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Collecting is collecting, be it vinyl or anything else. If you collect something you want the real thing. When I started out, Wheel and Torch boys drummed it into me, "Only buy originals" Well, it stuck but hey, I only buy original anything What's the point of sporting a fake Breitling or Rolex? Hanging a fake Monet on the wall? Wearing fake 'Label' clothing? No point whatsoever, exept that the fake owner almost manages to convince themselves it's the real thing! If you can't get/can't afford the real deal, do without! If envy of what you can't have drives you to owning cheap copies of the real thing, not only is it sad, but the only one they are really fooling is themselves; like bootleg players, in some back-street pub, fooling themselves they are actually a Northern Soul D.J......

Been trying to find the words myself but Trev old son you have hit the nail perfectly on the head here, perfect 100% no argument.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

Guest Trevski

Been trying to find the words myself but Trev old son you have hit the nail perfectly on the head here, perfect 100% no argument.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

Cheers big fella, its words like that, from someone I respect, that keep me banging my head against the (thick) brick wall!

(What amazes me, is that after so many years of banging my head, the ocasional bit of sense still comes out! :D )


I knew there was something about the name of this thread that was bugging me. Sussed it now after reading some of the posts. There's a mistake in the spacing and the placement of the apostrophe.

Title should read "Northern Soul's nobs" :lol:

Guest BigPaul

The next time i have the honour,and i mean honour,to be asked to do a spot,i'll put it all on cd and send my mother along to press the buttons.

Same thing ,no?.

Of course i'm only joking.I will have my butler there to carry my box tho'. :D

Oh Bloody Well Behave Wooster :lol:

Im to busy polishing your Boots :D


just going to throw a slightly obscure angle in here..but..

and do correct me politely if I am wrong, but on any scene, is northern the only scene that plays vinyl!!!

IE: underground garage. 12 inch is a thing of the past, its all done with computers etc, burning the CD as they go along,and mixing it up , what I am saying is we have to keep it original, otherwise it will end up the same, and then all us purists will be turning in our graves :lol:

Guest Beeks

I'd like to think i'm inbetween

I play original vinyl only(bar the odd unreleased boot) but i'm not a twat about people who don't...each to their own...I think a lot of people come across as utter dicks on here but when you meet them in real life most tend to be pretty cool (Me being a prime example hahaha) :lol:

Guest Trevski
Posted (edited)

just going to throw a slightly obscure angle in here..but..

and do correct me politely if I am wrong, but on any scene, is northern the only scene that plays vinyl!!!

IE: underground garage. 12 inch is a thing of the past, its all done with computers etc, burning the CD as they go along,and mixing it up , what I am saying is we have to keep it original, otherwise it will end up the same, and then all us purists will be turning in our graves :lol:

It depends on the roots, I suppose. There will be collectors of Underground Garage original vinyl, but it was primarily a dance scene, format unimportant. Some may say "Well isn't the Northern scene primarily a dance scene also?"

Yes, most certainly, but, big but The roots of the scene were founded by people obtaining the rare, unheard vinyl for the dancers in the first place. If it wasn't for guys into US 60's soul, in the earliest, way back when days of the 60's, no-one would ever have heard it! So for those 'right on, keep the faith' folk, remember where that faith came from..... O.V.O.

Edited by Trevski

There are two soul clubs up here in Aberdeen, one OVO the other not, and I attend both nights when I can as at the end of the day they both play soul music despite the politics. The next nearest OVO night is 150 miles round trip which I also try and get to when I can.

However, over the past few years when attending the local anything goes soul night I have increasingly heard the use of the term soul snob when referring to people who believe in the originals only and the other local club. Along with this comes statements like, the dancer don't care and you have to be rich to DJ etc. I'm pretty sure this is just part of the tit for tat propaganda to make the other club look bad.

Anyway, I agree that many punters say they don't care if it's a boot being played or not. However, what I have noticed is how poor the sound quality is on these boots, carvers and indeed on many reissues that are played. They sound flat and lack in atmosphere and dimension when compared to the originals. This to me somewhat detracts from the music and therefore, the night. A crackly original to me will almost always sound far better than a carver or boot. The quality of these carvers and boots are often dreadful. As such, I feel sorry for those who don't attend the local OVO night on perceived snobbery grounds.

The thing is, if you went to the cinema and they showed the latest film that had been booted using a camcorder then you would surely demand your money back. In my opinion if your going to play bootleg copies then I'd rather here them from CD at least then the quality will be better but still not as good as an original. Funny thing is allegedly the anything goes night draw the line at playing CD's.

As previously said you don't need to be rich to put together a quality set of originals. Putting in the time, effort and dedication to find original records at reasonable prices, selling and trading, hunting and digging is more important than having a big bank balance. I'm not saying a big bank balance doesn't help but with so many great records that can be found cheap then it's not a requirement and therefore shouldn't exclude most.

At the end of the day what a DJ plays is up to them and the promoter of the club. I am a collector so as such collect original records and when asked to DJ I play these originals from my collection.

I do agree that collectors don't always make the best DJ's and that there is much more to it, but I do also believe the best and most inspirational DJ's play only originals.

If it wasn't for the original collectors/DJs most new sounds would not be played and as such the progression of this scene would dwindle.

I don't get down south very often and am curious to know if there are many allnighters such as my local allnighter which allow the playing of boots, or do most allnighters have an OVO policy? I can't see why people would or should get upset with me for asking this as the local guys running the all-nighter don't hide the fact that they play boots but I'm sure someone will decry me for being honest.

Posted (edited)






I have bought a fake thinking it was real but I was still trying to buy an original..Just name the top DJ's in the world or UK ??? Loads of them right??????? do any of them play boots ..I DONT THINK SO..



Edited by GASHER

It depends on the roots, I suppose. There will be collectors of Underground Garage original vinyl, but it was primarily a dance scene, format unimportant. Some may say "Well isn't the Northern scene primarily a dance scene also?"

Yes, most certainly, but, big but The roots of the scene were founded by people obtaining the rare, unheard vinyl for the dancers in the first place. If it wasn't for guys into US 60's soul, in the earliest, way back when days of the 60's, no-one would ever have heard it! So for those 'right on, keep the faith' folk, remember where that faith came from..... O.V.O.

yes ,see what you mean , actually I did forget about the guys and gals that collect 12inch.

However, over the past few years when attending the local anything goes soul night I have increasingly heard the use of the term soul snob when referring to people who believe in the originals only and the other local club. Along with this comes statements like, the dancer don't care and you have to be rich to DJ etc. I'm pretty sure this is just part of the tit for tat propaganda to make the other club look bad.

thats a good point to point out, perhaps a bit of the old jealousness is prevailing there, , perhaps they know they would not get booked at the ovo venue,and at .the end of the day lets face it everybody wants to be a DJ.

but one point that nobody's said is the fact that when playing boots you definably doing the artists in question out of their royalties

Guest familytree


I'll reply here - It will save the cost of postcard and stamp - I need the money to go toward another record :lol:

im a good listener if you need therapy..in fact i run a home for vynl junkies.. we ween you off very slowly, removing tunes one by one over a period of time and burning them.. its very cleansing to the soul! :D

Guest john s

just going to throw a slightly obscure angle in here..but..

and do correct me politely if I am wrong, but on any scene, is northern the only scene that plays vinyl!!!

IE: underground garage. 12 inch is a thing of the past, its all done with computers etc, burning the CD as they go along,and mixing it up , what I am saying is we have to keep it original, otherwise it will end up the same, and then all us purists will be turning in our graves :lol:

There are loads of niche scenes based around Jamaican music, r'n'b, rock'n'roll, mod, psychedelia and so on that play original vinyl - and 'dance' genres like dubstep and drum'n'bass rely on vinyl, though lots of others run on CDs / downloads / Ableton / Serato

Guest wrighty

However, what I have noticed is how poor the sound quality is on these boots, carvers and indeed on many reissues that are played. They sound flat and lack in atmosphere and dimension when compared to the originals.

If it wasn't for the original collectors/DJs most new sounds would not be played

halle-f*ckin-lujah....has it REALLY taken 5 pages to hit the nail on the head :lol:


should have kept my mouth shut the eh mike :D

Yes Andy too much "Mia culpa" here mate. Blue Skies is NOT advertised as OVO, and in fact some of the guys do play reissues. SO not sure why you have "volunteered" for such a public "admission" Andy for that Doni Burdick record - I wasn't laughing, just merry and sharing a joke with Paul McKay - blame the Fosters. :lol: Steve


thats a good point to point out, perhaps a bit of the old jealousness is prevailing there, , perhaps they know they would not get booked at the ovo venue,and at .the end of the day lets face it everybody wants to be a DJ.

but one point that nobody's said is the fact that when playing boots you definably doing the artists in question out of their royalties


There are two soul clubs up here in Aberdeen, one OVO the other not, and I attend both nights when I can as at the end of the day they both play soul music despite the politics. The next nearest OVO night is 150 miles round trip which I also try and get to when I can.

However, over the past few years when attending the local anything goes soul night I have increasingly heard the use of the term soul snob when referring to people who believe in the originals only and the other local club. Along with this comes statements like, the dancer don't care and you have to be rich to DJ etc. I'm pretty sure this is just part of the tit for tat propaganda to make the other club look bad.

Anyway, I agree that many punters say they don't care if it's a boot being played or not. However, what I have noticed is how poor the sound quality is on these boots, carvers and indeed on many reissues that are played. They sound flat and lack in atmosphere and dimension when compared to the originals. This to me somewhat detracts from the music and therefore, the night. A crackly original to me will almost always sound far better than a carver or boot. The quality of these carvers and boots are often dreadful. As such, I feel sorry for those who don't attend the local OVO night on perceived snobbery grounds.

The thing is, if you went to the cinema and they showed the latest film that had been booted using a camcorder then you would surely demand your money back. In my opinion if your going to play bootleg copies then I'd rather here them from CD at least then the quality will be better but still not as good as an original. Funny thing is allegedly the anything goes night draw the line at playing CD's.

As previously said you don't need to be rich to put together a quality set of originals. Putting in the time, effort and dedication to find original records at reasonable prices, selling and trading, hunting and digging is more important than having a big bank balance. I'm not saying a big bank balance doesn't help but with so many great records that can be found cheap then it's not a requirement and therefore shouldn't exclude most.

At the end of the day what a DJ plays is up to them and the promoter of the club. I am a collector so as such collect original records and when asked to DJ I play these originals from my collection.

I do agree that collectors don't always make the best DJ's and that there is much more to it, but I do also believe the best and most inspirational DJ's play only originals.

If it wasn't for the original collectors/DJs most new sounds would not be played and as such the progression of this scene would dwindle.

I don't get down south very often and am curious to know if there are many allnighters such as my local allnighter which allow the playing of boots, or do most allnighters have an OVO policy? I can't see why people would or should get upset with me for asking this as the local guys running the all-nighter don't hide the fact that they play boots but I'm sure someone will decry me for being honest.

Good post, I would say most if not all Nighters are OVO dont think they make a big deal out of it, its just the unwritten rule & part of Rare Soul etiquette, although the 'rule book' is something subconcious & based on tradition, respect & courtesy, we all grew up with it. its not taught or learnt it develops.........& just is...........find it strange why people even would question it. NS was very much a working class scene, you build your collection through wheeling & dealin', you buy cheap, sell as high as you can, invest in another tune, dig, dig, dig, listen to soul music 24/7, search everywhere, research everything, keep a note book by the phone :lol: , hang around seedy record bars listening for tips & looking out for the tut boxes that havnt seen the light of day for a few years, hope you can find a cheap brilliant unknown & then sweep copies up before the word gets out, then when the sound goes big, sell, sell, sell the spares............its all common dog really & some thing that most DJ's & collectors have done for years, look at Kenny, he's potless & turns up great tunes all the time.......IMO its the lazy f**ckers that cant be arsed or dont know the crack that winge about OVO & you dont need loads of dosh, just a bit of taste, some savvy & passion...........mmmmmmmm I bet if you gave Butch £25 quid, he could find a relatively unknown record that would take the roof of most Nighters & theres loads of other great collectors & DJ's that do this every day of thier life..........



There are loads of niche scenes based around Jamaican music, r'n'b, rock'n'roll, mod, psychedelia and so on that play original vinyl - and 'dance' genres like dubstep and drum'n'bass rely on vinyl, though lots of others run on CDs / downloads / Ableton / Serato

yes I realize this, its just that, something I never really say, is my 24 year son is a DJ. it obviously runs in the blud :lol: he plays dubstep and all that, I,m quite used to hearing a fine genra of music in our house, he used to have the 12inch but now its all cd,s but aparantley thats how its done in his circle if you like, he mixes, and punters down load off his site, he does get paid, and when he played out in brum with some top names (nicky blackmarket)? means nowt to me, its all cd,s. they do it on the spot.. this is my last post on the subject , its allways going to rear its head every 6 months or so , and its never going to change, i dont think .


......IMO its the lazy f**ckers that cant be arsed or dont know the crack that winge about OVO & you dont need loads of dosh, just a bit of taste, some savvy & passion...........



And that's the point Russ, wannabe DJs trying to justify themselves for playing CDs and boots. They don't know the crack, and as Terry says two pages back, it's the easy option.

My aunty has been invited to DJ at a local northern night in Thornton Heath. She doesn't have any originals, and so she's going to buy some bootlegs and CD dancefloor filler tracks to play because "that's what the punters want". But she IS a DJ and if you say she isn't you're a soul snob - yeah right!!!! :D:D:lol:

The Rare soul scene is built on playing originals. If you don't have the trophy records like Mel Britt, play some different ones! There's 40,000 + originals to choose from......


IMO its the lazy f**ckers that cant be arsed or dont know the crack that winge about OVO & you dont need loads of dosh, just a bit of taste, some savvy & passion...........mmmmmmmm I bet if you gave Butch £25 quid, he could find a relatively unknown record that would take the roof of most Nighters & theres loads of other great collectors & DJ's that do this every day of thier life..........





In the last few months I have bought, amongst scores of other things IMO a brilliant semi known thats covered up (searched for three years until I found it......yippppeee), a cover up that there are 3 known copies of so far (paid top wonga, but its priceless) & loads of less than $£20 cheapies that I think stand up against many of the big nighter tunes, I get as much satisfaction, if not more finding the cheap brilliant tunes that others may have missed or have not discovered yet............are you still a snob if you find the OV copy cheap :lol:................a lot of this is envy & sour grapes.



These people who play boots literally have "no soul" As said they just pick up the phone.

This snob this week listened to a mates tunes - This one I had never heard before (Joe tex - I got a song on Michelle)

I thought it was bloody good - so off I went and searched for it. I found it in New York in VG cond - Paid my $24 which included P&P to Uk and it slipped into my post box this morning. The label is a bit shagged but the vinyl was VG+++.

Oh yes onto the deck it goes and I love it . Thats another OVO record into my box and im feeling pretty pleased with myself and I will play it out one day when I work out what goes with it. I feel tremendous that Ive got a cracking record at a fraction of the book price.

The tingle I got when I found it - The elation of the tune turning up the rapture of hearing the first bars and now the hard work to see what I could play before it and after - Thats what part of being a DJ is (IN our scene) not playing

F**cking boots or reissues that you dont have to lift a finger (Just the phone) to accquire.

This Snob says Ridicule the boot players! Cos they deserve it! :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

I do think some folk just collect with the wallet.. by that I mean just buy expensive records.. I'd love to but I'm becoming tighter as I get older, all thanks to the Derek Jack school of buying records... a true Scotsman.. Laughs

I reckon the 20 - 30 quid semi known's is the way, tomorrow's rare ones and all that.. or so they would have you believe :rolleyes:

Mal :shades:

Edited by Mal.C.

Isn't original vinyl collecting more about the money these days? It's a rich man's sport isn't it?

For sure, everyone can amass a collection of £10-20 cheapies but I doubt they'll fill a dancefloor or create much excitement in collectors circles or on a dancefloor as a large boxful of mega expensive rarities.

I think money has transformed the scene into something that's become almost a caricature of what it used to be about - a bit like the Premier League really, namely, that only a handful of people can afford the big rarities, like only the richest teams can afford the best players.

The Salvadores made sense to me when I had two or three copies in the 70's first time around for less than £20 apiece. The record doesn't sound any better now @ £3,516 and I don't think I could justify paying the additional £3,496 for a copy now. Multiply that times all the conceivable big money tunes that I might fancy owning again at some point and there wouldn't be much change out of £500,000.

So, yes, for sure there's a large element of snobbery about Northern Soul except that these days you have to be in a position to afford it!

I quite often wonder if when I make my next million will I be likely to amass yet another top-notch collection of originals? I'm not so sure these days. I've heard everything a zillion times, I've owned virtually everything I've ever wanted on O.V. at some stage or another and I already have multiple copies of everything I want on numerous formats anyway, so I guess the only reason I'd need 'em all again would be ego/snobbery related.

People wear their record collections like badges of honour nowdays and it seems that everyone has the mandatory few boxes of big money items in their homes. Surely anyone with a spare £250K can whip together a heart-stopping collection pretty quickly these days can't they?

So is it possible to be a serious O.V. collector if you're in a low paid job, broke, paying for a trail of divorces, supporting numerous children or been recently made redundant?

If anyone can advise how I can replace my entire 70's collections on O.V. for less than £250K then let me know! :rolleyes:

Answers on a postcard please......

Ian D :shades:

Guest familytree

perhaps in answer to 'what is a soul snob' we are all barking up the wrong tree and it has nothing to do with ovo policies... perhaps its to do with how we own the scene and the music in it?.. we are all very precious and possessive of it and frown upon anyone not deserving coming in willy nilly without the right.... visistors!.. like the cameras at wigan, like the sound track behind the ad.. i bet i have not been on my own over the years (not so much now as its a well known scene even if your not on it) when ive heard a n.s tune being played on t.v stopping in my tracks thinkin "who the hell put them on to that! must be someone we know"!(and it usually was!) thinking they had a damn cheek that its ours and they didnt ask permission, wanting to vet the use of it, oversee the direction etc ....watching a 'local' sabotarge a night pxxxd! dancin like a prat and wishing they were thrown out!... perhaps thats the snobbery, not the internal politics, we have always had them and thrived on it one way or another, it makes for a colourful, wonderful scene!... so there ive answered the question and ended the thread and realised im a snob in the findings! :rolleyes: ... dont thank me, its been a pleasure x

Guest familytree

Isn't original vinyl collecting more about the money these days? It's a rich man's sport isn't it?

For sure, everyone can amass a collection of £10-20 cheapies but I doubt they'll fill a dancefloor or create much excitement in collectors circles or on a dancefloor as a large boxful of mega expensive rarities.

I think money has transformed the scene into something that's become almost a caricature of what it used to be about - a bit like the Premier League really, namely, that only a handful of people can afford the big rarities, like only the richest teams can afford the best players.

The Salvadores made sense to me when I had two or three copies in the 70's first time around for less than £20 apiece. The record doesn't sound any better now @ £3,516 and I don't think I could justify paying the additional £3,496 for a copy now. Multiply that times all the conceivable big money tunes that I might fancy owning again at some point and there wouldn't be much change out of £500,000.

So, yes, for sure there's a large element of snobbery about Northern Soul except that these days you have to be in a position to afford it!

I quite often wonder if when I make my next million will I be likely to amass yet another top-notch collection of originals? I'm not so sure these days. I've heard everything a zillion times, I've owned virtually everything I've ever wanted on O.V. at some stage or another and I already have multiple copies of everything I want on numerous formats anyway, so I guess the only reason I'd need 'em all again would be ego/snobbery related.

People wear their record collections like badges of honour nowdays and it seems that everyone has the mandatory few boxes of big money items in their homes. Surely anyone with a spare £250K can whip together a heart-stopping collection pretty quickly these days can't they?

So is it possible to be a serious O.V. collector if you're in a low paid job, broke, paying for a trail of divorces, supporting numerous children or been recently made redundant?

If anyone can advise how I can replace my entire 70's collections on O.V. for less than £250K then let me know! :shades:

Answers on a postcard please......

Ian D :D

where were you when we needed you!? :D love the football analogy... perfect.. like that, the scene was working class and accessible to all.. perfect post but thats not to detract from some personal posts on here from genuine passionate soul collectors who make good points too... anyway its nothing to do with ovo.. if you read my last post ive solved the snobbery arguement :rolleyes: and all is well with the world...til the morning!


perhaps in answer to 'what is a soul snob' we are all barking up the wrong tree and it has nothing to do with ovo policies... perhaps its to do with how we own the scene and the music in it?.. we are all very precious and possessive of it and frown upon anyone not deserving coming in willy nilly without the right.... visistors!.. like the cameras at wigan, like the sound track behind the ad.. i bet i have not been on my own over the years (not so much now as its a well known scene even if your not on it) when ive heard a n.s tune being played on t.v stopping in my tracks thinkin "who the hell put them on to that! must be someone we know"!(and it usually was!) thinking they had a damn cheek that its ours and they didnt ask permission, wanting to vet the use of it, oversee the direction etc ....watching a 'local' sabotarge a night pxxxd! dancin like a prat and wishing they were thrown out!... perhaps thats the snobbery, not the internal politics, we have always had them and thrived on it one way or another, it makes for a colourful, wonderful scene!... so there ive answered the question and ended the thread and realised im a snob in the findings! :rolleyes: ... dont thank me, its been a pleasure x

Me too. We're ALL snobs!

Everyone used to be a 'Div' in the early 70's until they'd paid their dues for at least a year. The Wheel Boys were at the top of the tree and boy did they know it LOL......

And those b*stards @ Barclaycard! How DARE they use Don Thomas to flog more Visas......it's got to the point in my house where all I have to do is shout "train!" and everyone shouts back "down the traaaaaaaack" etc, etc.......

Even Don Thomas is no longer sacred..........

Ian D :shades:


where were you when we needed you!? :D love the football analogy... perfect.. like that, the scene was working class and accessible to all.. perfect post but thats not to detract from some personal posts on here from genuine passionate soul collectors who make good points too... anyway its nothing to do with ovo.. if you read my last post ive solved the snobbery arguement :rolleyes: and all is well with the world...til the morning!

I was at Prestatyn drooling over rare records like the rest of 'em! :shades:

Ian D :D

Guest familytree

Me too. We're ALL snobs!

Everyone used to be a 'Div' in the early 70's until they'd paid their dues for at least a year. The Wheel Boys were at the top of the tree and boy did they know it LOL......

And those b*stards @ Barclaycard! How DARE they use Don Thomas to flog more Visas......it's got to the point in my house where all I have to do is shout "train!" and everyone shouts back "down the traaaaaaaack" etc, etc.......

Even Don Thomas is no longer sacred..........

Ian D :shades:

ha brilliant!.. but i oversaw the direction on that one and think it kinda works.. :rolleyes: .. hey if that happened 30 years ago we would have had demonstrations outside barclaycard head quarters shouting 'give us our choon back'!.. which makes me wonder..are they ours just because we found them, love them, dance to them.. is possession nine thenths of the law in these cases?? ovo of course..


ha brilliant!.. but i oversaw the direction on that one and think it kinda works.. :shades: .. hey if that happened 30 years ago we would have had demonstrations outside barclaycard head quarters shouting 'give us our choon back'!.. which makes me wonder..are they ours just because we found them, love them, dance to them.. is possession nine thenths of the law in these cases?? ovo of course..

.......and a O.V. pink Nu VJ copy of course which ironically looks more like a boot than the reissue LOL...... :rolleyes:

Ian D :D


Isn't original vinyl collecting more about the money these days? It's a rich man's sport isn't it?

For sure, everyone can amass a collection of £10-20 cheapies but I doubt they'll fill a dancefloor or create much excitement in collectors circles or on a dancefloor as a large boxful of mega expensive rarities.

I think money has transformed the scene into something that's become almost a caricature of what it used to be about - a bit like the Premier League really, namely, that only a handful of people can afford the big rarities, like only the richest teams can afford the best players.

The Salvadores made sense to me when I had two or three copies in the 70's first time around for less than £20 apiece. The record doesn't sound any better now @ £3,516 and I don't think I could justify paying the additional £3,496 for a copy now. Multiply that times all the conceivable big money tunes that I might fancy owning again at some point and there wouldn't be much change out of £500,000.

So, yes, for sure there's a large element of snobbery about Northern Soul except that these days you have to be in a position to afford it!

I quite often wonder if when I make my next million will I be likely to amass yet another top-notch collection of originals? I'm not so sure these days. I've heard everything a zillion times, I've owned virtually everything I've ever wanted on O.V. at some stage or another and I already have multiple copies of everything I want on numerous formats anyway, so I guess the only reason I'd need 'em all again would be ego/snobbery related.

People wear their record collections like badges of honour nowdays and it seems that everyone has the mandatory few boxes of big money items in their homes. Surely anyone with a spare £250K can whip together a heart-stopping collection pretty quickly these days can't they?

So is it possible to be a serious O.V. collector if you're in a low paid job, broke, paying for a trail of divorces, supporting numerous children or been recently made redundant?

If anyone can advise how I can replace my entire 70's collections on O.V. for less than £250K then let me know! :rolleyes:

Answers on a postcard please......

Ian D :shades:

The name Steve Chadwick springs to mind.

I've no idea why some people who collect OVO have such a downer on those who don't. It seems to come down to dj spots. Less-deserving jocks are.... Well actually Im not sure what they're doing. Bringing the scene into disrepute I guess although most on here have said that they're not really part of it if they play boots.

I think if you're gonna be critically harsh with those people maybe you should apply similar rules to the OVO mob.

Such as don't play 45s I heard 20-30 years ago whilst pretending it's upfront or if your playlist doesn't include your own discoveries then don't bother at all.

Extremely easy to invent your own rules with a few like-minded mates and look down on those that don't follow them.


Guest familytree
Posted (edited)

I was at Prestatyn drooling over rare records like the rest of 'em! :rolleyes:

Ian D :shades:

yes i can imagine!.. i resorted to making a bra out of two very nice 7 inch singles to get the same response from my man many moons ago!... sorta back fired ,though i did see froth from his mouth so he could have been a little excited?! :D

Edited by familytree

:g: I believe that there may be a place (a small bar/ or a country where access/funds are very limited) or a time (starting off) to play reissues, boots ....but I believe that:

The Soul S.cene N.eeds O.riginal P.latters to retain its uniqueness and passion on and off the dancefloor.

If people wouldn't care anymore about original records I believe the interest to find unknown tracks will slowly disappear as well as the passion about collecting them.

(which in a way is responsible for the preservation of music as well as making them available to record on other formats for the wider use)

Well, some people argue about the tradition of this and that on other issues tooooo death and at the same time may think that playing reissues/ boots is ok??!!??

It is bloody part of the tradition of the Northern Scene to aspire to own and play original vinyl full stop!!! :shades:

Also, because of the value of these records to the Northern Soul Scene they are normally kept in good nick and therefore available to future generations for recording purposes as well as for enjoyment.

If records wouldn't have a value (created through the demand) they would be dumped and therefore many recordings would be lost.

If you go to an art gallery full of fakes and you just paid $$ to see them what would you think???

If you go to an art gallery with a lots of wonderful original artwork what would you think???

Or you go to a caf or small bar where for decorative purposes some prints of rare drawings have been used to give the place a nice feel, what would you think??? I think that is fine but..

well, I think there is a new term coming up for the curator/DJ at the art gallery/allnighter...

HE/SHE ain't a DJ anymore he is a :D DECORATOR :D !!!

...and that you have to have money argument is lazy and has been dealt with before.

By the way if you save the £3,516 (The Salvadores) over a peroid of 2 years that is £ 146,5 per month.

Well, you could either get one overplayed oldie or you could get some top notch tunes for an hour set of some great rare & not so rare, unknown, classic and indemant tunes.

one track for : £ 6

one track for: £ 10

five tracks for: £ 20

five tracks for: £ 25

four tracks for: £ 50

one track for: £ 75

ten tracks for: £ 100

one tracks for: £ 250

one track for: £ 350

one track for: £ 1150

Yes you need to have passion!!!! Yes you need a little bit of money but not a million to play a lovely ovo set!!!!!! Yes you need to be a bit mad to pay £3,516 for records instead of spending it on a holiday a car or whatever. But HEY :rolleyes:


yes i can imagine!.. i resorted to making a bra out of two very nice 7 inch singles to get the same response from my man many moons ago!... sorta back fired ,though i did see froth from his mouth so he could have been a little excited?! :shades:

Jesus! Northern Soul bras. Now there's an idea. Any pics knocking around.........? :rolleyes:

Ian D :D

Guest SteveM

Jesus! Northern Soul bras. Now there's an idea. Any pics knocking around.........? :rolleyes:

Ian D :shades:

Ian, trust me. Judging by the tat available at venues around here (clocks and garlic presses were a particular favourite !) a few years ago, Northern Soul bra's would certainly have been done before. :D

Guest familytree

Jesus! Northern Soul bras. Now there's an idea. Any pics knocking around.........? :rolleyes:

Ian D :D

we were too busy arguing to take pics... some people have no sense of humour do they.. :shades:


I've no idea why some people who collect OVO have such a downer on those who don't.


I think if you're gonna be critically harsh with those people maybe you should apply similar rules to the OVO mob.

Such as don't play 45s I heard 20-30 years ago whilst pretending it's upfront or if your playlist doesn't include your own discoveries then don't bother at all.



Extremely easy to invent your own rules with a few like-minded mates and look down on those that don't follow them.


ID RATHER BE A SNOB THAN A PIKEY.. :rolleyes::shades:


Guest familytree

Ian, trust me. Judging by the tat available at venues around here (clocks and garlic presses were a particular favourite !) a few years ago, Northern Soul bra's would certainly have been done before. :rolleyes:

seen the clocks but a garlic press! how, why, when where?

Guest SteveM

seen the clocks but a garlic press! how, why, when where?


Actually it was coasters and place mats but they don't have the same comedy effect. :rolleyes:

Guest familytree

I've no idea why some people who collect OVO have such a downer on those who don't.


I think if you're gonna be critically harsh with those people maybe you should apply similar rules to the OVO mob.

Such as don't play 45s I heard 20-30 years ago whilst pretending it's upfront or if your playlist doesn't include your own discoveries then don't bother at all.



Extremely easy to invent your own rules with a few like-minded mates and look down on those that don't follow them.


ID RATHER BE A SNOB THAN A PIKEY.. :rolleyes::shades:


who are you talking about when you keep refering to people who play boots only?!.... are there such people and if there are would ANY of us on here go to the event?... you make extreme comparissons that dont exsist on the real scene surely?..

Guest SteveM

Jesus! Northern Soul bras. Now there's an idea. Any pics knocking around.........? :rolleyes:


GMAN :shades:

Richie, surely you must have seen the DoubleD label ? :D

Guest familytree


Actually it was coasters and place mats but they don't have the same comedy effect. :rolleyes:

haha it does now!... gullabul or what.. i had my hat n coat on ready to search one out... phew x


If you don't have the trophy records like Mel Britt, play some different ones! There's 40,000 + originals to choose from......


Do they still play Mel Britt at Northern Soul nights, Steve? :shades:

FFS, no wonder everyones getting lathered up! :D

I thought it was a played out record 30 odd years ago. I don't think I've been anywhere where I'm likely to have heard that particular track since the 70's.

Lovely tune, but I'm with you all the way... if some Northern Soul 'DJ's' really are playing the likes of Mel Britt pressings, as opposed to the tens of thousands of alternative originals available then its a sorry (nay laughable) state of affairs!

On the other hand, if some guy or gal wants to play it at their local working mens club, then who the fook am I to complain? I'm a real SOUL Music snob (I look down on everyone :g: ) but such a lack of imagination is more likely to arouse my sympathy than condemnation.

Just let the kiddies play. Keeps 'em off the street and its not really hurting anyone who's a serious Soul fan if Biffo (or whoever) is playing the type of stuff we left behind decades ago, is it?

After all, if that's the level of creativity some DJ's display... then I just wouldn't go along to support the gig.

Lifes far too short to live it in some kind of musical Groundhog day!

On this very subject, my late friend, a very wise man, once said to me "the ones that mind don't matter... and the ones that matter don't mind!"

That was the real Gospel according to Dave Godin.

Translated by this lesser mortal... those who believe they know better...

...should just get on with it!





Lifes far too short to live it in some kind of musical Groundhog day!

I beg to differ.

Who is to say that?


I have been progressive all my life on this scene, would love to own a real Mel Britt and would, at the drop of a hat, have no embarassment in playing it.

It's all subjective mate and I do find your post a tad condescending.

Yes, your view is your view, but that is all it is - not a benchmark.

You've done what you've done and good on you - and obviously tracks like Mel Britt don't fit into your present scheme.

But there is no need to belittle another lads view, which is what your above post has just done.

Posted (edited)

I think I've just bit and fell for a bit of my own haven't I?

Apologies hehe.

(Read the posts, read the posts, read the posts!)

Yes you did mate.

Apologies accepted.

It was very TIC and I reckon you'd be one of the last to keep on playing the Casino Classics series for the rest of your life!



Edited by Sean Hampsey

Yes you did mate.

Apologies accepted.

It was very TIC and I reckon you'd be one of the last to keep on playing the Casino Classics series for the rest of your life!



I am on bended knee mate and they are blush-red too.

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