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Everything posted by Jmsoul

  1. Just loaded up another old skool connoisseurs podcast on my website. for those who love their mid tempo and steppers...enjoy! Also post my Solar playlist every week on website too....
  2. All set for Fri...collectors beware this week is for you....
  3. Sadly due to personal reasons Junior has had to postpone his guest slot until Fri 10th May. Sorry
  4. This is absolutely amazing only discovered it recently... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHZK...feature=related
  5. No era in particular 60's, 70's, 80's mainly....
  6. And definitely if you like 'Steppers'...
  7. Just Oldies...rather than contemporary stuff. Mainly mid tempo gems. Some real collectors pieces too.
  8. Another Old Skool special with special guest Junior Bank Holiday Fri 2nd May. Back by popular demand.
  9. This week an easter special...Lots of old skool especially in second hour...collectors session..as well as new stuff too!
  10. Lots of great feedback to new format of show especially old skool session in last half an hour. more of the same tonight..
  11. As per last week last half hour or so old skool mid tempo connoisseurs as 45s session this week...
  12. As from this week including both Old Skool and New Skool for all connoiseurs of mid tempo, 'steppers'.....
  13. Latest playlist up on website.....A show all those 'steppers' fans although I prefer to call it Connoisseurs Soul quality mid tempo..
  15. Latest Playlist up on my website.... All those registered on my site will receive a special offer from Simply Soul this week.....
  16. Playlists for both shows now up on my website
  17. 28th Dec and 4th Jan are Old Skool connoisseurs specials
  18. Latest playlist gone up...on my website
  19. You will be sent the password to your email address look out for it...any problems let me know
  20. Very simple you just register to get access forevermore...easier to keep in one place rather than post everywhere....Any problems let me know... Loads of new music tonight...
  21. Playlist up on my website now..
  22. Collectors special tonight
  23. Most of my shows concentrate on new releases in the main. At least once a month I do Oldies shows but more recently I have been doing a few specials with collectors in mind. I invite serious collectors on the show to share their music. Initially their early infleunces but mostly stuff people may not know either because it is very rare or had little exposure. These have been so popular I have been asked to get these guests back to go even deeper into their collections. Junior is back by popular demand with an amazing record collection. Tune in tonight would love to know what you think...
  24. Latest playlist up click on above link..
  25. Reminder for this Fri

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