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Everything posted by Ficklefingers

  1. Don't believe so.. carver(s) may be a different kettle of fish tho'
  2. Have you tried Man From Soul ?? Certain they had a copy ?? And agree entirely about the output produced by the stable of associated labels.. some fantastic tunes and some very hard to come by 45's too
  3. Domar wasn't so stupid as some people think then lol
  4. I used to have a studio acetate of the Carolyn Porter track 'I Want You'..can't remember which studio at the mo but west coast.. certain it went to tim Brown.. the backing track on the Delights very similar to her unissued 45/acetate so probably same musicians but be nice to learn if the same session ?? Interesting..
  5. Tanks for the kind assistance everyone.. all sorted now - Thank You !!
  6. Does anyone have a mobile number for Gary Cape they could pm me please- or alternatively pass my number on and ask him to ring me ?? Any help appreciated Fingers
  7. Liking that.. thanks for sharing
  8. Nice One Chalky.. I can sleep tonight now lol
  9. Whats dead was details on that one @Blackpoolsoul ?? The one mentioned by the OP refers to 001 NOT 0001 ?? Could the white label be a legit test press - anyone have a labelled copy to confirm run out info please ??
  10. Great read and wonderful track.. thanks for posting
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if they are a second to us Brits for the amount of soul records over there ??
  12. Top Man Gilly and pleased it is turning in to the success it well deserves.. Thank You !!
  13. Bit late but order placed and looking forward
  14. Agree entirely and have bought a few through Source Sales and always the same exemplary service.. I'll likely spend more on new release purchases through this fantastic facility as opposed purchasing from elsewhere.. One Stop Shop !!
  15. Following my post of yesterday at just gone 1.30 pm saying I'd placed an order.. Delivered at just gone 8 am this morning.. Now THAT'S what I call service.. Fill your boots everyone and buy in complete confidence you will be listening to your new purchase(s) sooner than you may think !! Thank You Source Sales
  16. these heads up are great and much appreciated.. the difference between listening and not bothering otherwise - and potentially missing out, is key to any new release purchases I make.. the fact a thread is posted making me aware, coupled with a sound file, has made me part with more of my hard earned money !!
  17. Just 'You're Wonderful'.. or 'You're A Wonderful One' ?? Sorry just a bit confused so seeking clarification please - scan an sound clip would also serve well to generate interest methinks - is it a Jobete acetate ?? Appreciate your time
  18. Liking both sides and a defo purchase for me.. Nice One !!
  19. I have a friend of 24.. well into grunge.. played her Joseph Moore ' I Still Can't Get You' and she LOVES IT !! Everything about it for her was superb and she really appreciated both the lyric and music content - even to the point of getting me to pay it to her friend when she was round - but didn't get the same type response lol Can't wait to get the decks and stuff set up proper so I can indulge her for an hour or so and see if she is for turning
  20. Time, Place, and Illegal Substances Ste..
  21. I for one will no longer make purchase via ebay.. total rip off !! As stated earlier, if the actual seller of the goods is not vat registered how the hell can ebay apply VAT when they are not the owner of the goods ?!? Are ebay supplying vat invoices with each sale to UK destinations ?? Talk about a scam..
  22. Mine was the elusive miss-press of the Butlers Laugh Laugh Laugh
  23. Shocked.. Saddened.. Gutted !! Hadn't seen him for years, same as a lot of good Soulie peeps Sue and I used to enjoy catching up with on a regular basis in the 90's and early Y2K - and John was one of them.. RIP
  24. I did a bit of lurking on and off on the night, and pleased to have caught the last few spins of your set and was very impressed.. Having now listened to your set in it's entirety my opinion hasn't changed.. Very refreshing, well put together, some'new to me' tracks, with a few more to add to the never-ending want list - if there is any way you could post the track listing for your awesome set of offerings it would help identify a couple of those I wish t add to said list.. Great stuff, and would welcome the opportunity to hear more of your sets.. Thank You !!

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