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AMSTERDAM SOUL CLUB 2017-11-23.jpg

It's the Original Amsterdam SoulClub's 10th anniversary.
And going stronger than ever before!
Celebrating from 12:00 to 17:00 on thursday the 23rd of november at the superb Akhnaton venue, situated next to Damsquare in the heart of Amsterdam. Motown & Northern Soul from original vinyl and rare video footage of the original artists. DJ's include Keith Fletcher (BBC Lancs), Danny Clegg, Jools Metcalfe, Tim Rabjohn and longtime resident DJ's Peter Oughton and Jos.
Akhnaton Nieuwezijds Kolk 25 Amsterdam
12:00 €6. Wristbands on sale on the ferry from Barbara Alton.
Coinciding with the P&O Northern Soul & Motown Minicruise by Keith Fletcher from Hull. So when you join us from the the UK its more convenient than ever. No airplane tickets, no expensive hotels, just £59 pounds will get you to Amsterdam and back together with two nights of fantastic soulmusic by the best DJ's on board. Free coach transfer to Amsterdam.

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Soul Flyers

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