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northern soul allnighter oktober

>>>Northern Soul Allnighter
The music policy is to play the very best of mainly 60's Soul, RnB witha few 70's & Modern/Crossovertunes thrown in for good measure on Original Vinyl !!! All Djs areencouraged to play quite a few obscure/ underplayed or forgotten tracksas well as classics within their sets. Check out PLaylist @ www.myspace.com/viphitmanclub!!!

If you like your dancing, this is the place to be !! ( :rolleyes: wooden dance floor :rolleyes: ) So, Don't miss it !!


Lars Bulnheim (www.hamburgcitysoul.com/www.superpunk.de)

Toni Tornado (RnB ''Head Coach and Mentor of the Ultra Rare Soul Assis)

+ Your Host Viphitman (www.myspace.com/viphitmanclub)

Info: www.myspace.com/viphitmanclub

Venue: www.diemotte.de/

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Soul Flyers

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