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ncs manchester allnighter 31st march 2012

New Century Soul Manchester Allnighter Saturday 31st March
A Soulful Gathering
New Century Soul Manchester Allnighter
Radcliffe Civic Suite,
Thomas Street
M26 2UH
9pm till 8am
A Soulful Gathering
Main Hall
DJ's Andy Dyson, Kev Murphy, Steve Thomas, Bob Hinsley, Ginger Taylor, Chris King, Mick Lyons, Mark Speakman Plus SOUL NITE Showcase Castle Bar, Conisborugh, Melv Kaye, Yocky, Neil Goddard & Manky
Room Two
Three Before One: 10pm til 1am
Dave Thorley, Clanger & Leona Murphy
Steve 'Hoss' Watson's Rhythm & Blues Suite: 1am til 7am
DJ's Roger Banks, Bob Morris, Hoss & Guest
Room Three
SOULVATION: 10pm til 3am
DJ's Neil Rushton, Steve Woomble, Eddie Baton & Soul Kandi
Soul Or Nothing: 3am til 7am
DJ's Steve Cato, Paul Grant, Leona Murphy & Dave Thorley
£12 OTD with a £4 refund if you wish to leave before 2am
Info Contact Chris 07737 341585 Or Via our website www.newcenturysoul.co.uk

Future Dates 2012
May 26/July 28/Sept 29/Nov 24/Boxing Day Dec 26


© NCS2012

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