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walls of heartache, walthamstow's classic soul night, lo

Walls Of Heartache, Walthamstow's only classic soul night, is back
We had a great night last month so please come along before 11pm to make
sure you can get in.
Featuring the best 60s soul/northern/rnb sounds, all on vinyl. Films
At the Cavern Club, 524 Forest Road, E17 (just by the corner of Forest
Road/Hoe Street) Saturday Oct 27th, 9pm-2am.
¡£5 on the door for non-membefrs, ¡£4 members.
This month we welcome Tony Smith as our guest along
with all the usual great sounds from your hosts, Andy & Dave.

We hope you can join us for some great music, friendly faces, a few
drinks and some dancing - it's been a long, wet summer!

Andy & Dave


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