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farnborough town hall soul reunion

Holly House 188, Farnborough Road FARNBOROUGH Hants GU14 7JL Tel: 01252 680500 Tel: Mobile 07740416247 Email: Catompkins@ntlworld.com Farnborough Town Hall Soul Re-Union Saturday 16THApril 2011 Dear All...... This year is the 20th Anniversary of our re-union, which seemed to spark many other similar events in the local area bringing together many "old" Soulful friends and raising thousands of pounds for worthy local charities into the bargain , This year our Charity President, Mark Sanders has chosen The Chase Childrens Hospices as his Main charity, and we are hoping to raise at least £1,000 for this worthy cause , raffle prize's & donations gratefully received and faithfully applied... please contact me directly if you can donate .. thank you! Event details : In 1991 we held Farnborough Town Hall re-union, for those 30 something's that frequented that Saturday Night dance, that was held in the Hall in the early 1970's within the Old Town Hall building. Whilst the shell of the original building still stands, the internal hall and bars sadly no more exist. I am now planning to hold another, to be held at, Alexandra Halls, The Masonic Club , Alexandra Road Farnborough a two minute walk from the Old Town Hall. We are now 50 something's, and there will be a raffle on the night, the proceeds of which, will go to the Chase Shooting Star Childrens Hospice The PDSA & The RMTGB . Already there has been a great interest in this event and we are hoping that over 120 people will attend from throughout the Star news paper area, as people came from all over to attend this popular Saturday night dance. The Music will be from that era, as well as some Tamla Motown , modern , crossover and Northern soul classics there will also be the ever popular soul classics such as " Saturday night at the Movies " " Jimmy Mack " " Baby Love " " 54 - 46 was my number " and Prince Buster's " Al Capone's Gun don't Argue" which always got the dance floor stomping ! For those interested in attending, and there will be a licenced bar, tickers are available from C A Tompkins £8 per ticket or buy as a couple two tickets for a £10 ! so if your on your own... treat a mate and take a little trip back in time, and see some .. not so old face's and PLEASE IF YOU CAN .. DONATE A RAFFLE PRIZE or make a CASH Donation Cheques Payable to either of the above named Charities c/o myself and I'll make sure these are all passed on. IF anyone would like to Donate a Raffle price, please contact me at anytime, by telephone or e-mail and I will make sure all local businesses are mentioned in despatches !! Check us out on you tube .... Follow the link ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co4dg41_egw

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