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yum yum lost soul night #21

11 September 2010
8:30pm - 1am
Location The Picturedrome222 Kettering Road, Northampton.

Well here we are back from our Summer holiday and ready to shake, rattle and roll back at The Picturedrome this September.
We have a few new surprises and a couple of changes ready for the new season and a whole heap of groovy new vinyl to get you moving' on that dance-floor.

We look forward to seeing you there.

...Yum Yum is an evening dedicated to sweet & sticky 60's Soul, classic Motown' Up front Deep Funk, 'Raw R&B, Smooth 70's groove, Cool Mod Jazz, Ska, Reggae, Latin Boogaloo and a pinch of Hammond Organ, Now Beat-well ! It's Gonna taste alright! Don't forget, the second Saturday of the month, every month!

Rob Glover
Steve Taylor
& Guests

6k sound system
Massive wooden dance floor
Balcony @ smoking terrace
Ample car parking
Full size movie screen
Just off the town centre

Admission price: £5

Join the official facebook page for Yum Yum
and The Buzz here:: http://www.facebook....01846863&ref=ts

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