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that driving beat, leeds - yorks vs lancs special 30th april

What a night in store we have for you this month!!!

That Driving Beat Leeds welcomes Manchester's top club Beat Boutique over for a YORKSHIRE Vs LANCASHIRE SPECIAL!!

For those who dont know about the Beat Boutique, it's run by Liam Quinn and Paul Barker, both of whom have ecclectic tastes in soul and run their club in that vein, capturing the enthusiasm they share for this great music and moulding this into a thriving monthly event!

Liam & Paul will be representing Lancashire on the night and pitting their witts against That Driving Beat residents Azza, Rich Buckley & Eddie Wainwright.

If that wasn't enough, you'll also be treated to an eagerly awaited debut guest spot from 100 Club's very own.........


So for an exciting night of QUALITY across the board soul music, including northern, R&B, 70's soul, Motown, Funky soul and a twist of Latin, get yourself down to The Wardrobe in Leeds city centre. This really is one NOT to miss!!
Sunken wooden dancefloor, amazing sound system and top atmosphere - what more could you want?! All delivered on original vinyl.

@ The Wardrobe, 6 St Peters Square, Leeds, LS9 8AH
Special Guests: Ady Croasdell (100 Club), Liam Quinn & Paul Barker (Beat Boutique)
Residents: Rich Buckley, Eddie Wainwright & Azza
9.30pm - 2.30am, £5 entry

From the category:

Soul Flyers

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