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carl willinghams birthday extravaganza heywood civic march 2nd 2012

Hi everyone,just wanted to give you all our thinking behind this one off event at Heywood Civic. It's Carls birthday that weekend and also the time of year many of us used to spend together at Prestatyn, so after throwing a few ideas about with Steve we thought we try something a little different for Heywood and ask a few of our dj buddies to support the event. Our prime motive is to raise awareness and funds for Parkinson Disease and all proceeds following expenditure of hiring the venue will be donated to the Parkinson Disease Society. All djs our donating their fee and Carl and I want to take the opportunity to thank them ahead of the event.
We believe the line up will cater for all tastes and hopefully we will all have a great evening, however we are aware that money is tight for many just now, so if you are thinking of joining us we thank you in advance on behalf of everyone who is affected by Parkinsons.
Carl and I will be watching from the wings to ensure all these lovely jocks stick to their limited time slot [ HA HA] so no time for us to dj.
Hope to see lots of you guys there.
Maria and Carl



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