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Everything posted by Ficklefingers

  1. You are of course joking.. You ARE.. aren't you ?????
  2. Imagine the tales that tree of Alison's could tell.. Even when 'dead', trees can still portray character.. Seeing one's that have died ALWAYS has me pondering as to what things they have seen in their long lives.. If only they were able to write a book !!
  3. Well I truly and sincerely hope Anthony;s personal journey is not skewed by the line dancing display because that is DEFINITELY NOT anything to do with the Soul Scene I am passionate about Northern Soul Line Dancing ?????????????/ FFS
  4. You do make me laugh Ste.. You were close mate.. Actually the OTTEST day of the year so far.. I'll get me coat
  5. I always thought Mark was a dog with a hair lip !?!
  6. All parcels I was waiting on have now arrived.. Anything that went via Chicago took from 2-6 weeks, but then I had one from the southern states - sent normal air mail, arrive after just six days !! I've since ordered three more from the US and will expect them whenever they arrive, which I'm sure they will - at some point..
  7. Do people really believe that sort of televised display portrays the 'Real' Soul Scene !?! I think not.. and won't serve to give a true reflection of the Soul Scene in it's entirety - with 'non-soulie's' totally convinced that what they watched for the half hour duration of the programme is what Northern Soul is all about !! Tin hat on.. fire away.. But you won't change my view !! I feel the enthusiasm and sense of belonging young Anthony is experiencing, but I DO hope he also gets to experience the wider aspect of the scene and in particular some of the 'up front' promotions usually available
  8. But Len.. What would they then do with all those expensive bootlegs they invested their pension pots in !?!
  9. I don't believe we have ever met Dave, but my heartfelt condolences go out to you in this very difficult time. And I hope and pray that those around you will help give you the strength to come to terms with the situation, and keep you strong.. as I'm certain that is what Pete will be saying as he looks down on you, and until the time comes when you can be reunited for eternity Unfortunately no amount of words will come close to relieving the agony you must be going through, but my thoughts and prayers, and those of the entire Soul Music Fraternity, are with you my Soul friend..
  10. Contrary to the chance the 'tin pot' promotions might disappear, I fear that - due to most being so poorly attended, they will actually thrive because there are so few through the doors at these type functions that social distancing has always seemed the norm !! So nothing will change.. Can't quite see how larger promotions that usually attract decent numbers will fare though.. at least until either it is considered safe to put on these events, or a 'cure' for the virus is in place ??
  11. That is such a joy to see and watch.. Thanks for sharing Andy !!
  12. Isn't our country just SO beautiful..
  13. That's just plain greedy !! lol
  14. Don't know if he still has it Steve, but @Man From Soul did have a copy for sale a while back (can't remember when..) Other than that, the only other copy I have EVER seen (and pretty sure it wasn't for sale..) was Jeff Leimlich's copy around 15 years ago !! Some really fascinating stories involved in the Deep City and associated stable of labels
  15. My hearing isn't the best, but no way do they sound even remotely familiar IMO
  16. I have 4 or 5 I'm currently waiting on.. 5 weeks is the longest outstanding thus far - but reading through these posts I'm not unduly concerned at this time, and certain they will all arrive in good time
  17. That man can certainly sing.. will be watching his future output with interest.. Thanks for posting Mike
  18. I am fascinated by the stories involved in the birth of her career.. The people, the labels.. her period at Deep City in particular being what got me hooked !! Superb stuff, and can't wait for your next transcript.. Thank You !!
  19. My copy arrived yesterday, but it's only today I've had spare time to get it on the turntable and remind myself of it's brilliance.. And it is TRULY BRILLIANT !! and currently on permanent loop.. hope I don't wear it out lol The 45 serves another purpose too, during this weird period of lockdown we're all having to endure, and lives up to it's title 'Set Your Mind Free' in more ways than one.. I know I'm not alone with how the current situation can get inside your mind, and create struggles with one's own mentality - being prone to depression anyway I don't mind admitting I've lived a yo yo existence these past couple of months and literally wanted to bang my head against a wall !! On playing the newly arrived Roland Johnson 45 my spirits are immediately lifted, and my demons (at least for now) are once again consigned to depths where they belong So, thank you MD guys - not just for one of the best 45's to ever be placed on vinyl, but also for providing a catalyst to raise my spirits.. much needed and VERY much appreciated..
  20. Whoever it is that paid that much for Barbara Cooper.. I NEED TO MEET YOUR DRUG DEALER !!
  21. I was just typing the same link Steve.. Great Minds, and all that..
  22. Thing is though, Len.. I can't remember giving you a lift back home !! Come to think of it, I don't even remember how I got home lol Oh.. such Happy Days !!
  23. I've felt really bad ever since, Len !! lol.. My head was POUNDING by the time we got there, so god knows how I made you feel.. It's one of them stories we quite often remind ourselves of, and relate to others as a warning never to get a lift with me !! lol

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