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Everything posted by Ficklefingers

  1. 'Don't Come Crying To Me' (Roy Hamilton - Epic?) 'cos 'Some Thing's Are Better Left Unsaid' (Ketty Lester - RCA) but 'I feel In My Heart' (Mary Wheeler - Atom) so, not forgetting that, 'Can't lose My Head' (George Blackwell - Smoke) and .. all said & done 'Tomorrow Is Another Day' (Joey Heatherton - Decca). After all, what's the point of experiencing a 'Blue Prelude' (Roy Hamilton - Epic) when 'It Ain't Necessary' (Mamie Galore - St Lawrence).
  2. -DITTO- Top Man Wayne...
  3. All sorted - problem solved and said 45 now making it's way up the Motorway as we speak!! Thanx Paul S for the 'lift' (Thanx also, I'm certain - from it's intended recipient) and thanx to others for their assistance and suggestions. Another Job Well Done thanx to 'The SoulSource Collective' Phew!!!
  4. Just to say - got hold of Paul and sorted!!! Thanx for all assistance
  5. Anyone got a number to contact Paul S from Cambridge please????? I've pm'd him - but if he ain't on tonight I'm stuffed I need to either ring him, ar get someone to ask him to ring me re: my Lowton problem. Time is against me...
  6. I desperately need to get a 45 (I was suppossed to get in the post today!! ) to the Lowton do tomorrow night. Is anybody from the south east area travelling, by car, that could take the record up there for me please? I could meet you somewhere convenient to 'give you the goods'. I am just of the A1 / A14 / M11 in Cambs.. Any assistance would be so grovellingly appreciated it will make you sick! THANK YOU!!
  7. couldn't disagree with that Steve - at the very least they will certainly always give people something to talk about, eh!
  8. There is normally between 9 and 12 places Trev so sure it wont be a prob!!
  9. One of the key tools in preventing anger is 'stop... take a look at the bigger picture', and another being 'don't take things personally'.. Perhaps I am guilty of both those on this occassion and mistaking anger for frustration I'd best get myself booked in for another intensive weekend course with my therapist!!
  10. Soooooo... what's all the fuss about then???? Surely it isn't just the repeated expression of difference of opinion on the rights and wrongs of cover ups? 'cos that one has been going on for the past ten trillion years already So what is it then !?!
  11. Just to clarify something I omitted from the above posting - which needs clarification from everyone's perspective: I did actually see what the name of the label on this disc was. I did not see the artist or title - BECAUSE I wasn't trying to.. If I wanted to it would've been easy enough! I have not divulged the detail I did espy as part of this forum - as my first posting on this thread testifies to. Had I clocked all the details - I still would not divulge these in any 'public domain'! Not my style (& besides, I'd be too busy trying to secure a copy for myself - why tell the world when that would significantly reduce my chances of getting one?). Points I felt I needed to air as I know how quickly (as has been proved here!) people are to jump to conclusions, and make assumtions without all the facts being either established or considered. Things ain't always what they seem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fingers
  12. Absolutely and totally a TOP NIGHT!!! Location, venue, music, people, sales, purchases... Everything!! Loved the layout of the venue and the quality of the music is unquestionable. Not fortunate enough to be aware of this w/ender in time to attend for more than the one night - but next year!! Can't wait.. my heartfelt gratitude to all who help make Lifeline possible BRILL!! Thank you, Andy, for acknowledging my Saturday attendance - and I accept your intent, in making the mention, as nothing other than sincere... as that is the sort of person I have come to know you as, and just one of many reasons why I have a good deal of respect for you. I would be the first to admit that, yep... you're right! The use of 'intelligence' (when I undertook my dastardly deed of blowing that 'label' off the record), I feel/felt, wasn't required - as my intent was purely one of 'a little joviality' and something I felt would appeal to your particular sense of mischievousness! I hold my hands up and acknowledge the fact that, in the scheme of what's going on with this thread, had I used 'intelligence'... of course - I would've opted for a more 'appropriate' moment to display my mischief! I suppose it is one of those 'ironies of fate'... that it would turn out to be this 'bone of contention', and topic now under discussion here, that just happened to be the 45 on the decks at the time of my misdemeanor!! Whilst, since my return last November, I have heard mention of a 'Lt Jerry c/up' (outstanding spins will always create a need for dj's, collectors, & dancers alike - even just 'listeners', to discuss with others the merits of 'special' tunes they hear), my first audio exposure of this awesome tune was when you were playing it! The very same time the 'offence' took place!! The significance (so it turns out) of it being this particular record was neither a thought nor consideration in executing my faux pas. Rather.. it was solely the scenario itself that drove my wickedness! That little devil inside of me couldn't resist the opportunity when it saw the seemingly 'bizarre' scene unfolding (almost surreally) in front of it.... cover up!/hide!!/disguise!!! - and then this throw on circle of something so thin it's usually only ever seen in a factory that makes blue rizzlas (I swear it was tissue paper)!! Didn't you hear it Andy? ..calling out it was! 'look how well I can do my job.. not even Butch giving his records away free could get me off this record!' er.... NO! I don't think so somehow! Here... let me show you exactly what I mean... The rest, as they say, is history!! It would never have occured to me, in the circumstances, there could be a rational method to your madness. Being an avid fellow fanatic, collector, and pursuer, of all things relative to the music we all hold in such reverence - my passion and sincerety go hand in hand with my integrity (and respect) for all like-minded soulies, regardless of if they are 'Joe Punter' or an individual who is 'infamous' for their recognised contribution to 'the scene'. I acknowledge completely how my purely innocent act of playfulness could, justifiably, be construed as a deliberate act of attempted sabotage... and apologise wholeheartedly to the parties concerned for unintentionally creating a situation that has giving rise to a perception of apparent disrespect. I have confidence in the faith of the people who do know me to empathise with the situation of circumstance I have unwittingly made myself a victim of, and sincerely hope I have now dispelled any misconceptions created by my actions. But, in particular Andy, I hope I have restored your faith in me as a person. Fingers
  13. Agree entirely... another man with obvious taste The Spindletoppers - Carl Spencer giving it his distinctive vocal capabilities helps make this a top notch tune, still priced low enough to be affordable. 'Class!' And The Darrells on Lyco - also sought out by the stateside 'group' and 'doo-wop' collector's... again, another fine example of early 'crossover' soul. I've actually got two copies of the Darrells in a box at the moment (doo do doo do, doo do doo do ) and I know the Spindletoppers is residing in a box somewhere here. I'd also throw in the New Yok labels the likes of Sue, Crackerjack, Symbol... some fantastic offerings from those stables that are both classy and affordable. Big Voice artists such as Roy Hamilton, Tony Middleton, Chuck Jackson, Carl Spencer, Hal Miller etc. again, a good output of classy, and relatively cheap, titles available from all their respective early sixties catalogues. I better be careful or I'll still be here typing away in the morning!! Hope all this is of assistance...
  14. Blimey, I'm defo gettin' old.... reading your reply very nearly had me in tears!! Made me realise how fortunate I am to possess the pieces I do! The offer is still open from my side - if you'd like a cd from me just pm your details and I'll have one winging it's way to you faster than you can read all the credits on the scans in JM's 'Million Dollars Of Rare Soul' - well... maybe a tad quicker than that eh? Do you have a particular fave at the moment? you know.... the sort where you go 'I really, really need that record!! If your predicament is as you state (& you ain't just 'aving a laugh...) I would think 'another' cd might only serve to fuel your frustrations by possibly making your 'desired' list even longer than it already is! That said... you might not be a 'vinyl maniac' and cd's are the perfect medium to suit your requirements - in which case it'll be worth sending one. Over to you
  15. Right Then... pay attention now!! Last one to fill in the blanks is a big girls blouse: ARTIST: LABEL: TITLES: a) Approximate Purchase Price: £ Location of available copy at only a fraction of your last answer: C'mon then you lot.... don't dither I wondered last night, when Mr Dyson played this - he 'plonked' a loose 'paper' label over the top (once on the decks and only after assuring himself he was cueing the correct side) which I promptly 'blew' off from a distance of three or four paces! If Only I'd remembered to take me 'spinning' head with me... I might of been able to catch site of all details - not just the label name!!!!! Ah well... last in the queue yet again A 'Little Jerry' c/upless Fingers
  16. WOW! To even just sit & listen to a tune the magnitude of this one would leave most feeling very satisfied, & privelaged, to be party to a vocal display from such an awesome talent, and true Master of Delivery - never mind being able to WATCH him perform it as well!! Ain't that just the DB's.... smothered in chocolate! Thanx very much for sharing that with us
  17. Poor little bugger's gonna miss out on the chicken gravy though.... My kid's already seen to that!
  18. You bin in my record boxes!!!???!!! Obviously a man who not only likes early 'cross-over', but likes 'CLASS' early cross-over! Valentinos... bought ten counts of both this and the Flamingo's track in the early 90's, @ $3 each. If you have a cd of your stuff I'd be a very grateful & appreciative recipient. I would happily reciprocate with a batch of my own, like-minded, ditties. New York labels must be a particular fave of yours perhaps? Certainly the talents of the likes of Roy Hamilton, Tony Middleton, & Chuck Jackson must, surely, favour high in your list of preferred artists? Do you, too, feel a CD swap comin' on...? are you suddenly finding that, almost uncontrollably, you're getting drawn ever nearer to the turntable and little boxes of 'tricks'?
  19. Blimey! Ken, you are always full of suprises... Are they all from that box I saw you with - stuffed up your jumper... you know! them where you quickly dismissed my enquiry with a 'Nay lad... it's only a bunch of Nursery Rhyme singles I picked up as a job lot at a RNIB car boot sale yesterday!' followed up with 'Thought I'd stick them all individually on ebay and watch all them Supernanny wannabees fall over themselves in their quest to secure their discovery of the 'next big thing' in child minding (I can hear all the little brains whirring now, saying... how comes nobody thought of this before - I better get in there quick before everyone discovers this amazing, new, fail safe way of keeping the charges quiet, happy, and content! without having to forcibly drag the little buggers, screaming and kicking, to the naughty corner where I still gotta keep me eyes on 'em, instead of gettin' the important things done! Now... where's that nail polish)' Ever the entrepreneur, eh Ken? Hope that 'oil well' is just a boot sale away for ya! Don't forget your mates now...
  20. Given the level of interest on this it seems best to set a final offer cut-off. Was going to be sunday but, as Lifeline w/ender is on and some interested parties will be there, it seems more appropriate to say final offers by 9pm this Monday 4 Feb. Thanx for all those who have enquired - must say I'm a bit suprised it's generated as many enquiries!?! Doesn't have to be best ££ offer - would welcome appropriate trade or part & part offers too. Fingers
  21. Wot... neither of 'em!!??!! Wot about you lot... the other 28 that's downloaded it thus far - same probs?
  22. Okay - refosoul clip not working!! Have to do it the old fashioned way then... Survivors__Valli_.mp3
  23. My Missus got hers for a £200 trade (cost her nowt!) & 200 cash... Me!! Still never 'ad one
  24. Offers via pm please. Ex copy Trade considered

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