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black memories, valencia, spain, saturdays 12 march, 9 april

Saturday 12 march, 9 april, 14 May
c/ Mar 52, from midnight
Valencia, Spain
DJ ´s
Dani Herranz (R&B, 60 ´s Northern, Rare Motown)
Abel Andres (Soul Across the board, Funk, 70 ´s jazz, boogaloo)
Some Top sounds to be played: Al Apollo "I ´m walkin ´", Ann Heywood "Crook his little finger", Bob Brady "Good bye bay", TUME "Love shortage", Johnny Nash "What kind of love is this", Neptunes "Girl that ´s an awful thing to say", James Brown "Wake up and give yourself a chance to live", Johnny Maestro "I ´m stepping out of the picture", Hun ´s Review "Don ´t make me love you".......... Sheppards "Stubborn heart"
Contact- daniel.herranz@teleline.es

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