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Everything posted by Ficklefingers

  1. What a really fantastic and extremely informative read.. Thank You for that !!
  2. One of the reasons I so enjoy this site, and the forums within - although no help to the topic originator (sorry..), having seen it in the sales section this week I was unaware that the Lo Lo 45 saw release first on Salem !! Wow !! Learn summink new every day..
  3. We had a bit of a family outing and drove to the beach on Wednesday and Thursday (two separate cars, I might add..) - no problems with social distancing where we chose to go.. and it obviously wasn't Bournemouth lol Thank goodness we live close enough to the wonderful Norfolk Coastline.. Bootiful !!
  4. Very wise words indeed young Kirsty..
  5. For what it's worth.. I think that different views being aired by way of Topic Postings is a healthy thing, and commensurate with what these types of forums are about.. a bit of healthy debate, and a cross-section of views and opinions The only other 'KEY' thing I'd add in response to the opening post is.. This is a forum for and about SOUL MUSIC.. not just anything that someone may interpret in their personal view to be Soul Music or related, and therefore this shouldn't even be a post for us to discuss in the first place ?? Just saying like..
  6. Nice piece of furniture !! Would look good in my cottage.. Swap you for a very unusual Swedish style table (solid Oak and weighs a ton !!)
  7. Thanks for that Rick, and it is entirely possible a couple of pressing runs could have happened, and seems logical. The thing that's bugging me is the actual disc mentioned by this topic's originator - and the fact it appears genuine, but with matrix differences to the known original styrene copies that have a stamped matrix - and I now NEED to know if his copy is simply a different run, possibly from a different plant (and hence the matrix anomaly) but playing the usual Debonaires cut.. OR.. could it possibly be a real anomaly - with Rose Batiste performing the vocals ?? Now THAT would be a story !! Anyway.. any and all input greatly received and very much appreciated - but until my tiny mind is satisfied, I ain't gonna be happy until I get to the bottom of it all
  8. What !!!! OMG - prey tell the details.. I'm even more intrigued now !! I did telephone Tim this morning but got no response.. I know when I spoke to him a couple of weeks back he said he was only physically working in the warehouse one day a week at present - but will keep trying until I get through I already know the questions I'm gonna ask, but with any new info you may now have I may need to add a few more to the list.. There's a 'story' here somewhere, and I'm determined to get to the bottom of things and establish the facts.. Watch this space !! PS: Does anyone know who 'Mark'.. the original poster is ?? Could do with a conversation with him too..
  9. No need for apology lol.. my brains are completely mashed too and even took me a while to figure out what I meant
  10. Yes.. I know all that - you are missing my point.. Original issues are grey, stamped, and STYRENE The topic originator has stated his copy has a SCRATCHED matrix - and also on STYRENE.. The boots are VINYL !!! Is that copy ACTUALLY the Rose Batiste take mentioned on the CD - and NOT the Debonaires version that lists Rose as the artist ?? So.. as I said - I'll be on the 'phone in the morning lol
  11. Sorry.. I missed the bit in your earlier post that states it's Tim's current auction.. But it still goes no further as to matrix details etc.. the 'As I remember..' quote doesn't exactly prove anything categorically ?? And still doesn't answer the question about the 45 in the original post.. the Grey issue.. scratched matrix.. Are the run out details on this auction WDJ copy scratched or stamped I suppose is a good starting point.. Is the CD take mentioned different to the copies we all associate as being by Rose ?? I'll be on the 'phone in the morning.. It's beginning to bug me now !! lol
  12. I realise the opening post was made several years ago, but I'm intrigued to learn definitively if the copy the original poster was asking about was determined to be the Debonaires ?? If so then surely that copy must be seriously rare.. but then begs the question why ?!? I'm perplexed, bemused, and just plain downright nosey !!
  13. My take ?? Isn't Soul about emotion ?? You most definitely can evoke emotion by the playing of an instrument or group of instruments to Soulful compositions.. That said - the Classical musicians that play the works of the Bach's and Beethoven's of this world (other Composer's are available.. lol) can certainly ALSO evoke emotion through the playing of their instruments.. But it AIN'T Soul !! In Summary.. Everyone is right - No-one is wrong !!
  14. In the white vest ?? If so, looks more like Ted Couldstone to me ?? Toddy from Cambridge, with his back to us, in the foreground..dark top and jeans And possibly Carol Drinkwater just front left of Toddy.. White top, dark skirt, suntan.. No bra !! lol That guy bottom right is bugging the hell out of me though.. know the face, but that's about it.. And finally, lol.. the guy bottom left in the check shirt..Craig Butler ??
  15. Oooooh.. That looks SO inviting !! How big did you say your suitcase was ??
  16. Why does that NOT surprise me Phil.. and you should've been born a Scotsman mate - the prices you get some of your 45's for lol
  17. Can't comment on those prices Phil but I'd never seen Willie Wade issue before ? Hope you keepin' well mate.. stay safe !!
  18. I don't think I would like to be involved in the actual gig itself, it's promotion, etc.. I'd leave that to people with the experience - but possibly food for thought where charity is concerned I do actually know of a venue that I believe would be ideal - AND I just happen to know the land owner.. The site has previous history of successful events - rural in location but with good road access.. I just wanted to gauge what others thought about what may seem an absolutely CRAZY idea, as to it's potential merits and the like - certainly NOT SAYING it is a planned event.. purely a 'passing thought' I wanted to explore further by asking for 'feedback' from those that may have an interest ??
  19. It's near to Bury Ste.. Just not the Lancs one lol
  20. I think Mace sold one for £25 !! It's finding the elusive little so and so..
  21. Have you tried Craig Moerer Steve ?? Depends what you're looking to pay, I suppose.. Quirky record - but certainly with appeal..
  22. As much as the British weather could be during summer months, Rob, so yes - it could p*ss down lol.. but what if the dance floor was covered ??
  23. Nothing to say it couldn't Steve.. Hence why I included Weekender too.. Anyway.. I could have put money on YOU being the first to respond.. Gagging at the bit mate ?? lol
  24. If such a gig were available - what are the views of people with regards whether they would consider attending such a function ?? Just curious..
  25. That is BAD in the EXTREME !!

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