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new century soul 11th anniversary allnighter with special guests the four perfections


Saturday 29th November
A Soulful Gathering
New Century Soul 11th Aniversary Manchester Allnighter
Radcliffe Civic Suite,
Thomas Street
M26 2UH
9pm till 8am
3 Room Allnighter
With Special Guests: The Four Perfections and Stone Foundation Live On Stage
Main Hall
DJ's Roger Banks, Chris Waterman, Bob Hinsley, Gibby, Andy Garside, Calvin Lee Hughes, Leon Brown, Denny Johnson, Dave Raistrick, Keith Money and Special Guests The Four Perfections and Stone Foundation
Room Two
Time Out: 10pm till 7am
with Andy Dyson, Hoss Watson, Matt Sneath, Sean Haydon, Neil Toplas, Soul Sam and Tim Brown
Future Dates 2014
Nov 29th and Boxing Day 26th Dec

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