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6ts anniversary - september 2010

The 6ts 31st Anniversary all-nighter will take place on 18th September 2010 at the 100 Club (9pm to 6am). Entrance is by ticket only.

Confirmed DJs include Butch, Mick Smith, Ady Croasdell, original 6TS geezer Roger Stewart and our own First Lady, Val Palmer.

From August 16th you can buy tickets via Paypal or via post on a first come first served basis. PAYPAL
Send £20.75 (per person) through PayPal to ady.croasdell@btinternet.com

Send cheques for £20 (per person) to
A. Croasdell, Flat 10, 108 Great Titchfield St, London W1W 6SN

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