The funeral for DAVE SCUTT will be held on Friday 20th january at 2pm at Southport Crematorium Southport. The crematorium is situated on the Southport to Ormskirk road (A570) PR8 5JQ... Anyone coming from Omskirk or Liverpool , there are road works at the Morris Dancers pub causing long delays,so if you can avoid that area do so......... After the funeral we will be going on to the Richmond pub on Scarisbrick New Road PR8 5HL,for a few drinks and some good stories about DAVE....... AUDREY and family would like to say how much they have enjoyed all the nice comments about DAVE put on soul source by his friends... if you have any stories about DAVE or some old photos from the old days bring them along to the Richmond............hope to see a lot of DAVES mates on friday...kev farley...
southport crematorium tel. 01704 533443 richmond pub ..01704 884544
mike if this in the wrong place can you move it...did not want to mix the 2 threads in case people did not read this one.....