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cream cracker, rothwell, kettering,northants. 26th may

Another night of Northern, RnB and Early Crossover.

At the Rothwell Town Football Club, Cecil Street, Rothwell, Kettering, Northants. Junction 3, A14.

Doors open at 7.30 and we play the last record at 01.00(ish)
large car park, bar till 12.30 and only ¡£4.00 entry.

DJ's for the evening.

7.30-8.15 Farmer Tom and John McClure
8.15-8.45 Guest punter Paul Parry
8.45-9.30 Mark D
9.30-10.15 Mellers
10.15-11.15 Nige and Steve Sturgess (guests)
11.15-12.00 Steve Brown
12.00-0100 Kev Such.

If you can get there early please try to come along to support Tom and John as they will be djing for the first time and will be kicking preceedings off.

For any information call Kev Such on 07974087713

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