Suinoz Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 moddy said: Well come on it all sounds a bit unbelievable doesn't it,work it out, 1500 people 15 quid a ticket, £22,500, Anthony n boys fee ops around 18,000 English pounds orchestra fee cost of hire of venue, then u got ruby and falcons fee oh ye thats not forgetting all flights and hotels for all, funny how suddenly falcons not coming, why not be honest and say its cos they cant afford them now, I for one would love to see little Anthony but to say they have been on the cards a long time i think not, or they could have charged a lot more and i 4 one would have paid double what the tickets are to see them, its been a last min booking, and this i know for sure. So what i was trying to say was were they just hanging on to the falcons in case it all fell through and to be honest up until i spoke to Clarence and Eric on Thursday evening nothing was signed.Oh and the fact they can sell another 1500 tickets so people can watch on big screens how would that work then I say well done to Tracy and Andy if they manage this and i truly hope they do but i think it could have been done with a lot more professionalism and organization thats all UNBELIEVABLE OR NOT, IT'S GOING AHEAD SO GET YOUR TICKETS BOOKED OR YOUR GONNA MISS OUT ON THE BEST ALLDAYER OF 2009. GOOD ON YERS TRACY AND ANDY FOR HAVING THE CAHONNAS TO PUT IT ON. HOW MANY SLEEPS TILL THE BIG BIRD IN THE SKY WHIZZES ME TO OLD BLIGHTY ???? CAN'T WAIT!! See yas real soon, Tony T BONE. The Aussie Invader. Spreading the faith down under.
Jumpinjoan Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 Fatius Bumius said: Well as I see it, if they had come on here and said 'Sorry No Falcons' folks would have been asking more questions than are being asked now and probably asking for a refund. Come on here and say 'Sorry No Falcons but we have Little Anthony & The Imperials instead'. The price of the tickets was set at £15 before LA joined the line up, it's not very professional to put the price up to £20/£30 is it ? Everything in place and set in stone seems a better move before announcing any changes. 1500 ticket sales, could potentially sell 3000 to fill the whole venue, but then a lot wouldn't get to see the live artists, BUT....not everyone likes/wants to see live artists. 3000 tickets sales and the show being relayed on big screens in the other rooms could have worked......and then maybe folks would stop asking questions on how the promoters were going to foot the bill Are the tickets for those who aren't interested in seeing the live act going to be cheaper then? Like you have so rightly said. Not everyone likes/wants to see live artists. Maybe if you have a two tier pricing system a: you might sell more tickets b: you might avoid a riot if you end up selling more tickets than the amount of people who can actually see the live act 'live'. I know if I had forked out £15 for a ticket, only to find out on the day that I couldn't actually get in to see the live act, I would be mighty pissed off. And no amount of TV screens in the other rooms would make up for that fact. Not if I had paid the same amount as those people in the main room.
Speedlimit Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 I,ve known Andy and Tracey for years they aint out to rip people off their 100% genuine they aint even out to make money just to put on what's gonna be the best alldayer of 2009 , Now if people i nthe past have tried for LAI and failed then that's tuff .It seems that one or two people seem a little jealous because they aint had the balls to do what andy and tracey have . i,ve put on events in the past and lost big time and i can tell you now these guy's have stumped a lot of cash out up front to get this event up and running so come on people get your tickets and stop grumbling yeah you many not have the falcons but LAI is just as good and i for one cant wait
Guest Fatius Bumius Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 jumpinjoan said: Are the tickets for those who aren't interested in seeing the live act going to be cheaper then? As far as I'm aware, dated this day 9th March 2009, tickets are allocated @ 1500 so everyone can see the live artists. Like you have so rightly said. Not everyone likes/wants to see live artists. Maybe if you have a two tier pricing system Something that could maybe have worked in the early days of getting this mammoth event off the ground before the demand to see Little Anthony & The Imperials. To police the admission of folks to see the live acts in the main room would take at least an hour, removing those without the higher priced tickets would mean emptying the building and making everyone come back in, show their tickets, and be sent to an appropriate room while those with full price tickets watched the show. DJ's themselves who would want to see LAI wouldn't want to be DJ'ing in another room entertaining those who hadn't paid to see the live acts. In the beginning, 1500 tickets was adequate for the all dayer and the live acts appearing at the time and everything was sorted out based on that. Since Little Anthony and The Imperials have been added to the line up, demand for tickets has increased, selling fast, if you want one, I'd get one now. a: you might sell more tickets 99% possibly? Who knows ? At £15 a ticket it's great value for money, Little Anthony or no Little Anthony don't you agree? b: you might avoid a riot if you end up selling more tickets than the amount of people who can actually see the live act 'live'. The venue holds 3000, but for health and safety limits, i.e. the movement of people between rooms at any particular time, and the evacuation of the building in the event of fire or some other disaster....3000 folks is a lot to move safely. Take another big event, i.e. Prestatyn. Sales, what ? 2500 people these days? From my experience of Prestatyn, when 2000 attended, the other rooms didn't close to enable all who had bought a ticket to go and watch the live bands at midnight in the main arena. If all those who had bought a ticket stampeded into the main arena to watch the live acts, they wouldn't all physically fit them all in the main room. What if all those buying tickets DID want to go an watch the live acts? At a guess, Prestatyn main area would hold 1800 and it would be rammed to the rafters. How miffed will you be if you don't get to see The Volumes because everyone has piled into the main arena? I know if I had forked out £15 for a ticket, only to find out on the day that I couldn't actually get in to see the live act, I would be mighty pissed off. And so would a lot of other people. I'll be one of the first to jump up and down screaming if I couldn't get in to see LA&I. And no amount of TV screens in the other rooms would make up for that fact. Not if I had paid the same amount as those people in the main room. The TV screens in another room wasn't the idea of the promoters. If i've got any of the above answers wrong, I'm sure I'll be back on here to inform you of any changes.
Guest Fatius Bumius Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 speedlimit said: I,ve known Andy and Tracey for years they aint out to rip people off their 100% genuine they aint even out to make money just to put on what's gonna be the best alldayer of 2009 , Now if people i nthe past have tried for LAI and failed then that's tuff .It seems that one or two people seem a little jealous because they aint had the balls to do what andy and tracey have . i,ve put on events in the past and lost big time and i can tell you now these guy's have stumped a lot of cash out up front to get this event up and running so come on people get your tickets and stop grumbling yeah you many not have the falcons but LAI is just as good and i for one cant wait Well said that man
Guest TONY ROUNCE Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 (edited) Before I book tickets - which I'll do today if I get the answer I'm looking for - can the promoters categorically assure me that I will not drive the 600 mile round trip on Easter Monday, only to be told that I have to watch Anthony and the group on a 'giant TV screen'? A couple of doo-wop loving, near septuagenarian pals of mine are keen to come with me, but they will have no interest in the 'records' part of the dance, just the live acts. They will be happy to stand anywhere in the room as long as they actually see LAI in person rather than on TV. As will I, so if someone can promise that we'll all see the group and not a televisual representation of them if we get in the venue early enough, you've just sold another four tickets... Edited March 9, 2009 by TONY ROUNCE
Speedlimit Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 TONY ROUNCE said: Before I book tickets - which I'll do today if I get the answer I'm looking for - can the promoters categorically assure me that I will not drive the 600 mile round trip on Easter Monday, only to be told that I have to watch Anthony and the group on a 'giant TV screen'? A couple of doo-wop loving, near septuagenarian pals of mine are keen to come with me, but they will have no interest in the 'records' part of the dance, just the live acts. They will be happy to stand anywhere in the room as long as they actually see LAI in person rather than on TV. As will I, so if someone can promise that we'll all see the group and not a televisual representation of them if we get in the venue early enough, you've just sold another four tickets... tony get your tickets mate as i understand it the tv's where only mentioned as a after thought by someone and i dont think they will be used as the main ball room holds 1500 .
Guest Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 speedlimit said: tony get your tickets mate as i understand it the tv's where only mentioned as a after thought by someone and i dont think they will be used as the main ball room holds 1500 . THANKS STEVE............ thats correct...... Tracey n Andy
Jumpinjoan Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 (edited) Fatius Bumius said: If i've got any of the above answers wrong, I'm sure I'll be back on here to inform you of any changes. Are you one of the promoters then? Sure as hell looks like it. You are the only person answering anyone's questions Oh... and are you saying that once you've sold your 1500 tickets that's it? Edited March 9, 2009 by jumpinjoan
BlueWail Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 Im going down to nottingham to the alldayer The worst thing that can happen is that i will spend the day at an alldayer that has cost me £15 plus travel costs
Jumpinjoan Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 Darren said: Im going down to nottingham to the alldayer The worst thing that can happen is that i will spend the day at an alldayer that has cost me £15 plus travel costs That's very magnanimous of you Darren. There will however be a lot of folk a bit miffed if they've paid £15 for a ticket and they aren't one of the 'lucky' 1500 who get to see the main man in the flesh so to speak.
Mak Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 (edited) Why all the back biting , someone has had the balls to organise an event that many have tried and fail to do before. We all have to choices , you either go or you stay away and shut up and maybe regret your choice for the rest of your life. i for one have a ticket , not just to see the live acts but to enjoy myself and be part of a reunion of something I never got to do (Palais after my time) . I don't care if Frank Plank And the Splinters are on i will support it .I must say you have to admire the balls of Tracey and Andy , well not on Tracey .....and certainly not Andys , I think I've said enough Edited March 9, 2009 by MAK
Jumpinjoan Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 MAK said: Why all the back biting , someone has had the balls to organise an event that many have tried and fail to do before. We all have to choices , you either go or you stay away and shut up and maybe regret your choice for the rest of your life. i for one have a ticket , not just to see the live acts but to enjoy myself and be part of a reunion of something I never got to do (Palais after my time) . I don't care if Frank Plank And the Splinters are on i will support it .I must say you have to admire the balls of Tracey and Andy , well on Traceys .....and certainly not Andys , I think I've said enough I for one am not 'back biting' as you put it. I have asked perfectly valid questions. I am not attending this event but I have friends who have tickets and they are genuinely concerned about whether they will get to see the live act. Are you saying those concerns should not be raised?
Mak Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 (edited) jumpinjoan said: I for one am not 'back biting' as you put it. I have asked perfectly valid questions. I am not attending this event but I have friends who have tickets and they are genuinely concerned about whether they will get to see the live act. Are you saying those concerns should not be raised? sorry Joan my comment was'nt aimed at you or any one person . the truth is the slagging off is not restricted to this site . I will hold my hands up and be totally honest , when the promoters first entered the scene I was more than just a little unsure about there past involvment , then I thought hey so what here are to people who are working there shitters to the ground, surely thet deserve a little credit . after all they are not even professional promoters ,just a couple who want to put the ideas of others into action Yes Joan your question IS perfectly valid , and maybe Andy and Tracey should give a final notification as to what is or is not happening Edited March 9, 2009 by MAK
Guest Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 Fatius Bumius said: If i've got any of the above answers wrong, I'm sure I'll be back on here to inform you of any changes. FROM WHAT I CAN SEE YOU HAVEN'T ANSWERED ANY QUESTIONS STRAIGHTFORWARDLY AT ALL. SOLD MY TICKET ON. I'LL GO SOMEWHERE WHERE IT DOES AS IT SAYS ON THE TIN (OR IN THIS CASE ON THE TICKET)
Guest Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 just wondered why, when folk have asked perefectly reasonable questions, all they get is and sarcastic answers, you cant blame people for being a bit wary, these promoters have never staged anything like this before and, if the numbers at the Brit are anything to go by, they havent dealt with the amount of folk they are trying to cater for on the day, all people want is to be told whats happening with no "eye rolling", which i thought, if youre trying to get folk to your venue, was rather rude, then, when theyve got the facts, you can leave them to decide themselves
TOAD Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 baby cakes said: just wondered why, when folk have asked perefectly reasonable questions, all they get is and sarcastic answers, you cant blame people for being a bit wary, these promoters have never staged anything like this before and, if the numbers at the Brit are anything to go by, they havent dealt with the amount of folk they are trying to cater for on the day, all people want is to be told whats happening with no "eye rolling", which i thought, if youre trying to get folk to your venue, was rather rude, then, when theyve got the facts, you can leave them to decide themselves WHATS MORE IS ALL THE USELESS REMARKES AND NO SIGN OF THE PROMOTERS FOR DAYS JUST THERE MATES ANSWERING FOR THEM
Guest Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 TOAD said: WHATS MORE IS ALL THE USELESS REMARKES AND NO SIGN OF THE PROMOTERS FOR DAYS JUST THERE MATES ANSWERING FOR THEM Hi Tim, Maybe, just maybe they have jobs/a life... and don't spend all their time sat in front of a computer like some of us do (myself included) . I've just read through most of this thread and IMO people are being pretty harsh on the promoters.... 1. Falcons not appearing as originaly advertised, replaced by Little A...ok bit annoying if you bought a ticket purely to see the Falcons. Doesn't matter why Falcons are not on (thats between them and the promoters) and surely Little A is a suitable replacement??? 2. TV no point did either of the promoters say they were going to do this! 3. Tickets...seems pretty obvious that there are 1500 tickets available and once sold there won't be anymore, it seems they have limited the tickets to this amount so that every punter will be able to watch the live acts and nobody will be disappointed at missing out.. Ticket only event is clearly stated so no pay at the door entrance, that seemed fairly clear to me as well. I can only guess at the amount of work involved in putting smething like this on and it's probably a steep learning curve but there doesn't seem to any dodgy or underhand stuff going on so why all the aggresive comments?? OK there will always be genuine questions/concerns for those who have paid/are thinking about paying and of course there is nothing wrong in asking those questions but on this thread some of those asking the questions are (again IMO) doing it in a very hostile manner. Tim, if you want answers to your questions and are unhappy that the promoters have not been on this thread to answer them....why don't you phone/email them and ask?? Details for contacting them are there for you to use. Adam. PS. You coming to Move On in Cov on the 27th Tim? Don't think there's a closer venue for you and would be nice to say hello
Guest Bogue Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 soul45er said: Hi Tim, Maybe, just maybe they have jobs/a life... and don't spend all their time sat in front of a computer like some of us do (myself included) Or maybe there is a gap in the market for Toad glasses .....see post 165 at 1:09pm today... amongst many others.
Guest Fatius Bumius Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Hi Toad If you look at post #165 by Bettyboop, (promoter), she has confirmed what speedlimit has put. The show won't be shown on TV screens.
TOAD Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Bogue said: Or maybe there is a gap in the market for Toad glasses .....see post 165 at 1:09pm today... amongst many others. NO NEED FOR INSULTS
moddy Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I don't think there is any back biting, just serious and valid concerns from genuine soul fans and indeed, LAI fans. There were many events that we could have gone to on Easter Monday but we chose the LAI because we want to see them as it is an opportunity we couldn't miss. We, like many others though, have concerns. Why wasn't the event planned further in advance. Why wasn't it confirmed with the group sooner and why wasn't it publicised to maximize ticket sales which would be both beneficial to not only the appearing artists, but also the promoters. promoters who put on events of this magnitude, and believe me, this is as big as it gets, would have had this organised 8 to 12 months inadvance. Messrs Searling, Roberts, Grady and the Prestatyn crew work from year to year, not a few weeks. Advertising in magazines, flyers and pre event tickets are there for all to see and buy months in advance. Admittedly, this is a new and maybe one off event, even more of a case of cross the t's and dot the i's before even mentioning anything. If you live in the Nottingham area, it is 15 quid and a bit of beer money. For those traveling from further afield, anywhere else in the UK and indeed, as in T Bones case, from Oz, its far more than 15 quid. 2 tickets for us, a hotel, petrol and beer money makes for an expensive day out compared to what we would have spent going to a local event. Nothing would give us more pleasure than seeing the legendary group in action for the first time in 30 years as far as a European audience is concerned. I hope, for them and the fee paying public it is up to expectations. I can think of nothing worse than a group coming over here and being disappointed with the organization and response that they never return when their appearance could have been so different. Hopefully it won't be that way and we will all get to witness something that compares to OR even exceeds the Dells at Trentham. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that should have been set in concrete months ago and would not have generated the negativity and questions it has. We will be there and we will enjoy the whole LAI experience, as will everyone who has booked tickets, I'm sure. MAK said: Why all the back biting , someone has had the balls to organise an event that many have tried and fail to do before. We all have to choices , you either go or you stay away and shut up and maybe regret your choice for the rest of your life. i for one have a ticket , not just to see the live acts but to enjoy myself and be part of a reunion of something I never got to do (Palais after my time) . I don't care if Frank Plank And the Splinters are on i will support it .I must say you have to admire the balls of Tracey and Andy , well not on Tracey .....and certainly not Andys , I think I've said enough
Guest Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 TOAD said: NO ONES BEING HARSH AT THE PROMOTERS JUST STUPID STATEMENTS FROM SOME AND ANYONE WHOS ASKED QUESTIONS HAVENT BEEN ANSWERED DIRECTLY PROMOTING A LARGE EVENT IS HARD WORK AND QUESTIONS ARE BETTER OFF ANSWERED BY THE PROMOTERS AS FOR COV SORRY DONT LIKE RNB AND DO LIKE 7TS STUFF BUT GOOD LUCK WITH IT Well I'd say that your comment you made earlier in this thread could be thought of as being harsh.... TOAD said: ive been asked by pm not to be too harsh THIS IS A BIG CON TO SELL MORE TICKETS IMO As for Cov, it's a Northern and RnB night underplayed and lesser known spins and although the focus is on 60s stuff there's no ban on 70s and we do play a few quality 70s. Why don't you come as my guest on the 27th and you can see/hear for yourself? Past my bedtime now...... Adam.
Guest Bogue Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 (edited) TOAD said: NO NEED FOR INSULTS was a light hearted observation... maybe it might be better if you didn't behave like one of those when posting up your accusations of something they were very obviously not guilty of ! Get the impression some people would just love it all to fail ! I just don't get all the sniping & griping ? £10 entry seems the going rate for a Nighter/ that means people are paying £5 for the acts !....IMO it wouldn't be bad going to charge that for just for Ruby ! Hardly looks like they are trying to rip people off ! Strikes me some people are just sore at what it appears they have achieved. I dunno...I get more disillusioned by the stuff that surrounds this music by the day ! Edited March 10, 2009 by Bogue
Guest Bogue Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 (edited) TOAD said: GET A GRIP ON THIS SOME HAVE TRIED TO GIVE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISIM MY JOKE WAS JUST THAT IE I'LL LEAVE IT AT THAT NO NEED TO GIVE ME FLACK YOU PAYS YOUR MONEY ITS YOUR CHOICE Both forgot our smileys. Think you got it right with the last bit though And if it all does go t*ts up then is perhaps the time to give them hell. Anyhow... wish I was goooin' Edited March 10, 2009 by Bogue
Suinoz Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Bogue said: Both forgot our smileys. Think you got it right with the last bit though And if it all does go t*ts up then is perhaps the time to give them hell. Anyhow... wish I was goooin' OVER 5000 LOOKY LOOKY'S NOW. SOME FOLK ARE GONNA BE UPSET THEY DID'NT GET THEIR TICKETS EARLIER. TEARS OF A CLOWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up Tracy and Andy. T BONE. OZ. K.T.F.
Guest mel brat Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Fatius Bumius said: What a voice! ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />
Madmandy Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 (edited) TOAD said: NO ONES BEING HARSH AT THE PROMOTERS JUST STUPID STATEMENTS FROM SOME AND ANYONE WHOS ASKED QUESTIONS HAVENT BEEN ANSWERED DIRECTLY PROMOTING A LARGE EVENT IS HARD WORK AND QUESTIONS ARE BETTER OFF ANSWERED BY THE PROMOTERS AS FOR COV SORRY DONT LIKE RNB AND DO LIKE 7TS STUFF BUT GOOD LUCK WITH IT Toad answered your own question mate... They aren't here to answer questions because quote " PROMOTING A LARGE EVENT IS HARD WORK" They probably don't have time to come on here and answer EVERY question as they also promote other venues. How many other promoters are constantly on here answering questions about the ins and outs of a dogs bum??? Not many I would think ..mainly because its their business to do the work behind the scenes so the event can run smoothly At a guess I would say Moddy promotes a venue as his response is all about the money side of it and thats no ones business but the promoters and the acts involved I'm sure he wouldn't want people knowing his business. I for one shall be front row and centre for this event my n/s roots started at this venue as did many other peoples who have also bought tickets regardless. I paid my money for my ticket well in advance of DJ line up acts etc Because I have faith ... I'm still keeping mine and even if there were no live acts I will still be there as I know there will be many quality Djs on the line up to keep all of the soul genres happy Toad ...just a small request from me ...please take your caps lock off as you look like you are angry all the time Regards Mand Edited March 10, 2009 by Madmandy
Jumpinjoan Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 soul45er said: Hi Tim, Maybe, just maybe they have jobs/a life... and don't spend all their time sat in front of a computer like some of us do (myself included) . I've just read through most of this thread and IMO people are being pretty harsh on the promoters.... 1. Falcons not appearing as originaly advertised, replaced by Little A...ok bit annoying if you bought a ticket purely to see the Falcons. Doesn't matter why Falcons are not on (thats between them and the promoters) and surely Little A is a suitable replacement??? 2. TV no point did either of the promoters say they were going to do this! 3. Tickets...seems pretty obvious that there are 1500 tickets available and once sold there won't be anymore, it seems they have limited the tickets to this amount so that every punter will be able to watch the live acts and nobody will be disappointed at missing out.. Ticket only event is clearly stated so no pay at the door entrance, that seemed fairly clear to me as well. I can only guess at the amount of work involved in putting smething like this on and it's probably a steep learning curve but there doesn't seem to any dodgy or underhand stuff going on so why all the aggresive comments?? OK there will always be genuine questions/concerns for those who have paid/are thinking about paying and of course there is nothing wrong in asking those questions but on this thread some of those asking the questions are (again IMO) doing it in a very hostile manner. Tim, if you want answers to your questions and are unhappy that the promoters have not been on this thread to answer them....why don't you phone/email them and ask?? Details for contacting them are there for you to use. Adam. PS. You coming to Move On in Cov on the 27th Tim? Don't think there's a closer venue for you and would be nice to say hello Jeez... you ask a question and all you get are people who claim they have absolutely nothing to do with the event coming on and answering questions that have bugger all to do with them. Not only that, they are just 'guessing' at the answer! Surely it is the job of the promoters of the event to come on here and answer any questions about the event they are running and not Fatius Bumius, Speedlimit, soul45er, T BONE. OZ. K.T.F. or whoever? And as for the bit about them having full time jobs? Well maybe they shouldn't have taken on such a mammoth undertaking if they weren't going to have the time to do it properly? And that's not a 'dig' before you all start. Just common sense. This thread is starting to remind me of another on here, you can post on it by all means, just as long as what you say is all sweetness and light. But heaven help you if you dare to question the powers that be
Guest Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 jumpinjoan said: Jeez... you ask a question and all you get are people who claim they have absolutely nothing to do with the event coming on and answering questions that have bugger all to do with them. Not only that, they are just 'guessing' at the answer! Surely it is the job of the promoters of the event to come on here and answer any questions about the event they are running and not Fatius Bumius, Speedlimit, soul45er, T BONE. OZ. K.T.F. or whoever? And as for the bit about them having full time jobs? Well maybe they shouldn't have taken on such a mammoth undertaking if they weren't going to have the time to do it properly? And that's not a 'dig' before you all start. Just common sense. This thread is starting to remind me of another on here, you can post on it by all means, just as long as what you say is all sweetness and light. But heaven help you if you dare to question the powers that be Hi Joan, like I said I think it's right that people will want to ask questions about the's just that the tone of some of these questions seems overly aggresive. I haven't tried to guess any answers, I've just summed up the answers that have already been given by the promoters as some people seem to have missed them and keep asking the same questions. I'm sure that if you want to know anything then the promoters will be more than happy to answer any of your questions if you give them a call or email. Personally I don't think that everything posted has to be 'sweetness and light' but neither do some of the people asking questions need to be so hostile and negative in their posts. This is my last post on this subject, I'm not involved in the promotion of this event and was just trying to put across my views about how the thread was degenerating into a bit of a slagging that I don't eally want to get involved in! Adam.
Jumpinjoan Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 soul45er said: I'm sure that if you want to know anything then the promoters will be more than happy to answer any of your questions if you give them a call or email. Why should I have to ring them up Adam? They are advertising their event on here so why shouldn't any questions be asked on here? As for being more than happy to answer any questions, all I got when I asked if the Falcons would still be appearing was
Guest Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 (edited) jumpinjoan said: Why should I have to ring them up Adam? They are advertising their event on here so why shouldn't any questions be asked on here? As for being more than happy to answer any questions, all I got when I asked if the Falcons would still be appearing was WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY I AIN'T GOING. WHY SHOULD I WASTE MY HARD EARNED MONEY WHEN A FEW SIMPLE QUESTIONS ARE NOT BOTHERED TO BE ANSWERED. IF THE PROMOTERS CAN'T BE BOTHERED, NEITHER CAN I Edited March 10, 2009 by The Joker
Guest TONY ROUNCE Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Bettyboop said: THANKS STEVE............ thats correct...... Tracey n Andy I did PM you in response to your own PM, to ask if you had any idea what time you'd be putting them on, as I have to make the decision between driving up/ taking the train, and I want to know if they'll be on in time for me and my party to get the last train back from Nottingham to London. If they're not, and I decide to 'train it' and stay over, I'd like to be able to make that decision now so that I can get on with booking a hotel and train tickets. I've not had a reply to the PM, so I'm hoping you can put that info up here for one and all to see. It's pretty relevant to all of us who have to come some way, after all.... Ta TONE
45cellar Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 TONY ROUNCE said: I did PM you in response to your own PM, to ask if you had any idea what time you'd be putting them on, as I have to make the decision between driving up/ taking the train, and I want to know if they'll be on in time for me and my party to get the last train back from Nottingham to London. If they're not, and I decide to 'train it' and stay over, I'd like to be able to make that decision now so that I can get on with booking a hotel and train tickets. I've not had a reply to the PM, so I'm hoping you can put that info up here for one and all to see. It's pretty relevant to all of us who have to come some way, after all.... Ta TONE As Much As I Would Dearly Love To See Them, You Are Right Tony, Decisions Have To Be Based On Information Given. At The Moment I Am At Work Sunday Night / Monday Night etc, However, I Could Look To Booking Time Off. Just Wish A Little More Information Was Available, Such As You Have Requested, Times etc. I May Miss The Chance Regards Tickets Meanwhile, But Confused As To Why Such Questions Are Not Answered.
Guest Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 OK - I'm a newbie here - but at the request of Tracey and Andy decided to join to voice my thoughts on LAI coming to the UK to play their event. NO - I am not one of the promoters - but I am in the groups touring band - and the group is looking forward to coming to the UK. YES - there are lots of details that go into planning an event like this and it's not something that JUST happened. Tracey and Andy contacted us before the holidays but there were lots of logistics to be looked at and such before arrangements could start to become finalized. They are taking on something HUGE - and should be commended for doing so. Granted - if they were full time promoters they may have handled some things better - but they are a couple that LOVES soul music that had a dream about bringing LAI to the UK and are working very hard to make it happen. As for the 'TV simulcast' idea - that came from me. I got the idea from the R&R Hall of Fame. The tickets for the induction ceremony sold out in 3 hours - so they decided to offer tickets to watch the event live on screens at the Hall of Fame for a discounted price. It was just a suggestion - but it seems like Tracey and Andy want to limit the tickets to 1,500. to be sure that anyone that has one of those 1,500 tickets is in th eroom where the group will be playing. Whether or not they decide to add tickets for a simulcast is up to them. They are also working on arranging a 'meet & greet' with the band where fans will have a chance to get signed CD's and / or pictures. They have made us aware of some of the songs that are popular in the UK that we haven't done here in the US and we're working on adding some of those to the show. We're hoping this will be our FIRST trip of many 'accross the pond' and we thank Tracey and Andy for helping to make it happen. We would love to return to the UK and we are looking forward to hitting more parts of Europe as well. Jason from THERE'S THAT BEAT magazine attended our show in Florida last weekend and did an interview with some of the guys. They also plan to review the new CD and attend the show April 13 and then do a full story (possibly a COVER story) on the group. We're trying to line up other 'surprises' as well too. No matter what though - it will be a memorable event. To us and them - it's about getting the group there to PERFORM FOR THE FANS. It is something HUGE they are doing - especially since they are NOT 'promoters'... but kudos to them for having the courage and integrity to put themselves on the line the way they have. I look forward to playing for and meeting many of you soon - and will try to post more 'promotional tidbits' soon. Thanx Eric Mauriello LAI touring bassist
Ian Parker Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 as a drummer, would it be possible to play on a couple of tracks during the show? seriously though, i have tickets, im looking forward to this event immensely and im thrilled to be going back to the venue that i first stepped foot in on the first sunday of february, 1979 (15 yrs old). many thanks to the promoters for putting this together, see you there !
Guest TONY ROUNCE Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 45cellar said: As Much As I Would Dearly Love To See Them, You Are Right Tony, Decisions Have To Be Based On Information Given. At The Moment I Am At Work Sunday Night / Monday Night etc, However, I Could Look To Booking Time Off. Just Wish A Little More Information Was Available, Such As You Have Requested, Times etc. I May Miss The Chance Regards Tickets Meanwhile, But Confused As To Why Such Questions Are Not Answered. Tracey & Andy have come back to me to say that they're going to try to get the group on at around 7PM. That works for me and my geriatrics, so I'll get on with booking those tickets! Hope you can also make it, Rog'....
Guest nubes Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 TONY ROUNCE said: Tracey & Andy have come back to me to say that they're going to try to get the group on at around 7PM. That works for me and my geriatrics, so I'll get on with booking those tickets! Hope you can also make it, Rog'.... How many tickets Tone ???...Delxxxx
Guest TONY ROUNCE Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 (edited) nubian75soulsis said: How many tickets Tone ???...Delxxxx Four at the moment, Del, I can't afford to buy one for you as well, if that;s what you're angling for! Edited March 11, 2009 by TONY ROUNCE
45cellar Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 TONY ROUNCE said: Tracey & Andy have come back to me to say that they're going to try to get the group on at around 7PM. That works for me and my geriatrics, so I'll get on with booking those tickets! Hope you can also make it, Rog'.... Thanks Tony Hoping To Be There.
Philly Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 LAI promo said: OK - I'm a newbie here - but at the request of Tracey and Andy decided to join to voice my thoughts on LAI coming to the UK to play their event. NO - I am not one of the promoters - but I am in the groups touring band - and the group is looking forward to coming to the UK. YES - there are lots of details that go into planning an event like this and it's not something that JUST happened. Tracey and Andy contacted us before the holidays but there were lots of logistics to be looked at and such before arrangements could start to become finalized. They are taking on something HUGE - and should be commended for doing so. Granted - if they were full time promoters they may have handled some things better - but they are a couple that LOVES soul music that had a dream about bringing LAI to the UK and are working very hard to make it happen. As for the 'TV simulcast' idea - that came from me. I got the idea from the R&R Hall of Fame. The tickets for the induction ceremony sold out in 3 hours - so they decided to offer tickets to watch the event live on screens at the Hall of Fame for a discounted price. It was just a suggestion - but it seems like Tracey and Andy want to limit the tickets to 1,500. to be sure that anyone that has one of those 1,500 tickets is in th eroom where the group will be playing. Whether or not they decide to add tickets for a simulcast is up to them. They are also working on arranging a 'meet & greet' with the band where fans will have a chance to get signed CD's and / or pictures. They have made us aware of some of the songs that are popular in the UK that we haven't done here in the US and we're working on adding some of those to the show. We're hoping this will be our FIRST trip of many 'accross the pond' and we thank Tracey and Andy for helping to make it happen. We would love to return to the UK and we are looking forward to hitting more parts of Europe as well. Jason from THERE'S THAT BEAT magazine attended our show in Florida last weekend and did an interview with some of the guys. They also plan to review the new CD and attend the show April 13 and then do a full story (possibly a COVER story) on the group. We're trying to line up other 'surprises' as well too. No matter what though - it will be a memorable event. To us and them - it's about getting the group there to PERFORM FOR THE FANS. It is something HUGE they are doing - especially since they are NOT 'promoters'... but kudos to them for having the courage and integrity to put themselves on the line the way they have. I look forward to playing for and meeting many of you soon - and will try to post more 'promotional tidbits' soon. Thanx Eric Mauriello LAI touring bassist Very well put Eric, am sure people on this site will now have the answers they are looking for, if not, they could always re read the thread, all the answers ARE there. See you on the 13th. Kind regards Phyllis
Madmandy Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 (edited) Hi Eric I already have my tickets for this event Hope to meet you all on the day Looking forward to it Mand Also congratulations on your induction into the Rock and Roll hall of fame Edited March 11, 2009 by Madmandy
Philly Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 Madmandy said: Hi Eric I already have my tickets for this event Hope to meet you all on the day Looking forward to it Mand Also congratulations on your enduction into the Rock and Roll hall of fame Oooops forgot to add....... all you Scottish Sourcers..... Tickets are going, have only a small stash left, so be quick before they are all GONE. You can PM or Email me Philly
Guest nubes Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 TONY ROUNCE said: Four at the moment, Del, I can't afford to buy one for you as well, if that;s what you're angling for! No i am just saying ..if you ar buying then i am supplying ...PM me okay hun.....Delxxxxx
Guest TONY ROUNCE Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 nubian75soulsis said: ...PM me okay hun.....Delxxxxx ...I have! ToneXXX
Guest Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 (edited) TICKETS ARE STILL AVAILABLE............. BE QUICK THOUGH............. there are only 1500 available..... PAYPAL IS NOW please add £1 for Post & packaging............ OR EMAIL to pay via cheque..... Edited March 11, 2009 by Bettyboop
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