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downtown soulville - summer party

30th June sees the very latest instalment of DOWNTOWN SOULVILLE. And we've got a treat for you in the shape of two fantastic and noticeably smart guest DJs with superb record collections: 'CATFORD' CHRIS DALE and legend in his own lunchtime TONY SMITH. So expect plenty of proper rare soul, dipping into R&B and crossover. Bringing up the rear will be the usual scruffy Herberts, JOEL MASLIN, OLLIE LAILEY and JAKE LINGWOOD.

If you've been to DOWNTOWN SOULVILLE before you know what to expect. If you haven't, you really need to sample the particular delights of the Old Nun's Head's 'Famous Pannelled Lounge' - a really atmospheric room above a uniquely friendly pub, whose management really go out of their way to make us welcome.

As always entry is FREE and the party runs from 8pm through 'til 2am. For more info, join the facebook group.

See you there. JAKE


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