks Pete, I'd like to give it to a collector. No point in it gathering dust in my attic. Found another box at the weekend and will go through later but look mostly 'soul packs' from Contempo in the 70s
  24. Hi Guys, I've got a pressing which I think is acetate (got that lovely smell!) on a label called Audio Lathe. It's got Chris Clarke 'Something's Wrong' on one side and The Knights 'Those Things You Do' on the other. Does anybody collect this sort of stuff? Having a clear out, some tunes I'm selling, some giving away to good homes - only 2000 to go!
  25. Great thread guys & gals. My greatest gut wrencher is Linda Jones - Not On The Outside outrageous emotion. The woman HURTS. Other favourites - JJ Barnes - Gotta Get Rid Of You Margie Alexander - Keep On Searching Independents - Leaving Me Jennifer Holiday - I'm Telling You I'm Not Going O'Jays - Loving You

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