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yum yum flyer #11

The second Saturday of the month

The Picturedrome
222 Kettering Road
Northampton, Northamptonshire

Yum Yum is an evening dedicated to sweet & sticky 60's Soul, classic Motown' Up front Deep Funk, 'Raw R&B,Northern, Smooth 70's groove, Cool Mod Jazz, Ska, Reggae, Latin Boogaloo and a pinch of Hammond Organ, Now Beat-well ! It's Gonna taste alright! Don't forget, the second Saturday of the month, every month!

With Yum Yum resident DJ's:
Rob Glover
Steve Taylor
Blair Velour McDonald
CJ & Special Guests

6k sound system
Massive wooden dance floor
Balcony @ smoking terrace
Ample car parking
Full size movie screen
Just off the town centre

Admission price: £5

From the category:

Soul Flyers

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