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May 09 Cd Swap. ......full Up.......full Up.......full Up

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Apologies everyone, I have finally gotten around to posting out the rest of my CDs. Please let me know if after a few days time you have not yet received it.

I reckon that I'm about 11 down on the swap. Everyone else?

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Posted (edited)

had a message from Ian Dewhirst to say that he's played a few of the swap cd tracks on his radio show :thumbup: and here's a thought ... if any soul-source cd swappers are in the York Area on Sat 17th Oct how about spinning the tracks on vinyl @The Riley Smith Hall warm up event @The Falcon from 3pm .?

I 'll be there , expect Kev H will .. just drop Dale a pm and he'll allocate a slot



MAIN BALL ROOM (reputedly largest wooden sprung dance floor in England ) & UPSTAIRS RARE SOUL ROOM.






(All dayer Saturday 19th December)

Edited by andybellwood

Just a thought, I've been involved in swaps on other boards where people basically ruin these by getting a bunch of free CDs without giving any in return ( the waiting.....). What we do now is rotate each year through a designated organizer. That person receives X amount of the same mix CD from each participant in reusable packaging. The participants each have a specified time limit (say 2 weeks or whatever) to get their lot of CDs posted to the organizer plus a return postage payment (through paypal or whatever). Once the cut off arrives the organizer then compiles a package for each participant (basically returns their packaging to them) with one of everyone else's CDs instead of all the same ones that they sent in originally. This way, only the people who can be bothered getting their CDs in on time benefit. The spare CDs that should have gone to the people who didn't front are then usually offered for set sale on the site by the organizer so they can get a bit of a cut for the inconvenience of organizing it that year or for any profit to be distributed evenly back to the participants to cover some postage . Any other monetary/postage fee inequalities are then evened out afterwards etc & everyone is happy with a pile of CDs to listen to until the next mix swap & no "free CD trolls" are entertained.

Guest DeeJay

Must hold my hand up I didnt get all the cd's out(But most) If anyone does not remember receiving a cd from me Simply email me at djbywell@safeguardgroup.com and i will mail a cd out. As far as how many i recieved versus mailed, I believe i mailed out more than i recived, although i wasn't keeping track and i don't expect anyone to hold back on purpose.



I reckon that I'm about 11 down on the swap. Everyone else?


Not been counting Tony but feel free to name and shame the ones you have`nt received....


I've counted totals Chris but not made note of who has sent. Should be able to do that easily enough though. Has everybody now received one from me?


I've counted totals Chris but not made note of who has sent. Should be able to do that easily enough though. Has everybody now received one from me?

I haven't got a clue how many I have received or who sent what. But then again I am crap :thumbsup:

If anyone hasn't received a cd from me please shout up!


Must hold my hand up I didnt get all the cd's out(But most) If anyone does not remember receiving a cd from me Simply email me at djbywell@safeguardgroup.com and i will mail a cd out. As far as how many i recieved versus mailed, I believe i mailed out more than i recived, although i wasn't keeping track and i don't expect anyone to hold back on purpose.


Jeez, I have a feeling I didn't send you a cd for the last cd swap.

Can you pm your address and I will put that right?

You weren't on the list this time though were you?

I know I did send a cd to America but I don't recall it being to you.


Jeez, I have a feeling I didn't send you a cd for the last cd swap.

Can you pm your address and I will put that right?

You weren't on the list this time though were you?

I know I did send a cd to America but I don't recall it being to you.

ditto , back in May sent out to everybody on list , so hopefully they all arrived - if not please pm me and i'll gladly send another .

Manifesto Soul Club Friday 11th Sept

Marine Villa Road , Knottingley. West Yorkshire

guest DJs Andy Bellwood& Dale Byers /Alex Simms & Rosie



Must hold my hand up I didnt get all the cd's out(But most) If anyone does not remember receiving a cd from me Simply email me at djbywell@safeguardgroup.com and i will mail a cd out. As far as how many i recieved versus mailed, I believe i mailed out more than i recived, although i wasn't keeping track and i don't expect anyone to hold back on purpose.


DJ how are you mate? Great to see you are still around...

Did you get a CD from me?

Keep in touch mate...



Not sure how many Cds i got on this swap but think there were maybe a few guys who did`nt bother for whatever reason...again....why sign up for something you have no intention of joining in with???

Oh Yeah...to get 20 free Cds...silly me!

Although i started this swap on here 3 years ago i think this will be my last one.



Definitely the most disappointing so far in terms of response!

I organised 7 swaps on Soul Talk, usually 15-20 participants, only 4 people failed to keep their part of the bargain.

Guest Ollie Lailey

Hopefully everyone got mine when i sent 30 odd CDs out back in april! let me know if not and i'll send one out for you. Pretty cheeky that a few people have just not been arsed and sat back and got free CD's. Shame on you!


Not sure how many Cds i got on this swap but think there were maybe a few guys who did`nt bother for whatever reason...again....why sign up for something you have no intention of joining in with???

Oh Yeah...to get 20 free Cds...silly me!

Although i started this swap on here 3 years ago i think this will be my last one.


Definitely the most disappointing so far in terms of response!

I organised 7 swaps on Soul Talk, usually 15-20 participants, only 4 people failed to keep their part of the bargain.

I think it's a real shame, the concept of the CD swap is fantastic, better than tape swaps in the 80's. Being a participant of these swaps has given me an insight into tunes that I would have otherwise passed by. It's sad, as support dwindles due to people not playing ball potentially could mean the SS CD may no longer exist. I suppose on the other side, they've started up on EMS.


I think it's a real shame, the concept of the CD swap is fantastic, better than tape swaps in the 80's. Being a participant of these swaps has given me an insight into tunes that I would have otherwise passed by. It's sad, as support dwindles due to people not playing ball potentially could mean the SS CD may no longer exist. I suppose on the other side, they've started up on EMS.

there's one guy i deffo know who 'took but hasn't given' and been silent on this thread (but not elsewhere on soul-source) ever since - so i do the right thing and send him polite pm ... and then we'll see what happens (or not )


Last shout from me to anyone who has not received a CD from me to let me know.




not sure if I have had one... I'm definately still shy of a few and it's taken that long to complete the swap they've been spread to the four winds...


not sure on the exact return ratio on this one myself, without checking. :lol:

although numbers maybe down, slightly, the quality as been excellent. so a big thank you, and pats on the back, to those that have sent out. good.gif

personally i'm not bothered with the whole name and shame thing, as their may be a valid reason for them not being able to commit.

and those that were just plain lazy, or couldn't be bothered won't be able to join in future swaps. :sleep3:

i was hoping to have another swap around the end of sept for those interested, the theme will be.............. "CROSSOVER, SEVENTIES AND EIGHTIES GEMS" :)

those interested let me know, so i can see if its worth doing another swap. :g: those involved in the EMS swap could send them out together, save on postage.

all the best



Out of interest is the EMS swap a 70's/80's type thing or up-to-date modern?

And does anyone why the forum notes appear to be in Spanish?

its a bit of a mix tony, i would say 70's to the present, and all in between. lets just say its a bit more open minded, in a nice way.

theres a few that did both swaps last time, and few regulars on here have signed up.

closing date for signing up is sunday, and i have three places left.

but i'd like to run the SS swap with the said theme, as people have asked for it, and judging by some of this swaps tracks it should be up quite a few peoples street.

good job i know a bit of spanish LOL

Guest biggray1

Out of interest is the EMS swap a 70's/80's type thing or up-to-date modern?

And does anyone why the forum notes appear to be in Spanish?

Tony wots the EMS Url Address please. Graham.



That's me out then :sleep3:

As for CD's, I sent 30 odd last time to everyone on the list apart from DJ Bywell because he wasn't on my list. (send me your address DJ and I will send you one asap).

This time I sent 32/33 was it? With one going to America and one somewhere else.

I can't remember getting one from America this time round. Or anywhere else outside the UK for that matter :lol:

I take it everyone received one from me?

Wouldn't want to be known as someone who has 'took but hasn't given' :g:


That's me out then :thumbsup:

As for CD's, I sent 30 odd last time to everyone on the list apart from DJ Bywell because he wasn't on my list. (send me your address DJ and I will send you one asap).

This time I sent 32/33 was it? With one going to America and one somewhere else.

I can't remember getting one from America this time round. Or anywhere else outside the UK for that matter :lol:

I take it everyone received one from me?

Wouldn't want to be known as someone who has 'took but hasn't given' :lol:

got yours joan,

got mine from the USA, and scandinavia thumbsup.gif both were very early on

to be honest i think theres very few i didn't get, but i was top of the list LOL

Guest Ollie Lailey

will have a count and see what's what. Did get 2 CDs from our international friends. As someone mentioned the overall standard and in most cases the presentation was really really good. Just a shame some folk don't play fair!



Apologies to all

I must admit when I got the first few through I panicked, as I didn't think I'd be up to the quality.

I've been putting it off every weekend but will get one done tomorrow. It may be a bit disco for some but we'll see.

It's quite stressfull actually.

Again sorry but I haven't meant to blag without giving.

Should be in the post by next weekend




I previously replied and have changed my response, have you received my CD?



i have John , and very enjoyable to - thanks

North Yorkshire Soul Club- prior to the main event @ the magnificent Riley Smith Hall, Tadcaster nr York


there's a free warm-up event @The Falcon. Sat 17th Oct. 3pm-8pm.

Fantastic tunes from quality Guest DJs plus slots for 'bring a box' ( - contact Dale via soul-source asap), great food, fine wines & ale.

Guest DeeJay

Christopher my old cheeseburger, am very well, so's the family. Looking forward to getting up to a do in San Francisco in October and the Seattle weekender in November.Didn't you get married? -good man. Hope it's going well. I didn't get a cd but not sure if my address got out, email me at work with your d tails and i'll get one out to you. Email at work is


cheers lad, and don't forget, your still invited out- beach, blue skies, palm trees, more beach (and that's on a dull day!!!) It'd be great to see you and the misses.



I must admit when I got the first few through I panicked, as I didn't think I'd be up to the quality.

I've been putting it off every weekend but will get one done tomorrow. It may be a bit disco for some but we'll see.

It's quite stressfull actually.



Pull yourself together you big wuss!

Thats the beauty of a CD swap, everyone does a CD of stuff they like/believe in/just discovered and shares it around...If somebody does`nt like your Cd there will be someone else who loves it! The only thing thats gonna piss anybody off is not doing a CD at all.

Now...get that CD in the post and lets all see what you got!



Thanks for the CD's received so far............some great tunes added to the ever growing wants list

I've been having a few technical problems.....no honest I have.....sad.gif Kept getting errors through iTunes, and getting only one CD completed for every five attempted. I've reverted to Nero now, and so far so good, so aim to have all CDs sent out next week good.gif


Thanks for the CD's received so far............some great tunes added to the ever growing wants list

Did you get a CD from me Cliff?

Not that I think you particularly want one. Just that I don't remember you being on my list.



After much headscratching and soulsearching it's done (in fact I had so much fun doing it I've got the next one ready too)

Apologies to all for the delay but I've been off the northern scene for nearly 20 years and it's been a bit daunting. It may not be to everyones taste but it has all the stuff I currently like on it.

I will be away for the weekend so will burn and post beginning of next week.

Once again I am sorry for the delay (beginners nerves)

All the best



Hello. it's me on the naughty stool in the corner! I have now recorded the CD and will send it out next week, my apologies for mistaking the May 09 CD Swop with my imaginary September 09 CD Swop! Ady

Posted (edited)

Huge apologies for being so tardy in sending my CD out.....finally managed to get them all cut, after searching endless IT help boards, downloading so called system error fixes, and new drivers, before eventually giving up and buying a new CDRW drive unsure.gif . Anyhow all sent out now, so your postie should bring them to you over the next couple of days thumbsup.gif .

Hope its worth the wait............unsure.gif

....and thanks Joan, yes you did send me a CD

Edited by Wrongcrowd
Guest Ollie Lailey

Huge apologies for being so tardy in sending my CD out.....finally managed to get them all cut, after searching endless IT help boards, downloading so called system error fixes, and new drivers, before eventually giving up and buying a new CDRW drive unsure.gif . Anyhow all sent out now, so your postie should bring them to you over the next couple of days thumbsup.gif .

Hope its worth the wait............unsure.gif

....and thanks Joan, yes you did send me a CD

Brilliant cd mate! the james taylor on ovide is awesome! i had that on an old tape with no track listing and have been trying to find out what it was for ages! nice work!

Posted (edited)


I need a list of addresses from someone. All mine are finally ready to go.

I've had a count up of those I've received and have had 23 so far.

Hope you will get all yours early in the week


Edited by richardf


I need a list of addresses from someone. All mine are finally ready to go.

I've had a count up of those I've received and have had 23 so far.

Hope you will get all yours early in the week


Looking forward to it mate.....I'm sure it'll be worth the wait thumbsup.gif


Huge apologies for being so tardy in sending my CD out.....finally managed to get them all cut, after searching endless IT help boards, downloading so called system error fixes, and new drivers, before eventually giving up and buying a new CDRW drive unsure.gif . Anyhow all sent out now, so your postie should bring them to you over the next couple of days thumbsup.gif .

Hope its worth the wait............unsure.gif

Cheers Cliff

Looking forward to hearing the CD on the way to work. The Alan Brazil Sports Breakfast will have one less listener tomorrow whistling.gif




I need a list of addresses from someone. All mine are finally ready to go.

I've had a count up of those I've received and have had 23 so far.

Hope you will get all yours early in the week


Your CD arrived with the postie this morning......top tunage mate....thumbsup.gif and some additions for my wants list.....Mystique, Scarborough, JD Hall, Powerful People.....thumbup.gif


Not that I am desperate or owt (ok, maybe a little) but I haven't received any cd's sad.gif

What ?.....None at all...........you were on the list that I had.....so you should have received mine this week / end of last mellow.gif ...

Let me know if not............thanks for your CD by the way ....QUALITY thumbup.gif

Posted (edited)

All mine went out Tuesday except Samuel's from Sweden that I'll post Saturday.

Cheers Cliff, how's things with you? Not seen you for a while.

All the best


Edited by richardf
Posted (edited)

What ?.....None at all...........you were on the list that I had.....so you should have received mine this week / end of last mellow.gif ...

Let me know if not............thanks for your CD by the way ....QUALITY thumbup.gif

Sorry, of course I have received cd's. I just meant yours and Richard's.

Edited by jumpinjoan

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