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ncs manchester allnighter sept 24th

Saturday 24th September
Thomas Street
M26 2UH
9pm till 8am
A Soulful Gathering
Main Hall:
DJ's Kev Murphy, Steve Thomas, Bob Hinsley, Chris King, Steve Whittle, Rob Smith and Ade Shaw
Room Two:
Lifeline Soul Club: 10pm til 7am
Andy Dyson, Mick H, Cliff Steele, Jumpin Joan, Kitch, Big Danny and John McClure
Room Three
SOULVATION: 10pm til 3am
DJ's Neil Rushton, Steve Woomble, Eddie Baton
Soul Or Nothing: 3am til 7am
DJ's Steve Cato, Big George, Steve Csordas & Guests

£12 OTD with a £4 refund if you wish to leave before 2am
Info Contact Chris 07737 341585 Or Via our website www.newcenturysoul.co.uk

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Soul Flyers

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