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rare 60's soul @ the redhouse - sheffield

Rare 60's Soul
Redhouse - Sheffield
Solly Street S1 4BB

Saturday 21st November '09

8pm - 3am
£3.50 on the door - profits to the Weston Park Cancer Hospital - Sheffield

Guest DJ's for October are...John Moffat & Errol

the Music...each event will feature the Redhouse residents - Joe Dutton & Mark Etheridge along with some quality special guests. Our policy is Rare 60's Soul music - plenty of imaginative Northern, a good helping of soulful RnB and a pinch of other 60's oddities. All played on original vinyl only!

the Redhouse...a cool, stylish & intimate venue with a wooden dancefloor and a great sound system. A well stocked bar, plush outside area and only 5 mins walk from the city centre makes this venue ideal for our rare 60's soul events.

the Charity...as always, we donate all profits to the Weston Park Cancer Hospital here in Sheffield. To date, we have raised over £2.2K. We must take this opportunity to thank all DJ's past & present for offering their services free of charge which allows us to maximise the charity donation. We must also thank the Redhouse team for their continuing support.

Please get in touch if you require any further info...Text: 07807305940

Shane & Joe

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