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northern cowboy's bank holiday allnighter

New Century Soul Presents The Northern Cowboy's 2 Room Soul Night and Allnighter

Bank Holiday Sunday 30th April Club Starlight and Pipedreams, 10 Anjou Boulevard, Robin Park, Wigan WN5 0UJ ( opposite Wigan Athletic Football Clubs JJB Stadium)

Soul Night 8 till 12 DJ's: Dave D, Bob Taylor, Hockey, Steve Lane and Ian Gregory

Northern Cowboy's Allnighter 2 Rooms 10pm til 8am DJ's Andy Dyson, Roger Banks, Guy Hennigan, Colin Law, Steve C, Dean Anderson, Des Parker, , Robbo, Karl Rhodes, Steve Thomas, Kev Murphy, Flanny, Johnny Beggs, Brett Franklin, Matt Simpson, Rich Buckley, Jamie Hartford, and Richard Bergman

Modern Cowboy's DJ's Davie Bell, Jayne Carter, Eddie Batton and Tony Shawcross.

¡£10 OTD with ¡£4 Soul Night refund if you leave before 1am.

Superb 21st Century two clubs in one, four all night alcohol bars, two large polished wooded dance floors, 15k in house sound systems, large in house audio visuals in both rooms and free manned all night 3000 space car park

info contact Chris 07737 341585, chris@newcenturysoul.co.uk or visit our website www.newcenturysoul.co.uk

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