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Everything posted by Ficklefingers

  1. Early 80's.. decide I wanna buy a few new records so begin my drive to Wigan.. Somewhere along the way I picked up two lads (non-soulies).. With the illegal substance I took earlier having kicked in I was non-stop verballing for each & every mile of tarmac we traversed.. Stopped at Corley Services near Coventry to refuel - to be informed by my passengers 'thanks for the lift mate, but we'e gonna hang around here for a while before continuing' !?! They obviously didn't like the topics of discussion.. or maybe it was the fact they couldn't get a word in and both had headaches !! lol (Len.. does that bring back memories of the one and only time Sue and I gave you a lift.. to Leeds ?? lol). No problem, I thought, and continued on my merry way as a sole traveller again.. As I neared Keele services I get red lights appear on the dash, and smoke begins to pour from the bonnet.. It was quite late at this stage but I managed to make it to the services and sought the assistance of site based mechanics - only to be told that the head gasket had blown, oil all over the place, and I wouldn't be driving it anywhere soon !! They kindly arranged for a dealer in Hanley to collect the car the next day for repair.. Ah well, all in a day's work, I thought (the gear was good..) What next ?? Ah.. I know.. 'Taxi..' all the way to Wigan, and at a cost of £25 !! Hah, I thought.. It's only money !! Anyway.. gets to the Casino early hours only to find IT AIN'T ON !! Ah well.. all in a day's work, I thought yet again.. Now what !?! A quick stroll to the train station.. next train back home, and would see the end to a complete waste of a night.. Err.. No.. No trains until around 7am !! Bearing in mind the purpose of the trip in the first place was to buy records, I had quite a lot of cash on me,so didn't fancy hanging around and the prospect of being relieved of my possessions before the first train.. 'Taxi.. !!' All the way back to Huntingdon, and ANOTHER £50 !! That wasn't the end of it though.. The car.. new engine.. piston through the head.. over £600 !! I think wages were around £30-£40 a week at the time.. A VERY expensive outing.. and NOT ONE 45 !!
  2. A stupid 15 year old.. decides he's gonna thumb it to Cleethorpes for a Pier 'niter.. heard a tenth-hand rumour about a coach that leaves from a pub in Nottingham, after a Soul Night.. Off I plod, walkman in hand, and about a tenner in me pocket.. Thumb out on the A1 and get a lift as far as Grantham.. all good so far.. Not long before another lift took me to the A52 just outside Nottingham and by this time it's beginning to get dark.. I then commenced to walk to every pub I could find - fully expecting to very quickly find the one with the aforementioned coach.. About a hour later, and it suddenly dawned on me that Nottingham is actually quite a large place, and the chances of finding the right pub was an impossible task - especially as I didn't know either it's name OR which part of Nottingham !! Eventually made my way to the train station and, after checking how far east I could afford to travel while keeping enough for entry at the other end, hopped on a train that took me to somewhere in the general direction - haven't a clue where it was !! Back on the road again, hoping I'm going the right way.. It's silly o'clock in the morning and, after treading country roads for what seemed like an eternity, and with very little traffic on the roads, I decided that the next car that comes along I will wave my arms and flag them down.. Which was successful, as an old Morris transit stopped, with just the driver and one passenger.. after explaining my dilemma I was invited aboard and told they would get me within around 15 miles of Cleggy.. and did I smoke ?? Being a smoker but unable to afford to buy my own I quickly replied in the affirmative in the hope I would be offered a very welcome ciggy.. Not quite.. Instead the driver lit a single fag.. had a few drags then passed it to his passenger, who did the exact same thing before passing it to me.. At that age you're not averse to lugging on a fag that had already been passed around, although i did think they were being tight with the cigs as it was a roll up - and thought they could have rolled one just for me, but puffed eagerly away on it anyway... The remainder of the journey seemed to pass quickly and was full of mirth and laughter - it was like we had known each other for ever !! Turns out that was my first encounter of cannabis lol.. I ended up happily walking the remaining 15 miles to Cleggy - dawn fast breaking, in time to get there for the last hour !! At least Kev Draper was able to organise a lift back for me !!
  3. Wow.. Both shocked and saddened by this news.. From her break into the recording business via Johnny Pearsal's record shop in Miami as a pre-teen, all the way through the decades, she has been such an important influence in other artists careers.. releasing oodles of soulful ditties herself over the past 50 odd years, and will be dearly, missed.. RIP Betty.. and thank you for the memories..
  4. Nice One Mike.. Enjoyable way to pass a few minutes during the lockdown..
  5. Have to agree with your comment Andy, I can't see a tune of such quality being left on the shelves Bet it will sound even better over a decent PA..
  6. These really are an interesting read each month Mike.. Thanks for that.. Can't believe I didn't see the Joseph Moore, and would have been a very happy bunny at the price sold.. So.. Those of you looking to unload a copy.. I'm just a PM away !! I can't see where this current situation is being detrimental to market prices of the rarer stuff.. as I for one thought it would have an impact on peoples willingness to part with such sums in these uncertain times, but perhaps I got that wrong !!
  7. Great track.. order placed !!
  8. I used to play this out as a cover up.. when I had to sell up I donated this 45 to someone.. but can't for the life of me remember who I gave it to, and curiosity keeps getting the better of me so I thought I would put a post up on here.. Was it you ?? I'm not looking to take it back.. just wanted to satisfy this tiny mind of mine.. Thank You !!
  9. The 45 was ONLY available as a 'give away' with the above mentioned LP
  10. Thanks for posting Spencer.. Are you in contact with him ?? I'm certain people on here would be pleased to learn about his music career.. regardless of how short it may have been Has he access to this forum ?? Thanks for your time..
  11. Ooh.. Luverly !! Thanks Chaky.. Looking at your play list I can't see anything I recognise by name and title, so looking forward to istening -which I'm gonna do right now !!
  12. Me too !! See you at Bury then..
  13. And was that also the same night one of the DJ's - can't remember now, who.. had his box of records nicked !! Having to ask over the mic to 'borrow' tunes from people that had any with them ?? Was it Tony Dellar ?? Defo a night held in the smaller room tho'..
  14. I remember thinking at the time, Paul, that it was a bit of a strange act to promote to us teenage 'million miles an hour' music lovers.. and pretty certain I spent a majority of their set out in the foyer area trying to absorb details of the vinyls on offer from the few small sales boxes, and in awe at the mystery surrounding the very being of some of the discs I was perusing.. If only I knew then what I know know !! Sigh... lol
  15. Was the Limmie & Family Cooking live Niter - held in the smaller room, also '76 ??
  16. Thanks for sharing those memories Paul.. remember my attendances well and always looked forward to the hour bus journey from Huntingdon - which would be packed with local soulies making the same pilgrimage Does anyone have the poster for May 14th 1976 'Niter by any chance ?? I attended this one with my hands in bandages before emigrating to the US the very next day.. My lasting memory of that one was being chinned by a pisshead as I exited the dancefloor !! Unfortunately for the offender and his mates, my brother and his mates witnessed my misfortune and took it on themselves to make sure the pissheads were shown the exit and would all wake the following morning wishing they hadn't gone out the night before !! lol Happy days..
  17. He didn't propose meeting on Clapham Common did he !?! lol
  18. Isn't it the fact they won't send as an insured item, only.. There is another recent thread on here somewhere that details the same ?? Can still post, just can't get insurance cover ?? Sure someone will correct me if I have it wrong..
  19. Great flip too !!
  20. Bearing up Mike, thanks.. trust you and yours are safe and well.. It appears there are two other versions on the label too.. both on discogs but only one sound file.. wonder what the other is like ??
  21. lol Nice One Mike.. so obviously whoever put it as Steam had it wrong.. whats even more pleasing is its existence on vinyl.. Right then.. Who's got one for sale lol
  22. Now THAT is why I love this site.. Thanks Mike !! I just KNEW someone would have the answer.. shame it's unavailable in vinyl format
  23. What a great shout @Chalky Very speculative, naturally.. but what a great shout !!
  24. Someone ?? Anyone ?? I've been attempting various potential titles but getting absolutely nowhere.. It;s driving me insane.. I NEED to know !!
  25. No help whatsoever toward your quest Ben (sorry..), but I'm In LUURRRV with that track !! the arrangement is superb IMO and every aspect of the vocals & chorus compliment that without effort and in a seamless manner.. Can't wait until the right member on here ('The Knowledgeable One', as he shall become known.. well, for the purpose of said song at least) adds the details - which I'm certain someone will.. Hopefully, said Sage will also advise its availability in vinyl format Thanks for the Heads Up @Ben New York production ???

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