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steam allnighter 16th september

New Century Soul & The Northern Cowboy's
STEAM Allnighter
27 High Street
Saturday 16th September 2006

9pm Till 8am ¡£10 OTD

Room 1: New Century Soul
DJ's Mark Speakman, Chico, Flanny, Kev Murphy, Neil Rushton, Little Scotty, Blue Max, John Pugh, Kiddo, Ian Gregory and Simon McMaster.

Room 2: The Northern Cowboy's
DJ's Phil Wainwright, Alex Jones, Des Parker, Keith Williams, Karl Heard, Johnny Beggs and Dean Anderson.

Room 3: The Modern Solution
DJ's Neil Rushton, Phil Wainwright, Flanny, Dean Anderson and Tony Shawcross
Info contact Johnny 07910 044276 or Chris 07737 341585 www.newcenturysoul.co.uk

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