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hot buttered soul with special guest red greg 'under the influence' friday 11th may 2012 bristol

Ladies & Gentleman .. Hot Buttered Soul present the return of the legendary RED GREG

Unquestionably one of the World's foremost Underground Disco, Boogie & Rare Soul vinyl DJs/collector's, Red Greg is still on-fire from the huge success of his highly acclaimed 'Under The Influence' compilation on Joey Negro's Z Recordshttp://www.juno.co.uk/products/under-the-influence-vol-1-a-collection-of-rare-soul-disco/435009-01/

More mixes here: http://waxdj.com/djs/28/

His fist appearance at our HBS party last year blew us away and we couldn't wait to welcome him back for more party rockin' action

Regularly spinning at Maxim's, Mona and Club Sandwich in Paris, and at Love Chant in New York, plus numerous headlining spots, Red Greg also run's his own party, Ebonite in London where he DJs alongside Louis Heel. He has spun alongside the great and the good: Jazzie B, Zaf, Sean P, Paul Trouble Anderson, and the list goes on ..

What to expect?

If you don't yet know the 'Reg Greg sound' yet then expect lesser known underground gems plyed off super-rare original 7s & 12s, and one or two surprises from his all vinyl collection of stone cold collectors wax, plus his own RG Edits of the best dance floor tunes ever made!

Check out the promo video for his RED GREG 'Under The Influence' comp to give you a little taster:

How much are we asking on the door, unbelievably it's FREE, yes, FREE!

So get there early people, we're expecting a road block, dress to sesh, hit the floor and leave your troubles at the door, let's show some Big Bristol Love, this is gonna be one-helluva-nigh for the Heads and the Feet!

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Friday 11th May 2012

Big Chill Bar
15 Small St.


© hot buttered soul

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