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dig deeper sept 2008 with dean parrish!

Thanks very much to everyone who came out for August's awesome Dig Deeper with Obie "Young" Jessie. We hope you were blown away by it as much as we were... Unfortunately, we don't have any photos of the night to share with you (email us if you were there and took any!), but we should have an audio recording or two up on our site soon...

On to September. We are very pleased to announce that we have booked Dean Parrish to perform at this month's Dig Deeper on Saturday, September 27, with backing band the Solid Set and backing vocals by Jaime and Leah from the Nouvellas. Despite being an NYC native and resident, Dean has not performed publicly in NYC in over 40 years.

Advance will call tickets are $10 (tickets will be $15 at the door) - and can be purchased here:


Don't blame us if it sells out. Dean has performed for crowds of over 1000 in the UK and Europe, but the Five Spot's capacity is just 250 - to hear Dean belt out "I'm on my way", "Bricks, broken bottles, and sticks", "Determination", and more in an intimate venue should be nothing short of astounding. We cannot wait!

Hope to see some of you there...cheers,


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