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chetsers reunion, 18th april, the kurssal, s-o-s. essex

The official Chesters Reunion !!

During the 1980íĮ’¢í…¾¢s there was one place in southend that played the music we love.Chesters was the only refuge of good taste in a sea of 80íĮ’¢í…¾¢s kitsch, To those of us who went there it will always have a special place in our hearts. So at last here is another chance to celebrate those far off days of mad clothes and seriously cool tunes with a original line up of djs as expected.

The event is to be held at the plush and historic Kursaal function rooms with a decent sound system, there are 2 rooms, which will enable us to celebrate both of Chesters most memorable nights. The night is being correctly promoted by authentic promoters, find out if youre really that interested and has been given the blessing by the people that count.

Main Room
Original Rare Grooves, Funk, Soul, Jazz, Old Skool Hip Hop..

Gary Dennis
Tony Levine
The Posh Boys

Room 2
Night of 60íĮ’¢í…¾¢s and Northern Soul classics

Paul (Carmel Records)
Skinhead John
Steve Cooper

Arrive early as were expecting a roadblock !!

From the category:

Soul Flyers

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