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soultown - the 1st one for 2010

in the STUDIO at "the WATERFRONT" ENTRY: £4.50 / £3.50 NUS (18+)
dates for 2010 are the 3rd friday of feb / apr / june / aug / oct / dec

the first one STARTS at 10pm on FRI 19th February.

4 hours of the best tunes I can find to play you from the vaults of uptempo 60s soul music.

THE WATERFRONT have confirmed that the offer "BUY 1 GET ONE FREE ON ENTERANCE FEES BEFORE 11pm " is valid for the "n/soul & motown night" on the 19th of Feb 2010. All you have to do is arrive & get in between 10pm - 11pm to qualify.


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Soul Flyers

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