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nuernberg, germany, "whitby weekender" film and no

The Kunstbunker, Nuernberg, Germany plays host to the first European showing of "Whitby Weekender" a documentary film by Ellen Cantor and John Cussans on Friday 18 May 2007. The showing starts at 8.00 PM followed by dancing to classic Northern Soul until the early hours with DJs Andy Cummings and Jorge Lewis. Admission is FREE! For further info contact: johncussans@netscape.net

Also on Saturday 19 May - Northern Soul Dance Party at the Kunstbunker. Come to see the full "Northern Soul Dance Lesson" film (and maybe some live instruction form the film-makers!) - viewings commence 6.00 PM followed by a night of dancing to the best Northern tunes, courtesy of Andy and Jorge. Again, admission is FREE!

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Soul Flyers

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