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treacle soul alldayer @queens head,hemel hempstead

TREACLE SOUL ALLDAYER - Sat 29th August 2009.
Queens Head Pub,
34 Lawn Lane,
Hemel Hempstead, HP3 9HL

12:00 start till pass midnight.

Soul Music 'across the Board ' with emphasis on Boogie!

Charity day for a local Hemel Girl with Diabetes who needs special treatment.
Free Admission but donations to charity most welcome.

Special Soulful DJ's on the Day:
Brian Mac
Conrad Clarke
John 'Jester' Willis
Paul Lydon
Richard Felstead
Shaun Evans
Wayne Arbon

Regular DJ's.
Keith Long
Dave 'Blowey' Blow
& Myself Marcus 'Sofa Soul 'Bell

Come on down and enjoy the local sounds and friendly atmosphere.Last one was packed out.

Pub is Queen's Head ,just off the Hemel Funny roundabout (Lawn lane).Pub on r/h side set in between
shops.Limited outside parking in bays.
Directions to Queens Head Pub, Hemel Hempstead

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Soul Flyers

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