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Everything posted by Ficklefingers

  1. Always believed to be a relative scarcity s far as I'm aware - even I could count on one of MY hands the times I've seen a copy. As it goes, I've just put together a new sales box - of approx 200 pic sleeve 45's / E.P.'s - and have a copy of this in EX cond. (disc & sleeve) priced at £400 But, if you like, I'll give you a tenner for YOUR copy in the scan (A reet cheeky fooker..) Fingers
  2. How about another 'retailer'.. based in south of England someplace, can't remember exactly where. Under the name of YankeeCandle something or other.. Several weeks back I saw them listing quite a few, assorted 'buy it now' 45's.. all out & out bootleg carved stuff. I sent them a direct & pertinent request - are they 'just retailing' - having bought 'wholesale' ?? Or directly responsible for the production of said offending items. Mentioning a few of their listings 'owned' by major labels - and how interested the legal title-holder's may be to learn someone else is making money on the back of their 'investment(s)'. Needless to say.. I haven't heard a Dickie-bird since. Anyone come across this ebay seller ?? Know anything about them / their operations ?? They also listed 'non vinyl' items in their ebay store but, the vinyl sticks out like a sore thumb. Anyone ?? Fingers
  3. Oops !! Didn't even THINK about that, Vince
  4. If you happen to be 'fortuitous enough' - and find TWO copies, I'd defo give t'other one a good 'ome-as-like !! Fingers
  5. See !! If ONLY you was as nosey as ME, Phil - YOU might've been the one to 'bump' into the copy that I've 'located'. It's currently STILL under the (hopefully, soon to be, EX) ownership of a certain individual that I was talking to several days back. I thought he was looking to BUY one - turned out I jumped the gun with my 'assumption'.. He/She's got one to SELL !! All I've secured, thus far, is a 'First Refusal', but I'm armed with a little list of his current 'wants' so confident I can 'strike' a deal on part-trade / part-cash basis in the coming weeks If I fail, though, I'll certainly pass you his/her details ..(for a small FEE) Still no joy, Phil ??? Fingers
  6. As a fresh faced 'little bruv' to a 60's scooter fanatic & soul music follower (known as 'Ada'..) Mickey Lee Lane, on Itzy, was a disc I used to regularly favour from his little box of 'Soul Music' vinyl thingie 45's (but not as I knew 'Soul' - from the ages of 10 to 12, which I was at the time - His was 'strange', but very appealing) that he kept in (what was originally) a wooden Soft Drinks Bottle holder. I got used to his Friday routine.. If he hadn't returned to the house within 30 minutes of leaving (forgotten something..) I knew he wouldn't be back before sunday lunch-time so would go & drag his 'record box' from under his bed and play them in our front room. 'The Ladies Choice' was another fave spin for me at that time, too, but - oddly enough - my 'overall' fave in his box was a Soul Brothers Six ditty on Atlantic 'Some Kind of Wonderful' !! Lo & behold, all them years later - the other side is a 'massive' tune.. 'I'll Be Loving You' !! Oh, to be young again Fingers
  7. Have you tried Andy Dyson , Mark ?? I think he's had most of the mo-do stuff - and I recently got a Nancy Lee from him.. Fingers
  8. For one horrible moment there, Simon - I thought this thread was just gonna be about a Bunch Of Aah, Soh's Fingers..
  9. Regarding the Linda Jones EP cut which is a different one to the LP version, Tim Brown mentioned it in Manifesto some years back around 2004/05? Not long after played it out at the Union Nottingham when that was in full flow, sounded pretty good. Heard also that Tim Brown had a copy of the Tiara's for sale, some time before that. At the time was inconversation with Ginger about it as i think Tim offered it to him? Said he didn't know it, so said i'd play it down the phone for him as a recommendation. Showed a complete lack of interest even though i was raving about it, didn't even want to listen to it. Thought he was making a big mistake.
  10. David.. I love you !! Nice One. All's you need to do NOW is send me the ORIGINAL disc in the post Appreciate the scan, Dave.. Fingers
  11. STOCK - or PROMO, Keith ?? Fingers..
  12. The 'few' copies I've had of this 45 - over a 25+ ish year period - have all been the same design as the above scan. Never booted as far as I'M aware.. Relevant or, maybe, not.. Phyllis' 'Oh Baby' 45 on Rainbow is on two different coloured label designs - but I don't recollect seeing any other label design for the LeCam release ?? (other than - just now !! - that amazing 'green' copy of yours, Yann !!) Fingers..
  13. out of interest what do you rate the french linda jones 45 at moneywise ?
  14. I always thought the Lp mix is different compared to the single, it sounds weak and lacks that oomph of the 45, The French EP does turn up now and again but the single is pretty rare, one of my all time top 10 tunes! I'll play both the Tiaras & Linda Jones tracks at the next Morley Carr event for ya! regards paul
  15. Nice liitle bunch there, Alan.. When can I move in ?? It was literally three days ago when I came across the details on LaReine Lammar's 45 - WOW !! Just DON'T tell my wife - 'cos she will DEFO be wanting one !! I should've mentioned in my previous post - the info I've found thus far is from a very limited number of labels.. And by no means anywhere NEAR (I'd guess) 'comprehensive'. But the stuff I've never before known about, and now reading - for the first time - the details in print.. It's mind-blowing. Would be fantastic to 'research' all the labels' catalogues, and with a fine tooth pick, eh ?? More fodder for my fantasies Fingers..
  16. NO !! Only this past couple of weeks I've been looking at just what - exactly - saw Canadian release/press.. Flabbergasted is an understatement. A real eye-opener, too (much the same reaction I had looking/finding out about the Aussie releases), and I would dearly LOVE to see or experience (first hand) copies of the 45's of particular interest to us Soulies You know those records that you end up 'regretting' getting rid of ?? (and probably the ONLY record list I have - that's bigger than my 'wants' !!) ~BOTH my copies of Kurt Harris' 'Emperor..' on (beautiful looking) Canadian Apex is a 'Double-Shot' of pain, for me, that falls into that category.. I got rid of them both !! (A very depressed again, just thinking about it..) Fingers
  17. tickled me.. !! [Adam - mate.. If only you could market that (never cease to crease me) WIT of yours.. I'm just LOVIN' it !! ] (A 'as sick-minded as Mr Soul45er'..) Fingers
  18. I REALLY.. No !! - I mean, 'REALLY' like THAT !! (Great thread, incidentally, Simon.. ) How do I get hold of a copy then ?? I'm presuming it is available in Vinyl format ?? I LIKE that.. !! It would fill a 'void' in my box, left by the newly vacated (Devil's work 45 !! - apparently.. ) : ** 'From of the 26 a (safe) bet deduction of two-score - & tri less (??) in the short road !! With levels of heat involved allowing some pity'. ** ** [encoded- IN CASE MY POSTS ARE BEING MONITORED FOR INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT BY THE SOUL POLICE..] ** Miss Simone would be a MORE than worthy - and much more appropriate boundary tester - to fill the void. (A now, VERY needy.. ) Fingers
  19. I believe it to be more in the region of the £80 (max.) - based on (and only relevant to) OUR Soul Music scene, Nev. BUT.. They ARE out there. Just got to look in the right places. I've had 8 copies in the past seven years - never having paid more than $30 but with an average 'cost' of $17 - and only one of those did I purpously set out to 'find' !! I even GAVE my last 'spare' copy away (to an appreciative home & in the cause of 'encouragement') and that was during the 3rd quarter of last year. Fingers..
  20. Whilst I remember - did the Ms Jones track see an LP release?? If 'affirmative' - same cut ??
  21. Have a listen to the second 45 in this you tube clip...
  22. TYPICAL !! Story of my life... (GREAT night tho, Phil ) Fingers
  23. Oh YES !! All of a sudden - and without prior warning - Sir (another year older, but even BETTER looking) Trevsky CATAPAULTS us to ANOTHER HEMISPHERE ALTOGETHER.. The Constellation known as 'Mega-Butch' !! Wot a TOP choice - from a Top Gent (A lowly, non-league) Fingers

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