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Missing Link

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Everything posted by Missing Link

  1. He should be able to do one because he comes from Middleton!
  2. Good credits at the end. Don't know whether anyone noticed but Ian Levine's name was spelt wrongly (oops).
  3. Just been to see it in Shrewsbury and it's very good - much better than 'Soulboy'. The criticism I would have is that, like the book, there is a little too much emphasis on the drugs side of the scene. The dance scenes are really good and authentic looking which Elaine has obviously worked hard on. Definitely worth seeing.
  4. According to 'Discogs' it's from an Italian LP called 'Barry Ryan Sings'. https://www.discogs.com/Barry-Ryan-Barry-Ryan-Sings/release/3757159
  5. The film is being shown in Shrewsbury at the Old Market Hall cinema from 17 - 23 October. Looking forward to seeing it.
  6. So sad to hear the news. Wishing Ian a full recovery.
  7. To kill animals for food is fine - that's the way of nature. To kill animals for 'sport' is just wrong on every level.
  8. There's a Forestry Commission site just outside Aberystwyth on the A44 called Nant yr Arian where they feed them every day. It's well worth visiting. There are dozens of them there so you should be able to get a good picture there.
  9. Buzzards are really common now. I remember being astounded, about 10 years ago, seeing one flying over Telford United's football ground. Now I often see them flying over my garden and occasionally see one having a meal (usually rabbit) in the middle of the lane on my way to the motorway way (about a mile away). Red Kites haven't made it this far yet but there are reports of a nesting pair in South Shropshire.
  10. I was working at Reading University a couple of years ago and I certainly saw a couple of red kites flying overhead. It's not very far from the Chilterns where there are loads of them - the best place to spot them is whilst driving down the M40 (trying to keep your eyes on the road as well!).
  11. Nina Simone was very popular at the 6Ts nights that Ady Croasdell used to put on in London at the time. Maybe someone who went to those asked for it? Not really a sound you would have expected to hear at a Wigan Oldies night though.
  12. Thanks - it's amazing what you can find on the internet.
  13. The whole magazine is on-line here: https://archive.org/stream/USPlayboy196810/US_Playboy_1968_10#page/n145/mode/2up
  14. John Manship's UK Price Guide lists all the OOTP, BJD, Greenlight and Soul Sounds pressings (no piccies though).
  15. I also have this Epiphyllum which regularly flowers. This year I only had one flower on the plant but last year it had about 20 - it's probably due for repotting.
  16. I have three of these cacti (all products of one original) and they've all just flowered. The sad thing is they only last about a day and a half.
  17. I heard a cuckoo in Worcestershire near Kinver Edge on the May Day holiday but not heard one since. Pleased to say that the swifts have just returned to the village this week.
  18. Lovely pictures. Sorry to be pedantic, though, but your Ragged Robin is actually Red Campion.
  19. I think there is a pair nesting in Norfolk: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-26833379
  20. Thanks - it just grows and I (occasionally) pull out the weeds. It's great in August too because it's full of cyclamen plants which cover almost the entire back garden. I planted three about 15 years ago and they just spread everywhere.
  21. Nah - I keep trying to pull them out! Meanwhile I've got a few bluebells in my back garden you might like:
  22. Got loads of those in my garden!
  23. Do you have to post a profile picture of yourself in 40" bags or a circle skirt?

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