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99p soul, saturday september 28th, betsey trotwood 56 farringdon rd london ec1,

ross allen's kind words ...
" Rob Ryan invited me to the 99p Soul Club, it is occasionall, at the Betsey Trotwood, Farringdon Road. It is one of those nights that take me back to early days of my life in the night. A basement (always the best spot for a dance), a half decent sound system, some great music and a bunch of people that love that music. It wasn't some hyped, packed event but several groups of people coming together to share a love of music. The music was a mix of Northern, Jazzy and more modern soul, there must have been 50/60 people there but it was brilliant. Everyone was into it, some tunes where huge and some super obscure, they were all greeted with a mixture of respect and joy. It was really good to see and hear such an event and reminded me of nights in another basement just down the road in The Metropolitan way back in 1987. The night was called Sole and featured Bob Jones (he of the previous missive), Ian Clark and Wayne M... another basement, another set of old soul and another set of music lovers. It's odd DJing, you always want the night to be ram packed and an air of euphoria when the night is on/ending but as a punter you love it when you have room to dance and chat and people are playing the music that works in a small room. Not some dickhead pretending to play music that will move 1000's and has no real mood, soul or feeling but just beats you into submission in one never ending track that breaks up and down to create that/those moments of euphoria - to me they most often seem to be false... to quote Trouble Funk - Lets Get Small Y'All... Props to everyone involved in the 99p Soul Club. Cheap and very cheerful..."

see you on the floor my dears

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