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Everything posted by Ficklefingers

  1. Dead Right we should be encouraging them, Ganche... , Embracing them, even! Doing anything and everything within our means to fuel their enthusiasm soon as it walks thru the door!! (I, for one, would gladly offer up -free of any fees, of course, all of my free time to any of the 'new' young ladies that need encouragement at it's most extreme - and provide them with the benefit of my experience ) Fingers..
  2. "TOP LADY" Always knew you to be a woman of taste Joan... agree with your sentiments exactly!! Voo Doo Man on my current 'playlist' (although happy to play LMLFY when appropriate) and been singing it's praises to anyone I can get to listen to me for more than three seconds.. In fact... sure I included this (in a thread earlier this year, about 'Tips for 08') as one of my firm candidates Fingers
  3. Agree, entirely, with your logic on the 'players of the time' comment Steve.. (and your accuracy of my sleepless state) but concerning the 'why' element - I still disagree. Just because 78's could still be played.. that they would cut them as such doesn't flow with the logic! I'll go, instead, with the explanation offered elsewhere on this thread - of it being more connected with the audio output levels. Still doesn't satisfy my curiosity buds entirely but seems more plausible I think. Fingers
  4. To add to that fact - who & what has been Duffy's 'Warm-Up' act on her recent outings ?? I'LL TELL THEE.. A certain young DJ from Northern Ireland... Spinning his 'Crossover' 45's!!!!!!! Goes under his name: LIAM And can this lad spin some discs - certainly got 'taste', and when I looked thru the box he had with him at the recent Rugby Anniv. A/N... IT WAS ALL CLASS!
  5. Okay! BUT.. If that is actually the case for the existence of this 'Most Peculiarly' "ODDITY" ... then it must, without any shadow of a doubt, be THE main contender for the easiest EVER 'Mime' !!!!!!!! Now.. I know I ain't seen my bed since gettin' out of it early yesterday morning (out again last night!) but I can't be that doolally (surely ?) in believing 'All For You' to be AN INSTRUMENTAL !!???!! It all seemed to just fall apart, at that point, for me... 'How can that possibly make any sense then?' being the decidingly (thus far)unanswered question that sways my belief as to the credibility of what has been offered by way of explanation so far! Add to the throw, the equation of '78rpm + (year)1965 = Specially Produced TV Item' and I'm left even more bemused!! Now, not that I'm a mathmetician or anything like that, BUT.. when I worked that sum out, the answer I came up with was thus: '78rpm + (year)1965 = A10ad0fb0110Cs' !!! Did any body else, I wonder, arrive at the same answer ?? Or is it just the tiredness taking over & clouding my perception of things ? Too, too many questions being 'flung' up by way of the answers offered so far - something not quite right here... is it ?? MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (A very tired, sad, old..) FINGERS
  6. Ahhhhhhhhh !! Thank Gawd for that !! I can get off to me bed now Well done that man!!
  7. For those interested, I attach the following for leisurely perusal &/or as part of the 'education' process.. For what it's worth... in my experience the scanned black issue is, at the very least, 'difficult' to aquire - with even ME being able to count on one hand how many times I've come across it in almost twenty years (over a thirty plus year time-scale!). Bearing in mind that my 'nickname' is, really, quite appropriate... that certainly ain't very many!! & a calculator would defo not be required! I do feel quite certain that, if Boba's observation were correct, the 'market place' would've seen a lot more action on this release, over the years, than there has actually been ?? - regardless of condition too! (Just expressing my sentiments of course..). I must also confess to not being aware (or not having remembered being, perhaps, more the case!??!) the release on Phil-LA... but that don't count for nothin' really.. just me being the fine, honest, upstanding citizen the police think I am!!
  8. Get diggin' then, Tony.. I know a man who does very attractive rates on 360's if you need help It's doing my tiny little brain in, this!! Tiffany Michael !??! Pppppppppprrrrrrrrrr That's another 'new' one to me I believe !??! Sigh...
  9. Well, it obviously isn't the Jackie Hills version on Mar-Brit then (above posting eliminates that), BUT... could it, possibly, be Jackie Hill - on Marbit ?? The titles of the A & B sides on both the Mar-Brit & Marbit releases are exactly the same... but wondered if perhaps the Marbit 45 is a different cut !??! So.... what we need to either confirm or eliminate this avenue is a soundfile for the Marbit release - anyone ? If it isn't that - well... LP track? an Acetate? Karaoke ?? Seriously, though, seems that the Jessica James release on Dynovoice is the firm favourite (I just like to make more work for myself by going down the 'obscure' route first ) - so what we really need is a soundfile for that!!
  10. 100 Club!! Surely... C'mon
  11. Thirty Nine.. !??! Wot... You had 'ard life then Mike.. Fingers
  12. This was a UK Demo Mike... all the same I was suprised at the final figure (left my, so I thought potential winning, bid so far back in the dark it's currently covered in moss ). Fingers
  13. Brighton 'Junk Shop Quarter' 1984 - 10p for a warped (but amazingly played flawlessly) 45 on King. Mmm.. I thought, an alternative to Archie Bell's pleasant little ditty 'Tighten Up'. Great! Along with some Indy flexi-discs, a yellow vinyl u.s. import of 'Butterfly Collector' (The Jam), a Mike Oldfield 'Tublar Bells' pic disc LP (along with another pic disc album the details of which elude me at present... long night!) plus a handful of 12" Test Pressings the likes of Huey Lewis & the News; Rod Stewart & Bananarama. It was to be seven years later, when my dormant love for the soul scene was just beginning to see re-emergence, that my long time friend & one time 'travelling' companion Kev Draper pointed out the significance of the Tighten Up single in the scheme of the scene at that time: a £75 copy of Roosevelt Matthews 'You Got Me Digging You'!!! Sold for a pleasant £25 to Hert's soul nite promoter extrordinaire the Big 'O', at a Cambridge soul 'nite held above a Snooker Club from memory - but only after Neil had assured himself as to my claims of unhindered playthrough by insisting to the DJ on the decks at the time (Tony Dellar) how this 45 must be 'tested' and before the next tune was cued (sod the punters - eh Neil ). Charity shop - Brisbane, land of Oz, August 1983: 99 cents... Cheryl someone or other (not the sort of tune to which I alot much memory cells) with a take on 'You Don't Want Me Anymore'. Pretty sure it was on Decca, too (nice black Oz stock copy). The aforementioned Mr Draper relieved me of it within two days of my return to the UK.
  14. My most, only recently realised, fortuitous purchase was actually a 'non-purchase' in that in the same sleeve as an (ordered & expected) blue Quaint release (part of a two-tiered 'bulk' purchase of mainly late 50's/early 60's 45's I negotiated) was another 45 - by the same artist, but on a yellow Quaint... need I mention that the artist in question is one Mr Otis Lee and the coveted 'Hard Road..' The irony of this particular pleasant suprise? I made the purchase 5 years ago!! and (due mainly to two house moves and the fact my 'record room' became such only once it'd finished it's service as the 'box room') they remained in their 'as arrived' state until I finally managed to get access to all my loverly stashed (& some completely forgotten) 45's and begin going through them (still not completed as we speak!) to achieve some sense & order, once more, to my treasured play boxes. At the other end of the spectrum, I could also admit to the mistake made in buying a piece based on a 'published' price - only to discover (after not being able to fathom out why I secured it so easily) that the 'published' price I used for reference was, in fact, a printing error... with an extra nought included!! I might just as well have driven down the road with my window wide open, chucking £20 notes out as I travelled! End result would've been the same! Oh those wonderful lessons in life thrown at us when we least expect them..
  15. For being 'Very Rare'.. this guy ain't doing too bad at churning 'em out, is he!!!
  16. Must confess.. I, too, thought 'need to meet this guy's dealer'
  17. Who's the seller? Might serve as aclue ??
  18. eh?... wot? I didn't understand when you posted that in the Lifeline thread either... ...but I'm actually thinking now.... Wot... are you actually saying what I am now thinking you are saying... no!! don't!!! I ain't... have I ?? .......... .........
  19. My most favourite 'marketing' ploy when I used to produce the Turntable Records sales lists How else do you think I manged to sell all that sh**e!! Can't name them off the top of my head, but examples have included things that saw a dramatic change in tempo (after the clip offered, of course) and them one's that you discover, when you get 'em on the decks, had been recorded at either an increased or decreased speed. Best one was a 45 recorded at 33rpm I thought that was stretching things a bit tooo far! Fingers
  20. Wot... Lifeline that good you forgotten then? Bet you sold 'em didn't you & bought sumink you liked instead . You wern't that sociable anyway - I just thought you had your mind on other things, or... just didn't have clue who I was! I still didn't manage to establish if I'd already given you the 'Rare Soul Vol.1' CD though...
  21. Nice one Steve.. Top Geezer that I already knew you were you!
  22. Anyone got a contact number for Shute please? He ain't answering his PM's!!!!!! Thanx... Fingers
  23. I dunno... geezer sends you his telephone number and then, when you ring it - it's voicemail!! Steve... check your voicemail Johnny 'If I Had A Brain I'd Be Extremely Dangerous' Fingers (aka: Brains of a Rockin' Horse... with legs to match)

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