on the scene - january listings issue now out!
Please keep a look out for the new issue of On the Scene featuring January listings which is available for FREE in all good record/scooter shops or at soul and mod/scooter events throughout the country. The only FREE monthly gig guide that covers the Northern/Modern/Scooter and Mod fraternities.
If you would like to guarantee your copy you can subscribe for the year for just £7 just post a cheque made payable to Fresh Promotions to;
Fresh Promotions, Rosevilla, Dockypool Lane, Marton, Blackpool, Lanc's FY4 5JG Have a soulful New Year
Kind Regards
On the Scene
ps: If you have a february event and would like it listed then please call 01253 318267 ASAP as we are already starting to typeset the Feb issue.